
How to Keep Learning (Outside of School)

I’ve been toying with the idea of going back to school. Part of the itch is that I’m seeing all my friends from school starting graduate programs, and the other part is that, four years out of school, I think I finally miss the classroom setting. (It did take a solid four years for me…


Tote Roundup

I hate to say these words, but school is just around the corner… and first jobs, and internships, and fall. Which makes it the perfect time for a new tote. As much as I love my purses, I’m such a sucker for a good tote bag. Even though I mostly work from home, totes are crucial when I travel into the city slash when I need to create a “mobile office.”

I rounded up the best totes I could find:


On My Radar

This week was really hard to get into after such an amazing weekend. While I do love to get back into a routine, I had the best time with my family and our friends on the Cape. Seriously, friends like the Driscolls are what make life extra sweet. Here’s what has been on my radar…


Carrick-a-Rede Rope Bridge

The Carrick-a-Rede Rope Bridge was one of my top three stops during the entire trip. If you’re making your way to Ireland, I would definitely not skip over Northern Ireland. We lucked out with the weather and had a gorgeous morning crossing the rope bridge and exploring the grounds. The light was surreal and the water was crystal clear.

Yellow Raincoat (similar coat) // Sweater // White Jeans // Navy Hunters // Longchamp Backpack // Gingham Neck Scarf (40% off)


Surprise Party

As I mentioned in today’s first post, the real motive behind our Cape Cod trip was to help my friends throw their parents a surprise anniversary party. There are no words for how perfect it ended up being. The whole day was a blur in preparation, but it ended up going off without a hitch….


Nantucket for the Day

This weekend was one of the best ones ever. My family flew into town Thursday night and we went out to a late dinner (complete with giant cones of gelato and lobster tacos). The four of us packed up my car to head up to our friends’ house on the Cape.

The eight of us decided to take the ferry over to Nantucket early Sunday morning to spend the day there before heading back for a casual dinner back at their house. It was my sister and parents’ first time and we had a blast. Honestly, all of us could have a great time if we were in the middle of nowhere, but it doesn’t hurt to be somewhere as gorgeous as Nantucket.


Havenly Dorm Design

On one hand, I’m kind of glad Pinterest wasn’t around when I was heading off to college. How I wanted to decorate my dorm was largely imagined from what I saw on Facebook. But on the other hand, when I saw the perfectly decorated dorm rooms, I really wished I had done the same thing. I always felt like I was living in a dorm, instead of a cozy room I could call “home.”

Picking out cute bedding is as far as I could (can) get on my own. After college, I enlisted the help of Havenly to spruce up my NYC apartment. And when I moved to Connecticut, I used Havenly’s design services again for help with my living room design.

They have a new service right now for decorating dorm rooms and, um, the designs are perfect.


Summer Reading

I haven’t been doing as much reading as I normally like. I’m lucky if I can squeeze in ten pages before my eyes can’t stay open any longer before I go to bed. Even our vacations have been so go-go-go that it’s not like I’m sitting on a beach with a good book. (Now that…


How to Actually Step Outside of Your Comfort Zone

I love my comfort zone– leaving it makes me queasy. For better or for worse, though, it’s necessary for growth. Maxie and I have both supported each other (and been there for each other) as we ventured outside of our comfort zones. If you’re ready for a change or need a little push to get yourself to your next level, Maxie’s tips can help get you there.

Talk about a Maxie Monday Motivation