College Prepster Playlist No. 8

This is arguably the most bizarre playlist. Of all time. Go ahead and judge. I have been “tagging” songs on Shazam wherever I go. Some of the songs are totally random ones that I heard in coffee shops or cab rides. Others are old favorites (a couple are playlist repeats actually). A lot of them have so many memories intertwined with my personal history that the lyrics have taken on entirely new meanings.
(Isn’t that the beauty of music? It means different things, and even feels different, to everyone who listens to it.)
Okay, the songs are all over the place here. But half of them have been on repeat in my head. (Did you know that an earworm can refer to a song “stuck in your head”?)
One of the songs was one of my tap dances from elementary school!!! Can you guess what song it was? True story…. this was the picture (don’t laugh…) from the recital:

(Guess what happens to the tallest girl in the class? She gets the biggest costume, even if she’s a skinny mini.)
What songs are topping your own personal charts?
PS Here is Playlist No. 1 and No. 2 and No. 3 and No. 4 and No. 5 and No. 6 and No. 7.

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Caroline Heafey

I am completely on your music wavelength. All of these are either personal favorites or have been stuck in my head for the past week or so! Bizarre but great : )

Blake K.

My music taste is a little eclectic too, and my playlists for sure reflect that! Right now I'm on kind of a classic rock and folk kick!

