
Life Updates

Bah! One of the hardest parts about blogging in 2015 is figuring out what goes where. Is a photo pretty enough for Instagram? Is my phone dead and I can’t live-Snapchat something (add me: CollegePrepster)? Did I neglect Twitter for the day? Do I have enough content for an entire blog post?
I really do try my best to post the various snaps and whatnot everywhere, but sometimes things don’t quite make it onto social media. So I’m just going to take a stroll back to the pre-Instagram blogging days and share a few things that have been going on:

I’m so honored to be in the August issue of Teen Vogue. This is my second year on the Teen Vogue “InstaList.” I always have so much fun working with Teen Vogue and it’s definitely definitely a pinch me moment.

I’ve been reading up a storm lately. I typically read one book at a time, but for some reason I’ve been reading a handful at once. A little bit of everything. Here’s what I’ve recently read slash reading currently:

– Everybody Rise by Stephanie Clifford (more on this when it launches next month!)
– Beyond Belief: My Secret Life Inside Scientology and My Harrowing Escape
– Goodbye to All That: Writers on Loving and Leaving New York
– Stolen Innocence: My Story of Growing Up in a Polygamous Sect, Becoming a Teenage Bride, and Breaking Free of Warren Jeffs
The Ice Twins

It’s been so hot here in NYC. Even though I grew up in Florida, the heat in NYC is different and intense. Instead of hopping from air conditioned house to air conditioned car to air conditioned building and back again, we’re outside schlepping between hot apartments to sweltering subway platforms. Slurpees are especially irresistible on hot days. It’s a bad habit, but I can’t stop!

Garrett surprised me with a pair of Stubbs and Wootton slippers that I had been eyeing! Best surprise! I have hardly taken them off!


I’ve been having great luck with Drybar lately! Instead of doing curls, I’ve been asking for a straight blowout with volume and I swear it lasts twice as long and looks a lot better throughout the day. Then I can do my own curls on day 2! See below for a selfie I sent my mom hehe!
I got my hair done on Saturday morning because I was speaking on a panel for Her Campus’s summer conference. I had such a great time and loved getting to meet a ton of readers. Panels can be hit or miss and this one was definitely a hit! It’s especially nice to have an overflowing room with super engaged, motivated, and passionate young women. I left on a little bit of a Cloud Nine high from everyone’s enthusastic energy!
I have an outfit post coming up, but here’s a sneak peek of what I wore:
The other night, Gar and I were craving ice cream. Off to Emack and Bolio’s we went. I love the way their cones look, but on a super hot night, a banana boat (aka a three scoop banana split) is the only way to go!


I just had the best facial from Heyday… It’s like Drybar for facials. I think this is going to be a very, very dangerous habit. Super easy to make an appointment and at 30 minutes, it’s the perfect length for a quick (and necessary) facial. I felt relaxed and moisturized as I walked out!


Don’t forget you can find me on Snapchat (collegeprepster), Instagram, and Twitter for even more updates!

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Grace - The Stripe

Carly! I looooved Everybody Rise (finished it over the weekend) and am going to Heyday on Weds! Sounds like we are on the same page. What is this about a move?


I'm coming down there in a couple of weeks… Have you ever gone to the midtown east drybar? The reviews aren't great… trying to figure out if I should just go to the UES even though it's farther from my hotel.
