
10 THINGS Vol. 5

A bit of a stream of consciousness post again! Here are the first ten things that came to mind…

KINDLE // I think I may have talked about Kindle before. I used to have a Nook (do they even make those anymore?!) and absolutely loved it. Then I went back to reading “real” books. And now, I’m back to e-reading. I miss real books, but reading books on my phone is the best way to guarantee I’m going to read during the day. I always have my phone with me and I can read in the middle of the night while nursing or in bed with the lights off if I don’t want to wake Mike up. With that said…. I’ve been wondering if it’s worth investing in a Kindle. There are so many options!! Do I go with one that mimics “paper” (or at that point should I just go back to my beloved real books) or do I get one that I can read at night (or is it a waste to do what I’m essentially already doing on my phone). This is probably why I keep avoiding the Kindle. Also, there are so many Kindle options….

WEANING HORMONES // Holy hormones. Jack is eating more and more solid foods and he’s definitely consuming less milk. I think the hormones from weaning have been the worst part of “postpartum.” They’re intense!! I am terrified for when Jack is fully weaned. The more research I do, the more I realize just how “boosted” I’ve been from all the good breastfeeding hormones. I’m also just so confused by weaning in general. We’ll go, of course, to one year and then I’ll slowly start the weaning process I guess… But yea, dreading it!

FAKE JEWELRY // Before our trip to the Bahamas, I wanted to “invest” in fake jewelry so I wouldn’t have to travel with my ring and earrings. I wasn’t even really concerned about traveling with them, so much as being at the beach and getting in the ocean with them. I bought a fake ring and fake diamond studs…… I’m obsessed. If you look really closely, they’re clearly fake and they feel light, but wow, they look pretty dang good overall.

GROCERY SHOPPING // If you’ve been reading here for a while, you might remember how much I hated grocery shopping. I really can’t quite explain it but it overwhelms to an extreme. Except…. not anymore?! Who am I? I swear becoming a mom changed me 🤣 In so many ways, starting with the fact that I don’t hate grocery shopping now. I’ve got this whole grocery store shopping “routine” so to speak. I hit up different places on different days for different things… and look forward to it all. I know I’m very (very) late to this, but I’ve become kind of obsessed with going to Trader Joe’s. I’ve been loving trying new snacks, picking up produce and flowers, and getting lunch for home options. Nothing new, obviously, but just needed to share with the world that I GET IT NOW. (I also am really into getting all our pantry staples from Thrive Market… I place an order about every other week with all our faves.)

NAIL PAINTING // I hated painting my nails. Then got really into it. Then stopped for a while. Then got back into it… and then when the pandemic hit, I pretty much went cold turkey again (even my toes). I painted my nails for my wedding with a pale pink and that was about it. When I first had Jack, going to get a pedicure became my go-to little time for myself. I love my natural nails and kind of out of the blue I started getting really excited about having RED polish. Way more than the natural and a lot more than the pale pinks I tend to lean towards. I painted them for a few days and legitimately felt like a new woman. Such a tiny change, but it totally made me feel great!

SHARED NOTES ON IPHONE // Recently learned that you can share an iPhone note with someone else! My friend Riley and I started a shared note where we’re going to add recipes/foods/meals we’ve given our kiddos. We had been sharing via text, but it was hard to keep track. It’s so simple and a great way to coordinate with another person.

STANLEY CUP HYPE // I got one of the Stanley Cups. You know the tumbler that is everywhere on social media??? I was so curious what all the hype was about and I have to say, I do get why it’s a good cup, but it’s not that good. At least so far, it’s just like a Yeti with a handle. It’s HUGE, which is nice, but I wouldn’t bend over backwards to get one unless you 100% want one for the aesthetic. (Which, honestly… I get that if that’s what you’re going for!) I’ll keep you posted if I have some life changing epiphany over it 🤣

REELS // I am so over Reels on Instagram. It’s annoying as a content creator, sure, but more than anything I just hate what Instagram has become as a consumer. The videos I get served are so boring and I feel like they could have just been a caption (and often it’s just someone standing with a seven second video loop with text saying, “read the caption.”) I love TikTok right now and I just think it’s a better app for that kind of content and it’s just not working on Instagram. Anyone else?! Very glad I am still blogging. (I kind of think blogs will end up making a comeback when it becomes impossible to really follow specific people on IG vs just getting served random content…..) THOUGHTS.

FEELING GOOD // Hormones aside, maybe, just maybe, I’m starting to feel more comfortable in my own skin again. It is not a matter of bouncing back (after growing an almost nine pound baby for nine months and breastfeeding that baby), I know there’s no going “back.” I am so proud of my body, but it was a challenge for a while looking in the mirror and reconciling what I’m seeing with how I’m feeling. Well, I really do feel more comfortable now. And I’m realizing it’s less about how I look and more about how I genuinely feel. I think I just feel all-over more at ease.

TANS // Okay I know I just said I was feeling more comfortable in my skin. BUT… this is the time of year when I start feeling incredibly self conscious about my pale skin. I try so, so hard to embrace how it is, but most of the year I wear jeans and feel okay. More than anything, it’s my legs. They are just so white and I get self-conscious the minute I have to put on shorts or wear a short dress. Still resisting the self-tanner 50% because I’m lazy and 50% because I wish I saw more people with my skin tone not using it, too….

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I love my Kindle paperwhite! I’ve had mine since like 2013 and it’s still going strong. It’s the perfect combo of “paper”-like pages (so doesn’t feel like I’m reading on a screen) but it’s still backlit so I can read in the dark in bed. I have the Kindle app on my iPad but almost never use it because I much prefer reading on the paperwhite. I haven’t looked at them in a while but it looks like they now come with an “adjustable warm light” which sounds nice. I go back and forth between reading “real” books and on the Kindle but I love having it — you can send ebooks to it from the Libby app too which is what I do 99% of the time!

Brigid Devney-Rye

This is so helpful! I was debating about a Kindle because I hope to do some beach reading this summer. The paper white sounds great!


I wholeheartedly agree with this assessment! I was on the fence for years and now I can’t go back.


I came here to say the same thing!! You can have best of both worlds with the Paperwhite. Highly recommend as an on the go reader, night reader, beach reader…it’s my sidekick!


Kindle Paperwhite is the best, backlit when you want it to be, easy on the eyes, insane battery life, WATERPROOF, and free Libby library books! I got one so I could read one handed while breast-feeding. I never thought I would prefer it to normal books, but here we are. It’s the best!


Same, 100%! I love my Kindle paper white. I bought a couple of books as paperbacks this year and haven’t read them because my time to read is primarily in the dark while my husband is sleeping. I never thought I’d be a kindle convert.


Agreed the Kindle paperwhite is the best!!! I have the 11th gen (2021) with the warm light option and it’s so helpful for winding down/reading in bed!


Love your blog and have never commented before but had to on this one! One word of advice for the weaning process is to get your B12 levels checked! Mine plummeted after I weaned and were almost nonexistent which I guess can happen with BFing. I was having crazy dizzy spells that the doctors were calling vertigo and offering me medication but it turned out I got B12 shots and got it back up and it went away! I had never seen it talked about before but feel like all moms should know in case it happens to them!


You should most definitely get a Kindle! It seriously is a game changer. I couldn‘t imagine reading on my phone. Last year, I got one that has lighting and it‘s great for reading in the evening and if I wake up and can‘t sleep at night without waking up others (or even myself more because the lighting can be turned to a warm tone). So the paper-like look and background lighting (some models only have one mode of light which is quite cool toned) is something I would look out for. It is also amazing for vacations!


I used to like grocery shopping but these food prices are depressing! Not to mention, the cost of gas to get the food… yikes!

Good luck weaning! It’s hard but the freedom from nursing is so nice.


I also love my kindle paperwhite!! I love to read but with a 9mo old don’t have alot of time anymore, but it is perfect for the beach! Hoping to be able to squeeze in some reading before bed nowadays. Also, my PPA didn’t kick in until my supply dropped, all of the hormones wreek havoc! Take extra care of yourself !


How do you not have a kindle?!? They are best! I LOVE mine! You need one and please stop reading on your phone! Reading us such a good escape to get off your phone! I have the paper light- it’s perfect.

I am also over Reels, never watch them.

And I’m glad you are feeling good. Weaning hormones are also no joke.


Since becoming a mom in December I exclusively shop at Trader Joe’s, too funny!! The smaller layout makes it faster and feel fun somehow.


I LOVE @everydayreading on Instagram and she has a ton of info about kindles and which is right for you on her blog, etc. I think you would love her too you should check it out!


Get a Kindle! They’re worth it! I have the Paperwhite and love it because there is no glare, and it’s not as bright when I’m reading in bed, as opposed to my phone which feels bright no matter how low the brightness is. I still read physical books, but I absolutely love having an actual Kindle.


You can read the kindle paper white at night! It has lighting too it but it’s different than a phone or iPad lighting/screen. I LOVE my kindle paper white, highly recommend.


From a librarian’s standpoint: skip kindle and get a Kobo! I have an older model but I think it’s similar to the Forma currently offered. I can easily sync library ebooks (Amazon makes this much more difficult for Kindles), and Overdrive/Libby is incorporated so you can browse and download library ebooks right from the device. Whichever brand you try, avoid tablet-style devices; more traditional ereaders emit softer light that won’t strain your eyes or keep you awake like blue light does.


Totally agree with this! I have a kobo and love it! Especially good if you’re trying to cut back on Amazon in general!


Highly recommend the Kindle paperwhite! It’s so easy to use, you can read it at night, and read it outside without any glare from the sun. I know there are all kinds of Kindles out there now but the paperwhite is the OG. I haven’t bought a real book in years because I love my Kindle so much!


I highly highly recommend the kindle paperwhite! I got it for my 21st birthday and it’s amazing. It’s the perfect size to throw into your bag. I love that it’s waterproof for reading by the pool or on the beach, the no-glare screen for reading in the sun, and that the screen is larger than a phone screen! I find myself squinting a lot when reading on my phone and the glare if it’s sunny can make it impossible. I also like having something totally separate from my phone so it’s harder to get distracted, haha
I couldn’t live without it!!!


I don’t get the hype on the Stanley either. It’s soooo heavy that I find myself picking another cup. Kind of annoyed I spent the money on it. :/

Courtney Jenney

I am SO glad you mentioned IG Reels, I cannot stand them. Now when I’m on Instagram, it feels more overwhelming than anything (guides, reels, a shopping section, etc.) and I miss when I could just sign on and see new posts from the ones I follow. I hope you’re right about blogs!


I just wanted to let you know that now you can do chronological posts from just the people you follow or even set up a favorites list. When you open IG, touch the little arrow to the right of the Instagram logo at the top. That will give you two options: Following or Favorites. If you touch either of those you will be taken to chronological posts. It is super handy!


I got off of Instagram last October, and it has been a decision that I haven’t regretted. Between all the advertisements and the reels, it just didn’t feel like the Instagram I had signed up for 7-8 years ago. I prefer blogs, for sure! It brings me much more peace to sit and read a blog than to be on social media. Keep up the good work!

I’ve got pretty pale skin too. After a difficult pregnancy with very bad varicose veins during the pregnancy, self-tanner is my summer confidence booster. Thankfully, my legs healed, but they are “scarred” with lots of spider veins and blue and purple lines. Self-tanner helps blend some of those obvious marks away so that I still feel confident enough to wear shorts and dresses. I only do my legs though. My arms get enough sun just from my time working in the garden.


Ok re- self tanner (as a fellow pale chica) check out Isle of Paradise – their body butter and drops (you put 3-4 of them in your daily moisturizer) have been game changers! Not streaky and not orange. Sephora carries their line – just be sure to exfoliate first!


I totally resonate with the pale skin. My mom and fiance told me to stop using my self tanner last week because it won’t go on perfectly and somehow always ends up with a tiny spot or streak.

And blogs will most certainly make a comeback IMO. I love reading the daily posts, and find it a great mental break from all the news and media noise.

Lanie Woods

Fully agree re: IG/TikTok at the moment – as a social media manager its exhausting to keep up with. You were so smart to keep blogging – absolutely think things are shifting back that way (already apparent with the rise in newsletter popularity)!


I do use a Nook. But what I discovered recently is an e-reader app; I use Moon reader. I have a Samsung tablet with a Nook app and a Kindle app, but Moon Reader is awesome. I have a lot of PDF books and ebooks that don’t have to be read on a Nook or Kindle app, so the ereader app is such a good way to go! I wish I had discovered it long ago.


Wanted to say a few things about the Kindle. I’ve had one of the original versions for almost 8 years! Holds a charge for a shorter time, but otherwise is holding up amazingly well. I sometimes read print books, sometimes read on my Kindle. It’s kind of like… I just like the variety! But for traveling, hands down, the Kindle is the better choice. And it not being a tablet (no option to get distracted by apps, no back-lit screen) has been very good for me. Especially for reading outside – no glare to contend with!
Anyway, it’s all a personal preference thing. But I have gotten a lot of good years and enjoyment out of my Kindle. And it you liked your Nook, I bet you’d like the Kindle too!

Lisa Mari

I just got a kindle paperwhite while it was on sale a few weeks ago and I love it! Trying to rotate between physical books on my tbr and books on my kindle!
I love that your into red nails again! My favorite color for manis and pedis!
And I’m so with you on reels! I love pictures and stories but for videos I much prefer TikTok!
Great list all in all!

Zoe Jackson

Re: the Kindle- do you have an iPad? I have the Kindle app downloaded on my iPad and I absolutely love it! Sadly my iPad has kind of just become a glorified e-reader haha…so I wouldn’t necessarily buy it for that purpose, but if you already have one I see no need to get a Kindle!


I feel you on the REELS! They are just…stupid (cry laugh emoji). I never watch them. I enjoy TikTok SO much more! I think about it all the time how I LOVE blogs and following my favs and even having my own. But Insta is totally taken a new direction and I prefer photos only! I really really enjoy photos so much.


I saw someone post on Instagram (I forget who!) that they were celebrating “pale leg summer” and as a fellow pale person, I immediately starting using the phrase whenever I felt uncomfortable in my shorts or bathing suit!


The Kindle paperwhite is the best! You can read on it at night and adjust the light settings on it. If you’re reading outside at the beach there is no glare. It’s also easier on the eyes then reading on the phone or tablet. I used to have a Nook back in the day too and miss real books but with a baby the Kindle is easier!


I have the same dilemma with the kindle!! When I had my son in 2020 I was ALWAYS reading on my phone, and I kept saying I should get a kindle that I can use at night but I never did it, and I still regret it. Just do it! You can take it everywhere like the beach!! And that way you just read and don’t get side tracked by social media 😉


The Kindle Paperwhite is amazing! It doesn’t have the blue light of a phone but still has a light so you can read in the dark… with a lot of settings to adjust to your preference. I like being on the Kindle personally because I’m not tempted to close out the book and scroll mindlessly instead.


1. the breast feeding hormones are so bad – I couldn’t find any information so ended up taking maca root in the morning which helped!
2. painting my nails again this summer has been such a simple pleasure for me – my son just turned one so I spent most of last summer just surviving haha.
3. Becoming a mom has allowed me to let go of SO much! I feel so much more confident in myself, and how we’re raising our son!


I LOVE my Kindle!! I used to read on my phone and frequently found myself stopping to respond to texts etc. Reading on my kindle allows me to unplug from texts/calls, but I can throw it in a purse or bag and have with me always. Plus IF you forget your kindle, your phone can always be used for the kindle app to pick up where you left off. I vote Kindle!!! (And I say that as someone who loves holding a real book)

Brooke N.

You definitely need a Kindle! I have a Paperwhite and read at night mostly. It’s much more gentle on your eyes than a phone and the pages are bigger. I read so much more using it! You can also download books from the library using Libby which is so easy and convenient.


I got the “All-New” Kindle Paperwhite when it was released last fall. I also like reading in the dark sometimes and I personally think it doesn’t wake me up as much as the light from my phone does, so I prefer it for middle of the night wake ups or before bed when the lights are already off. It’s also waterproof. Awesome for tub, pool, beach, etc. I also was not thrilled about buying books from Amazon, so I only use it with the Libby app through my local library and try to still purchase some physical books from my local bookstore.


Love TikTok! Love YouTube! Love blogs! I completely agree with the instagram thing. It is just so so hard to keep up with my favorite people and feels like an overwhelming amount of content right now. I miss photos!


Highly recommend getting a refurbished Paperwhite Kindle. This is what I got and it was perfect since I was unsure if I would like it.

Also highly suggest using a shared note with your partner for grocery or to do lists. There is an edit history just like Google Docs which is super helpful.


So much of this post resonated with me!

My husband and I keep a shared note for errands and groceries and it has improved our communication and lives SO much.
Also- you NEED a Kindle. I fought it for so long and now adore reading on my paperwhite.
And lastly, I just weaned my almost nine month old daughter and WHOA. Definitely a hard, hard, hard transition. My mood swings were unreal. So just a note to say I am right there with you and feeling all the same things!


I use an iPad to read my huge library of Kindle books. My daughter has a Kindle and she likes it, but I don’t see anything about it that makes me want to add another device.


Yes to the white legs!! I have ‘bright white’ legs (actually whole body) and feel self conscious about them in shorts and short dresses.
But- I refuse to wear self tan or submit to the idea that tanned is better.
Also, I think it looks great I’m real life it’s just in PHOTOS that white legs look different.
And I have three daughters- two got my husbands olive skin but one got my Irish white skin and I compliment her on her skin every single day.


We are always ordering Chomps jerky sticks, pouches for Jack, the packs of almonds and cashews, King Arthur’s products, and rice. I mostly stick to pantry staples that we go through a lot!


You definitely need a Kindle! I tried to talk myself out of it last summer but my husband surprised with the one with the buttons on the side and it is AMAZING. I love that I can read in the dark and I really didn’t think the buttons were necessary until I had it. Now I can’t look back!
Also so glad you’re feeling good! I love your openness on your platforms and it’s so nice to see you on the upswing.

PS- Reels are the worst.


I have a Kobo up in Canada (ereader) – I love it and highly recommend if you can get them in the US. Sounds like kindle paper white is a similar option too. I used my kobo so much with my son, I could read while he napped on me, at night etc. it wasn’t as bright as a phone, didn’t mess with my eyes as much, and kept me off my phone so I wasn’t tempted to be on social media or pointlessly online shop.

100% agree about reels… people drag out the point of their post so you watch to the end which annoys me so much. Give me a nice picture and a caption to read! Sick of all these stupid videos of people clapping and pointing and just telling me to read the caption lol


The Kindle paperwhite has been a game changer for me! I connected it with my library card via Libby and haven’t looked back!!


I have to agree with all the Kindle Paperwhite love on here. I know it sounds crazy, but there is actual less of a glare reading the Kindle outside than reading a real book. I even ended up burning my scalp at the beach because I no longer needed a hat to read with the Kindle. And as said by others before, the Libby/Overdrive app is amazing. I haven’t had to buy a book in years.


Omg Carly please get a Kindle! I shared your sentiments exactly—I read exclusively on my phone because I liked having it with me at all times. But the Kindle is SO much better and nicer than reading on my phone. It looks like paper during the day, and there’s also a slight warm light when you need it. I read in the dark all the time and it’s perfectly comfortable, much gentler on my eyes than my phone. I got the Oasis instead of the Paperwhite because I wanted the button to flip pages.

Also, if it makes you feel better, I’m just as pale as you and never wear self-tanner! Solidarity 🙂


Kindle paperwhite is the GOAT. Can read in super sunny conditions, can read at night, Mimics…well, paper lol. Love mine. I also added a cell phone holder strap (like a pop socket but not, just the elastic things you can add to a cellphone back for easier holding) because it’s too big for my hands and a bit slippery and it’s been great

Ashley D.

I feel ya on the pale legs. I add a drop or two of the Isle of Paradise self tanning drops into my body lotion after showering a few times a week, and it really gives a nice glow without looking “tan”. Kinda smooths everything out with a hint of color, if that makes sense. I don’t use the full amount of drops they recommend as I can’t fully commit, ha! Food for thought if you ever want to dip your toe into semi-self-tanning!


1. I purchased the Kindle Paperwhite for Kids. It comes with 2-year guarantee, a cover, and a free year of Amazon kids if you want it. It easily syncs with the Libby app for library books, and it’s the perfect size to take on the go/hold with one hand.
2. Instagram is out of control enough that I’d rather just start my own blog to post photos/memories.


I FULLY agree on reels. They are so annoying as a consumer and drive me nuts. Half of my feed is now these reels that are like, a girl flipping her hair, striking poses, and doing sexy eyes at the camera for 15 seconds, and then pointing to text that flashes on the screen way too fast to read. And it’s like “tips for painting your bedroom from an interior designer” or “things the dog owners in my vet practice never know.”

Girl wtf does that have to do with you mugging for the camera? Just post a picture of a paint brush/dog and a caption I can actually read! I have zero issue w people, esp influencers, who want to post selfies or videos of themselves looking/feeling cute. It’s just a pointless and obnoxious way to present written content. And it is my. Entire. Feed. Mainly people I don’t even follow or topics I couldn’t care less about. I got married a year ago and followed my own photographer and bridal shop and my feed is apparently going to be half wedding stuff forever.

Ive deleted Instagram off my phone at this point. I check it on my laptop a few times a week to see friends posts, but its just an annoying time waster to me now. It used to be an addictive/enjoyable time waster that I was on way too much so I guess this is better??


I love my Kindle Paperweight! It reads like paper, has a night mode so it’s easy on my eyes (& doesn’t wake up my boyfriend!), plus it’s waterproof so you can take it in the pool without worrying about splashes!

Theresa Zacek

Try Colorstreet nails. Great colors, clean application. I have a friend who sells them. It is multilevel-marketing, but great nonetheless.


I love my Kindle paper white. Easy on the eyes, but it does have a backlight if you want to read at night. I love using for library books!


I am super pale and mix in a dot of TanLuxe gradual lotion into my normal body lotion. It gives just enough tan to not be so ghostly, but not too much to have to upkeep it/look fake.


I love LOVE my kindle! I have the paperwhite and it’s perfect! Works great for bright light and for reading in the dark. I didn’t think I’d use it but I love it and carry it everywhere!


I too am very fair skinned and live in Florida, the land of tan people. I was insecure about it growing up and not until my 30s did I stop really caring. If I ever do use self tanner it’s only the Jergens gradual tanner you use in the shower (found this product on TikTok) but I’m also lazy about it. I also think as a paler person, tanners just look pretty fake on us. So let’s embrace a pale girl summer!


I had no idea that the hormone flux from weaning could cause severe anxiety and depression, so it caught me completely off-guard. Luckily I found a therapist who was also a lactation consultant and knew the dynamics of both. Great to be aware of it so you can have a plan in place!

Christine Drowne

Be prepared—my daughter self weaned by about 9 ½ months…just lost interest once she could feed herself. It was a lot and no one had even mentioned it was a possibility ❤️


Kindle Paperwhite is a great investment if you think you would read it outside! The regular kindle is much harder to read outside but you can adjust the light to make it a little less bright if you’re reading in bed at night. I used to read my kindle paper white when nursing in the middle of the night because it wasn’t bright enough to wake up my son and helped me stay awake in the beginning


Please don’t feel self-conscious about your legs!! I am very pale and I have no problem with it and I wish I saw more pale people! It’s perfectly natural and it’s so much prettier than ugly (in my opinion) fake tans. And if you always stay pale and never tan that also means you’re doing a great job keeping your skin out of the sun/using sunscreen which is so important! Pale is beautiful!!


Carly, I hear you about the fair skin. I also am too ashamed of my pale legs to wear a dress most of the time, despite knowing I should just embrace it and, being in my 30’s now, who cares anyway. But seeing your style evolve helps me with my own because, you’re right, there aren’t a ton of ladies who openly opt to not cover their fair skin, and you look beautiful doing it.


I adore my Kindle. The secret is to put a pop socket on it, slightly to the side of your dominant hand, and you’ll never go back.

That said, I have a paperwhite, and I wish I could read in the dark. I am weirdly emotionally attached to mine so I haven’t replaced it with one of the ones with an adjustable light, but that’s the one I recommend to others!


If you are in the market for a kindle. Get a Paperwhite 2021 edition. You can splurge on the ad free with wireless charge but if you get the cheaper kind you will be fine. You don’t need the extra storage. I have over 3k books and I still have space in my 8gb kindle. Battery life can last weeks without charging it.

Skip the Oasis because the battery life is non-existent.


Kindle Paperwhite 6″, built in light and Wifi (7th ed. I can fully charge it and I took it for 11 days overseas with no problems while using it nightly no charge needed)— it works backlit at night reading if needed. It’s not as bright as the neck light, I got the neck light you recommended. It’s sufficient and not crazy bright for any other people in the room, nothing like a phone. I got a refurb one for…. $12. Yes, that’s right, battery runs FOREVER [keep it in airplane mode to keep library books available past the due back date]. I wanted the non-ad screen one but ended up with the ads included one but I don’t care. The suggested titles are hilarious and no ads are visible while reading. Amazon integrates from Overdrive (see what your local library uses- if it’s Libby or Overdrive or what since that’s the main source of books, unless you buy them. I do not do this. I have 3 library accounts and most of the time even new in demand books take a max of 3-4 weeks to get to me. I do recommend multiple library accounts, since different systems have different reader demands. I can get certain books faster than the regular county one. I lived in each of the areas at one point in time anyway.)


I have always admired you for embracing your natural skin tone! Re the Kindle, love my Paperwhite for all reasons already stated, but you know you can also keep the Kindle app on your phone and it will sync up your page location. So if you find yourself without your actual Kindle but wanting to read, you can use your phone instead.


100% agree about Reels. All the social media apps are trying to become the same thing and at 22 I’m already over it! Also about tanning – you’ve helped me accept (trying to love) my paleness since I was 15! Definitely get where you’re coming from about wanting to embrace it but also give into the urge too.


I am fully obsessed with my kindle paperwhite! I love how easy it is to get library books on it through the Libby app. I load up my holds list for ebooks and then continue to buy the books I’m most excited about in hardback as they come out. My sister is an avid reader and my partner flies through series whenever he finds one he likes and I FINALLY got them both on board with kindles this year ahead of a monthlong vacation.

I also completely hear you on the tan. I’m so pale and have embraced it in some ways, but I definitely consider fake tan on my legs around this time each year. Thankfully I’m too scared of staining my clothes or doing it wrong.

Josephine Schulte

On the Stanley Cup: for a minute I thought you were talking about hockey. 🤣 So love that you still have a blog and think you’re right about the comeback eventually. Also, love that you’re resisting the self tanner. Same!!


Yes to the kindle paperwhite! You’ll love it and it’s 100% worth it.

I’ve been doing more reels lately (flower fields calming videos) and one went viral and got 4 million views! But what I’ve learned from reels or Instagram in general is you can take so long to make something and then it’s posted and *poof* it’s viewed and liked and then it’s gone. On to the next. So it’s like this really vicious cycle of lots of effort and then it’s suddenly old news. Like social fast food. Lol. The effort for pay off just doesn’t seem worth it anymore.


Just wanted to say this in case no one has told you (and someone told me when my first was your baby’s age and I was so grateful) you can keep nursing as long as you like! In the US we kind of feel like we’re supposed to stop at 1 but you can keep going if it’s working for you. (It’s also fine to stop whenever you want to too of course!) And after 1, since they aren’t really relying on breast milk for most of their nutrition it can just be like once or twice a day or whenever it works for the two of you!


I have LOVED nursing, but it’s also been very physically demanding because Jack never took a bottle, so I think the one year mark might be a good time for us to start the process for my mental health!!


I have a kindle but use the kindle app on my phone more! Nice when traveling not to have bring a suitcase full o’books 🙂


I was so slow to the Kindle train because I like a physical book, but then I started reading on my phone and my husband was like this can’t be good for your eyes. So he bought me a kindle and I haven’t looked back. I was surprised how tiny it is, I slide it in my purse all the time!


Any chance you would occasionally post your shared note on the meals you feed your kiddos?! Would love inspo for my 8.5m old!


I totally read “Stanley Cup Hype” and immediately thought “Carly is a hockey fan?!”
I was stoked that one of my favorite bloggers was maybe a Lightning fan, but wrong Stanley Cup lol!


I’m really glad you don’t fake tan – although I am also very insecure about how pale I am, I’m basically reflective this time of year. I also don’t fake tan mostly because I can’t be bothered to do ANOTHER beauty, spend money on another product, and because I just look weird really tan. But I’ve always appreciated that you don’t fake tan!


I highly recommend the Kindle paperwhite! You can read in the sun like a regular book and it doesn’t have blue light. It’s perfect for reading in bed and reading by the pool.


Love my kindle!! HIGHLY recommend it. Also, I’ve deleted my Instagram and visit your blog and a few others to get my content fill. It has honestly been a huge pro.
