
Today is my birthday. 21. The last “fun” birthday. I feel like I’m now officially “in my twenties.”

And lucky for me, classes begin today.

And since it is my twenty first, I’m including a link for my Lilly Pulitzer shot glasses tutorial.


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Happy birthday, Carly! I love your blog and am always excited when you have posted something new! Thank you for this California girl that I can dress preppy even if my friends don't approve or "get it". You seem like an extremely kind, bubbly, smart, and classy person. I'm still in high school and all my friends dress in a let's say trashy manner. I am the only one at school dressed preppy but I am confident now that I look fantastic thanks to your blog which has taught me to be confident and to not let the "haters" bother me. Thank you so much for being a positive influence even though I have never met. Happy 21st! 🙂

Champagne Mom

Happy 21st Birthday!! I hope it is a great one! And from someone who has had a few birthdays after the big 2-1, know that it most definitely isn't the last fun birthday.

Preppy Pink Crocodile

Happy birthday! I LOVED my 21st- celebrated with my Bestie and we had the best time. Live it up in Georgetown! And while it is not the last fun birthday, it is absolutely the MOST fun birthday. Cheers!


Dear Carly, i'm italian girl and i descover your blog few days ago. this is my favourite blog, it's so classy…I like very much your kindness and you are very pretty! Congratulations for your blog and I say to you happy birthday in italian
Tantissimi auguri di buon compleanno!!!
[email protected]


A very happy birthday to you!!! Hope you get to do something fun and special. Good luck for a great semester on the hilltop! I can't wait to hit up some Gtown shopping. Enjoy your day and I am sending wishes for many more bdays to come.
Michele (Jason's mom)
Wish his room would look like yours!!


Happy Birthday Sweet Girl!! I have just found your blog, and what a surprise!! Of course, I follow you, your blog its so cute!


Happy Birthday, honey! In our family, the girls received a pearl necklace from my parents on our 21st birthday. Wishing you a WONDERFUL day filled with love, friends, cake, champagne, and presents. My b-day is 4 days before Christmas and I recall that I had a final and then drove home (6 hours) for the holidays and celebrated with champagne once I got there.

@Cam, good for you for remaining true to your own sense of style. My prep school motto was "Dare to be true," so you may want to adopt it as your own.


Happy Birthday! 21 is a big milestone, for reasons other than being able to purchase and consume alcohol legally! Have fun…and don't worry I'm 27 and I've had many "fun" birthday's post the 21st! Fun times do exist after 21!

The Sailor in Pink

Happy Birthday Carly! I hope you have a great day! And although I'm younger than you, I bet you'll have plenty more "fun" birthdays! After all, it seems like you have a pretty fun life, so that would just fit! Again, happy birthday! Love your blog! OoXx The Sailor in Pink

Carleton English

Happy Birthday Carly!

You are in a wonderful place to celebrate your 21. I remember mine took 5 nights to celebrate – starting in Adams Morgan and then ending in Georgetown.

Hope you're doing something fun!


I just turned 30 and I think it was my best bday yet! Went on a trip with 2 of my college friends and they threw me a surprise party! You have many fun days to come! Happy Bday!

Lula Mae

I am SOOOOO SAD I missed your 21st! Happy Birthday! I may not "know" you, but I LOVE your blog, and feel like I do….

And it is JUST the beginning…I celebrated my 25th not that long ago…
