Cape May Getaway

This summer I didn’t do much traveling. In fact, I did none. I love the city in the summer and the weekends are quiet in my neighborhood because everyone else leaves! It’s a vacation without having to leave home. However, as the summer started winding down, I was definitely itching for a trip. The Virginia Hotel in Cape May offered Garrett and me a little stay at the end of September and it ended up being the perfect getaway. My only regret is that I wish we could have stayed longer!
(A bit of a warning, this is a super photo heavy post. I tried my best to narrow it all down, but I wanted to share as much as I could of our amazing trip!)
We left early afternoon on Wednesday and drove the three hours down to Cape May. We arrived just before the sun was setting so we had some time to explore while it was still relatively light out. The town of Cape May is very quaint. A true beach town. It was a bit chilly, windy, and drizzly which gave the town an interesting, sleepy feel. It was quiet since the true summer season was over, but I could sense how lively it is at the peek of summer. So many restaurants, little surf shops, ice cream stores, and snack stands everywhere you turn. The thing that stands out, however, is the the Victorian architecture. The buildings give the town the perfect historic touch. (Cape May, I learned, is the second largest collection of Victorian homes.)

Staying at The Virginia Hotel was so nice; it felt like being home away from home. (I could have easily moved in permanently.) Doesn’t it look so welcoming?

Thursday was the only full day we had, so we packed as much as we could in.  It rained on and off all day, but that didn’t stop us from exploring. I rented a car for the drive down and it ended up being a great way to see the rest of the town while it was raining. A lot is walkable or within biking distance, but we popped into the car when it started raining a bit harder.

Our first stop on Thursday was for breakfast at the Blue Big Tavern in Congress Hall. (Congress Hall is one of the hotels in the same group as The Virginia. It’s huge and more geared towards families, but it’s nice because you can bop between all the hotels no matter which one you’re staying at.) The Blue Pig Tavern was the best place to enjoy a rainy morning meal!
Coffee. Orange Juice. Blueberry Pancakes.
After breakfast, we walked down to the beach. The rain slowed down to a mist so we could really enjoy our exploration. 
I’m wearing: Similar Plaid Shirt // Similar Sweater // Jeans // Socks // Bean Boots // Similar Necklace // Hat (c/o Harding Lane) // Bag (c/o)
On Garrett: Sweater // Shirt // Boots // Hat (c/o Harding Lane)
We took a tour of the hotel right after the beach. (I mistakingly didn’t bring a second pair of jeans, so after this incident, I had to spend a few minutes blow drying my jeans hahah!)
There are various types of rooms (all amazing!) but the rooms with the balconies were my favorite. I can imagine myself sitting outside during the summer relaxing after the beach or during the winter buried under blankets with a good book.
My favorite favorite part of the hotel was this little sunroom off the lobby. The hotel encourages guests to unwind in the lobby, which feels much more like a living room than a lobby! Borrow a game from the front desk, read a book, or just enjoy a cup of coffee or tea.
Exploring the town. ALL of the houses are like this. It’s like walking right through history. The bright colors, tiny majestic details, and wrap around porches piqued my interest.
We hopped into the car to visit the Cape May Lighthouse. We climbed all the way to the top! The views can not be beat. (I was so freaked out by the wind; it was whipping around the corner!)
We drove around some more after the lighthouse, mostly to dry off because it started raining again followed by showers and a quick cat nap before dinner!
I am so thankful we had reservations for the Ebbitt Room! It’s the restaurant in the hotel and absolutely delicious. The whole restaurant operates under the farm to table principle. All the produce and vegetables come straight from Beach Plum Farm… right down the street! Steak and crab cakes for dinner… and hot, fresh doughnuts for dessert! Words cannot describe how amazing everything tasted!
One of the most welcoming parts of the hotel is that you have a continental breakfast of your choice every morning. You fill out a little door hanger with what you want to eat, what time you’d like to dine, and where (in your room or on the porch). It was chilly but sunny on Friday; eating outside was the best! It was so, so nice out there that I really didn’t want to have to leave to go back to the city!
Traveling to Cape May would be so fun during the summer, but it was also really quite wonderful on the off season because of the slower, quieter pace. I want to come back with my mom and sister for a cute girls’ weekend. (Also, I was thinking while we were there that it would be a great spring break trip for college girlfriends who wanted a nice trip versus a wild trip.)

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Looks like you had an amazing time! I have never even heard of Cape May but your photos make it look stunning. I kind of love beach towns in the misty rain weather because it gives them an amazing vibe! I am very jealous you got a mid September vacation, I could really use one of those right about now. You look gorgeous in these photos as well!

Annie Belle


Cape May is amazing! My parents have a house a few towns over. If you ever go back, check out Stone Harbor next door- different feel but just as charming. The Jersey Shore gets such a bad rap, but the southern beaches are so classic and beautiful!


I'm just curious but are you no longer a vegetarian? I only ask because you mentioned having steak for supper in this post. p.s. those donuts look amazing!


When I went to Scotland at the beginning of the year, I really didn't want to miss out on the traditional dinners we had. I don't eat meat all the time, but if I want something then I just do it 😉

Fairy Princess Jord

My best friend growing up used to spend several weeks every summer with her family, one summer I joined too and I seriously fell in love with the place. I was in middle school so a lot of my time was spent giggling over boys at the beach and eating Ben & Jerry's but I loved everything about Cape May! Your trip looks like it was so lovely, I would love to return to Cape May now that I'm a grown up and enjoy some of the more adult activities like continental breakfast and sunrooms meant for reading (:

Kelsey M.

I went to Cape May for the first time earlier this summer for my cousin's wedding. It's such an amazing little town! It's a bummer it was rainy while you were there because it was so nice to just walk around the town and enjoy time outside. I loved going to the top of the lighthouse (although I was getting claustrophobic climbing the stairs toward the end). You should definitely take another trip back in nicer weather if you get a chance!

– Kelsey


You look gorgeous in the last photo and it looks like you had a lot of fun! I adore the photos you took of the houses and the bookshelf.


Erin Lewis

I love all of these photos! Looks like you had a great time. I am heading to Cape May for a wedding next spring and am really looking forward to it now!


Cape May is so beautiful! I've never been before, and I've actually haven't heard of it before either, but these pictures made me feel like I was right there with you guys. I'm a sucker for old historic towns so I'll definitely have to add this one to this list of places to go!

XO, Chekara |
