5 Things I Wish Someone Had Told Me About Money

Because Maxie McCoy Monday wasn’t enough… today is Maxie McCoy Monday, Money Edition. Because of our work experience, women and money is something we’ve talked a lot about together. She’s just a smidge older than me and I have definitely asked her for advice a few times! (And commiserated over bank draining purchases like my pink couch and her beautiful leather jacket.)
I love the five tips she shares because they’re practical!
Money can be a very sensitive topic. It was something that five years ago I would never talk about. I didn’t bring it up with my girlfriends. I rarely asked my parents for financial advice. And I always figured it was one of those “grown up” issues that would naturally take care of itself, eventually.
Well, now that I’m verifiably one of those “grown ups”… I’ve learned a few things. They are lessons that I’ve either learned the hard way or by listening to the advice of my elders. I can tell you this: there is no reason that money needs to be a taboo topic. If anything, it hurts you and me and everyone else by not being comfortable talking about it. We need to be able to ask for help. And we sure as heck need to share what we learn.
Here’s the thing about finances, they’re not going anywhere. Money will always be a part of life. Your ability to handle this particular topic in your life will have a major impact on your future. So you might as well start diving into it now right?
Save Something, No Matter How Little

I’m lucky that I had parents who always impressed the importance of saving on me. But when I was 22 years old in a big new city trying to pay for my rent, saving 10% of my paycheck as experts suggested was just not an option. So, I saved what I could. And so should you. Whether that’s 20 dollars a paycheck that goes into saving or $200, make sure you have some kind of cushion in case the worst happens. Don’t get caught up in the shoulds. Save what you can early on and trust me that you’ll be able to save 10-20% of your income sooner than you think. 
You Go Broke One Small Purchase at a Time

We see something under thirty bucks, and we don’t think a thing about. Literally, we become broke one $30 purchase at a time because all of those small “harmless” purchases add up. Eventually leaving our bank account depleted. Start tracking what you spend. Don’t give any less meaning to a $30 purchase than you do a $300.
Learn How to Negotiate as Early as Possible
You might say “Duh Max,” but the more your job pays, the more money you have to save and spend. But you’re not going to just be handed more money. You have to learn to ask for it. Asking for what you deserve is a tough skill when you’re new to it, but just like anything else it’s practice. So begin negotiating the little things today that way you can negotiate the big things like salary later.
The LearnVest Program Is Worth Every Penny

I’ve taken my finances to the next level because of the amazing programs provided at LearnVest. They give you access to a fabulous dashboard that makes tracking your budgets and expenses a freaking dream, and they set you up with a certified financial planner who talks you through every step of your financial goals (shout out to my planner Chris!). If you feel like getting serious about your money and want a little support along the way, LearnVest is worth it.
Talk to Your Galpals
If you’re anything like me, you hate saying no to dinner, workouts, or shopping trips with your best friends. It’s how you bond. But it also can really add up. Learning to talk to your best friends about money can not only begin to break down the stigma related to personal finances, but you all can help support each other towards your financial goals. This way you won’t be embarrassed to suggest cooking the girls dinner at home to save money, or letting them know you’re not buying that amazing dress because you’re working on cutting your spending each month. We talk to our besties about everything else, why does money have to be any different?
Start building your tolerance for conversations about money. It’ll help you get comfortable with your goals, develop a stable future for yourself, and allow you to create a life of your dreams. And who wouldn’t want all of those things?

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Such a great post especially for us college students. I think learning to save as much money as I can right now (that isn't paying for school) is the best. If I truly want to live on my own after school then now is when to start! Thanks for the helpful tips 🙂

Annie Belle

Lauren Rose

Great post! Being in college, I find myself often worrying about money and expenses, but these are great tips!

Aissa Carmela

This is a great post and so true. I'm lucky that my Mom taught me how to save and to have a friend that understands that I can't always go out. We just spend some time together at my place or her's and cook. Thanks for sharing 🙂

Aissa // Aissa Carmela

Rebecca Field

I'm just graduating and still haven't got a 'real job' so my finances, much like the rest of my life are 'all over the place'. This has definitely given me some food for thought and a place to begin with my planning for the future. Thank you so much!

Forever Rebecca xx

Kim Topolewski

I love this. My parents always said there's three things you never discuss in public/with friends (only close family): money, religion and politics. But I think it's okay and even healthy to discuss money with other 20-somethings because we're all in the same boat. Once I started to realize that NO ONE had it all figured out, not even the adults, it became a lot easier for me to openly admit to people "I'm broke". Thank you student loans!



Great advice. As someone who just graduated and started working I definitely appreciate any financial advice I can get. I'm hyper nervous about making sure I do everything right.


This is SO good and SO true! Going broke one small purchase at a time is definitely true. I like to handwrite out all of my family's spending in a notebook each month and it is crazy how many $10 or $7 purchases there are – enough to make a person go mad.


This was do helpful! Thanks, Maxie! When I moved out of my parents house for the first time earlier this year, my dad gave me a book called Shoo, Jimmy Choo! And let me tell you, it was the most helpful book! I learned so much! If you haven't already read it, it's definitely a must read!

xo Sarah


I have such a difficult time with money, I'm pretty much clueless when it comes to dollar signs so this is definitely getting bookmarked because it's such a BIG help!



It's so true about the small purchases adding up. All my money goes into lunch dates and coffee and small snacks out like that and I'll check my bank balance and think "where did all that go I didn't even buy anything"

