How to Prepare Brussels Sprouts

Louisa is busy studying for exams this week, so I thought I’d share one of my own favorite recipes to keep up with the regular schedule. I’m a great baker, but when it comes to cooking… not so much. I like following precise recipes. My friends who are great cooks, however, can take six random things they have in their refrigerator and whip up something delicious without batting an eye. A little of this, a little of that. 
One of the easiest things to make at home is Brussels sprouts. I used to only order these at restaurants or make the microwavable packs. Then I read a handful of recipes of online and decided to flex my cooking muscles and give it a try. It took a few tries, but I ultimately found a method that works perfectly for me and my taste. I’m sharing it here; feel free to adjust based on your preferences. It’s so, so easy.
All you need:
– Brussels sprouts
– Olive oil
– Salt
– Shredded parmesan 
1. I start by washing the Brussels sprouts really well. I trim off the stem and then slice the Brussels sprout in half length wise. Keep the leaves that may come loose, they crisp up really well.
2. Throw the sliced sprouts into a bowl and toss lightly and evenly with olive oil. Less is more here, you can always add more if you need it!
3. Place about one and a half tablespoons of olive oil in a pan and turn the heat to medium/medium-high. Once it heats up…
4. Arrange the Brussels sprouts flat side down on the pan. Let the little guys crisp up. Using tongs*, start to flip the sprouts over to cook the outsides. I continue to flip and stir the Brussels sprouts while allowing them to cook and crisp. The final result should look green and brown. The green parts should be a steamed texture and the brown parts nice and crispy!
5. Transfer to a bowl. Sprinkle with sea salt. Add shredded parmesan if you desire!
* Tongs are a game changer!! I had been using a spatula before which isn’t as precise.
(Those little apricot crostini are also delicious!)

See? So simple! Brussels sprouts make a great side dish or appetizer and I’ve been known to whip some up for an afternoon snack. I think it’s hilarious that Brussels sprouts used to have a bad rap and now they’re everywhere. They’re such a delicious and easy way to add a vegetable to a meal.

Have you made Brussels sprouts at home? How do you prepare them?

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This looks so simple! I cannot wait to try this out next year when I have my own kitchen at college because I think this will be perfect for busy nights when making dinner is the last thing on my mind 🙂

Annie N Belle


I've never been much of a fan of brussels sprouts, but that's because my grandmother would always just steam them and serve them at our big family gatherings when I could get away with filling my plate with everything else and avoid them. I've tried them roasted and loved them (roasting veggies makes them so much better!), so maybe I'd enjoy them this way too!

Sweet Spontaneity

Cville to DC

Yum! i love steaming brussel sprouts and drizzling them with olive oil! I need to try out the balsamic with them! Thanks for sharing 🙂

Lauren Scorzafava

Yummy! I usually sauté them in olive oil and season with just salt and pepper. I saw a recipe once where someone put them with balsamic reduction and pancetta. I've been dying to try them that way ever since!

Lauren Elizabeth
Petite in Pearls


Well, if I am making them, pretty much the same way, except we go heavy with the garlic (ALWAYS garlic), if my fiance is making them then there will definitely be some pancetta involved! We also often cook them with some onions, too.

jess | Bows & Bouquets

Carly Martin

Trader Joe's has a package of already cut and halved brussels which is so convenient! I just toss them in olive oil and throw them in the oven at 375 for 30 minutes and they get super crispy on the outside and soft on the inside 🙂

Laura Elise

Try them with maple syrup! Sounds kind of weird but you roast them with olive oil and salt..then last five minutes add a little maple syrup and they're salty and sweet 🙂
