Cute Passport Covers

Woo! Y’all the past two weeks have been crazy. I am beginning to think that I’m not going to be able to use that excuse anymore because things feel like they’re always crazy. Honestly, I don’t think I’m ever going to be used to it. It’s definitely exciting and sometimes can be overwhelming, but HEY! I’m leaning into this feeling for as long as I possibly can. I want to hold onto this excitement. (“Jaded” is one of the worst qualities ever.)
I received one of the best emails ever (!!!) the other day and, while I can’t reveal too much, I can tell you that I’m #outtahere. Well, it’s a really awesome trip to a country I’ve never been to. Hello, amazing. I’m really excited to dust off my passport and experience new things.
If you could go to any country for a trip, where would you go?


PS I can’t wait to share all the details!
PPS It’s not Paris 🙁 That poor trip keeps getting postponed……. rawr.
Say Hello



I've been looking for the perfect passport cover for all of my travelling, but I seem to be too picky. These are all cute options!

I cannot wait to hear about your upcoming travels!

Sweet Spontaneity

Connie B

I've never thought about getting a cute passport cover, but now I'm definitely considering it! I love the mint and colorblock ones. Too cute!



I DEFINITELY jumped straight to "Yay Paris!!" I am sure this trip will be just as exciting (isn't travelling Always exciting?)

Paris will happen at just the right moment 🙂


I DEFINITELY jumped straight to "Yay Paris!!" I am sure this trip will be just as exciting (isn't travelling Always exciting?)

Paris will happen at just the right moment 🙂

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