
A (Late Summer) Sweater Dress

love this dress. I’m probably not tall enough to pull it off with flats, but considering I can’t wear heels right now, this is as good as I can get. I’d actually love your shoe input– let me know what you think shoe-wise! My friend Julia (who is much taller than me) looked adorable wearing the dress with little loafers and Kelly looked amazing in red heeled sandals.

I stood in front of my shoe closet (sounds more glamorous than it is, lol) trying to figure out what to wear with it. I ended up going with these pointed toe slingbacks, which I’ve been wearing almost exclusively since I received them. As hard as I tried to find a better option, I kept going back to these. If I can’t wear a heel, I figured the pointed toe was the next best elongating trick.

Sweater Dress

It’s hard to tell in the photos, but the dress is a made of a super comfortable and cozy sweater material. I wouldn’t wear it on days warmer than 80 degrees, but it’s seriously perfect for those slight-chill-in-the-air late summer/early fall days. The length can be a little tough and I think the taller you are, the more flattering it will be, but Kelly and I both can’t stop talking about how much we love it. It’s Comfortable with a capital C.

J. Crew Belted Shirtdress

Belted Shirtdress J. Crew Sweater Dress

Dress // Shoes (c/o, similar suede shoe under $30) // Similar Handbag // Similar Watch 

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I think those shoes are perfect. In fact, I thought you were wearing heels at first glance, so I think they did the trick 🙂 The only other option I can think of would be a slim, simple white sneaker or boat shoe to play on the preppy/sporty/nautical vibe, and style accordingly. It might not work with the hem length, though. All in all, I think those shoes really are lovely; they’re a great choice.

Between Fox and Hare


To be honest, blogs were so much better when they weren’t full time jobs. Not just yours, but others. As a reader, what I originally loved about blogs was the genuine sharing of ideas/thoughts and witty anecdotes of others. Once big companies become involved and bloggers quit their day jobs, the blogs became a shell of what once was and transformed into another platform for companies to sell their products at the expense of me, the reader (and at the monetary gain of you). I don’t want to see another j. Crew outfit on you. I get sent the catalog like clockwork every season like millions of others. I have an inbox full of their emails. I don’t want to see you using Head and Shoulders, or Galette, or “partnering with Macy’s” to sell something. That isn’t what blogs are supposed to be. No wonder why it isn’t fun for you to write anymore. It isn’t fun to read either. I think you would be much happier to find a different way to make a living. Keep your blog and let it be your outlet for whatever you want it to be. Think about the freedom that would allow you to write as you want without being a slave to “the image” and “the target audience.”

I left Facebook and social media a long time ago because it became one big advertisement: Friends selling skincare lines, cleaning supplies, essential oils, etc. Companies filling my newsfeeds with ads and other junk.

The best and most enjoyable blogs to read are the ones that don’t do sponsered posts or very rarely at most- they are interesting, thought-provoking, and authentic.

And one day your readers will grow older and realize j.crew is garbage made in sweatshops. Then what?


Hi Abs,

While you are certainly entitled to your opinion, I think it’s a far stretch to tell other people how to live their lives. By saying, “I think you would be much happier to find a different way of living” you are not only making assumptions, but also projecting your own feelings and emotions onto others which is not okay. If you don’t like the content, why not just move on. If you don’t want to wear j. crew or look through their magazines, then don’t. No reason to shut people down over it. There are ways to voice your opinion without telling people how to live their lives and/or ruin their day. Have you considered that this content is in fact what Carly and others enjoy? Or a sponsorship happens because she genuinely likes the product? Just some food for thought. Have a good one.



I actually love the pointed-toe slingbacks with this. Maybe the solution isn’t the heel, but getting it hemmed? But, if you are on the hunt for a heel, I would say a good wedge to compliment the summer vibes of this one 🙂

x Sofia


Hi! Love your blog and the dress. One suggestion. Have you thought about hemming it a few inches?it might solve the shoe problem without losing the detail?


Adorable! At first glance I thought you were wearing heels, so the sling backs were a great touch. I always struggle with this length of dress because I’m short- 5’3. Love the look! And, thanks for including an affordable option of the shoe.

Jess Zimlich

First off, just read your post from yesterday and loved your flowed of thoughts! I can definitely feel some sort of shift going on and I’m anxious to see how it all unfolds. Second, I think you pull it off so well with flats! So so good. Have a great Wednesday, Carly!


I looooooove this dress, but on my 5 ft nothing frame it was NOT working for me 🙁 I think the pointed toe slingbacks work well though!


I LOVE this dress! And it looks gorgeous on you. As someone who does not have your slim figure, I always worry about sweater dresses being too body-hugging, but I may have to give this one a try.

And I totally thought the shoes you were wearing were heels at first glance! I read your blog every day, but I must have missed it–why can’t you wear heels right now?


Those shoes look really great with it. I think that it could also look really cute dressed down with a pair of white Converse or white (or floral) Keds. =D


To everyone: It is really hard to hem a knit. I’m 5’3″. I know these things. 😉

To ABS: I appreciate Carly culling through the JCrew catalog for me and highlighting the pieces that are size, shape and aesthetically appropriate for me. We have builds and taste. It is one of the reasons I read her blog. Rather than advising her on how to live her life, of which you know only a very small portion, perhaps you should just choose to no longer follow her if the content she presents is not of interest.


As another shorty I understand the hemline struggle. The pointed flats look beautiful with the dress. Personally I love wearing mid-length dresses and skirts with flats, I think it adds an air of effortless chicness that heels cannot provide.

Audrey | Brunch at Audrey's

I’ve been into shirtdresses lately, so I’m kinda into this sweater dress, though I’ve been looking more for clothes that would work in the professional world as well, and this dress might be a bit casual for that. But for a casual outfit, it looks very put together, especially when paired with your monogrammed speedy with the matching navy/white striped accent! Honestly, you’re the best at matching your navies! // I’m on the petite side as well and I’ve long given up on sticking to what “works” for my body; if I want to wear it, I will! That said, I think this shirtdress you picked out is more forgiving than most long dresses because it has a belt and a slit 🙂 I also turn to nude and pointed shoes if I want to elongate my legs. You look great! -Audrey | Brunch at Audrey’s


You look so classy and pretty in that outfit! I am unsure if I could pull of that dress but it looks darling on you!
