College Prepster Playlist No. 10

Recently, I’ve been super inspired by new music and old favorites. I’ve been Shazaming up a storm. Seriously. Even if I know the name of a song, I use the app to store the name of the song until I can get back to my computer. Whoever invented Shazam deserves a billion dollars. It’s brilliant.
In particular, the music during the fashion shows I went to were amazing. I do not dance in public. Ever. But I was so ready to dance in my seat. I was just way into it. Between the lights, the crowd, the beautiful models, and the gorgeous clothes… the music was just perfect. I don’t think I ever really considered how necessary music was until this weekend. I mean, I hear it yes, but it really can change perceptions, turn moods around, and (most importantly) indirectly convey entirely new levels of emotion.
I could feel myself walking with an extra pep in my step while playing the playlist. It’s upbeat and happy. It’s so funny because the songs I put into these playlists absolutely correlate to my mood at the time. Sometimes I look back and think about the failed relationship I was lamenting over or the anxiety behind a giant event. These playlists really become like the soundtrack to my life… at least for that particular month. In fact, I may or may not pop my earbuds in on my city walks and pretend like I actually am living in a movie. (Okay, please tell me I’m not the only one who does this!?)
What songs are topping your playlists (slash soundtrack your life)?
PS Here is Playlist No. 1 and No. 2 and No. 3 and No. 4 and No. 5 and No. 6 and No. 7 and No. 8 and No. 9.
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Huge fan of The Civil Wars and Mumford 🙂 Music really does take you to another world sometimes; you're definitely not alone, I like to pretend I'm in a movie sometimes too! haha (p.s. I recently posted a playlist on my blog as well)

Ani Danielle

Absolutely loving this playlist!!! It's so amazing how music can influence moods… and how moods can influence music choice! I'd definitely pick music over TV any day of the week

xx Ani


Looks like a great playlist, I love The Civil Wars and Mika. I'm definitely going to check out the songs I don't know. Listening to music is a great way to change your mood, that's why I always listen to music when writing in the library, it helps make me happy about working 🙂


Hehe I Got You Babe was my wedding song… so happy to see it on here! Great playlist, thank you so much for sharing!

Deonnah Davis

Yes! Another great playlist! I need something to get me through this mountain of homework and class work today! And no you aren't the only one that pretends their life is a movie! I do the same thing! Hehe. Have a great day!!

Melinda S. Isaacs

Awesome playlist! Though they aren't what I normally listen to, I'm always open to expanding my music library – you never know what will inspire the next art piece!

My normal playlist normally includes Halestorm, AWOLNation, Disturbed, Shinedown, and In This Moment. Great bands to listen to! ♥

Brianna Kolota

John Mayer's "Gravity" and "Why Georgia" fit any mood or playlist! They're both contenders in my book for best songs ever. However, slow dancing is up there too.

Although I always love JM, Twenty One Pilots "Holding On to You" and "Fake You Out" currently top the soundtrack to my life. The songs are like a mix of Eminem and fun., if that makes any sense.

Vina Smith

Mika and Mumford and Sons are great bands! Charli XCX is cool too! Thanks for the playlist, I'll definitely check out the songs I haven't yet heard
