
These Are My Confessions

I still love that song, haha. But I felt like this could be a fun post idea, but maybe not 😂I wanted to do a little more of a brain dump type post and liked calling it “confessions.” Let me know…Instead of just throwing up another outfit post, I wanted to write a little more. I am also very exhausted right now and procrastinated on writing this post so I might be a little loopy while writing. Okay, here we go.

Nantucket Carly the Prepster

Striped Shirt // Skirt (30% off)

ONE // Natural Deodorant

Remember when I switched to natural deodorant? I’ve been using it every day… until this past week. It’s been so humid and hot and I don’t know if any natural deodorant could have handled it! I bought a small travel sized regular deodorant to use on extra hot days and when I wear clothes that I can’t afford to sweat in… I felt too guilty not to divulge this! Hopefully, I’m not the only one who has a “backup” deodorant just in case there’s a day when the natural just won’t cut it.

(Also, when are we going to get a break from this heat?!)

TWO // My Feet

I don’t know how else to title that bullet point. And I’m really not sure what is going on with my feet. I have been getting an insane number of blisters, like even with my favorite tried-and-true shoes. It’s an issue. I feel like I need to go barefoot for a full week to let all the blisters heal… or, I guess, I could always buy stock in Band-Aid.

Seriously though, any tips for blisters?! It’s just so bizarre that it’s happening all of a sudden in such a severe way!

THREE // 10-Year Present

… for myself. I usually splurge on something at the end of every fiscal year. Last year I couldn’t figure out what to get so I skipped it, but two years ago I bought a tennis bracelet that I had had my eye on. I wear it nearly every day so I feel like it was a justified investment. This year, my 10-year blog anniversary is a few days before the year ends and I kind of want to get something super nice to celebrate. An entire decade of having this blog just blows my mind. Since I faced indecision at the end of 2017, I’m starting my brainstorming early! Any fun ideas?!

FOUR // A Little Run Down

While I’m grateful for such an absolutely incredible summer, I am feeling a little bit run down. I am an introvert and homebody through and through. Yet, I don’t think I’ve spent an entire week at home since April. I keep adding more trips to my calendar because I’m having a hard time during down opportunities. I keep thinking, “Oh that week will be a full week at home!” And then… I’m off to somewhere for some cool thing. It’s actually a clear sign that I really love every opportunity because otherwise, I think I’d completely hit a wall! I’m hoping once Labor Day comes and goes that things will calm down a bit.

FIVE // New Coffee Obsession

So I love coffee. Love it. I’ve tried to limit my caffeine intake, but it only makes me crave my two(ish) cups a day even more. I have a new morning coffee routine and it’s rocking my world. I look forward to it as I go to bed the night before. With a glowing recommendation from my friend Meg, I got the Moccamaster coffee maker and the coffee is unbelievably good. I usually like coffee at home but I’d prefer a professionally made cup (like from a cafe), but not anymore. I didn’t realize just how much better a cup of coffee at home could taste. Where I used to drink my coffee black, now I add a splash of oat milk. And I drink it from this new tumbler I bought. I think it might be for wine originally, but it also works for hot liquid! Between the coffee, the oat milk, and the new tumbler, it’s a great cuppa!

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Emily V

Try friction stick for the blisters! I’ve used both Bandaid brand and Gold Bond, and both have been sooooo helpful for me.

Jae (@gorjaeous)

You beat me to this suggestion, Emily! Haha! I use Gold Bond Friction Defense, and it’s life-changing! I don’t get blisters anymore, especially when I wear heels at work!


Wear your most comfortable shoes (with socks) for two weeks to give all blisters a chance to heal… and put chapstick everywhere that looks like it might turn into a blister. For some things there’s just no easy way out, and I think blisters might be one of them. If you’re having a heat wave maybe your feet are a little bit swollen as well? Idk. This summer has been a lot busier as well! Looking forward to spending a weekend at home again, whenever that will be.


Your personal posts are always welcome! As for the blisters, this might sound weird but sometimes extreme heat can make our feet swell. Maybe that is why your blisters have suddenly started happening? Definitely try a blister stick to reduce friction in your shoes. Hope that helps!


Carly, I carry little travel sizes of Native too just in case 😂 and I totally get you on feeling run down. I’m a homebody and while I love travel I find it to be exhausting!

Katelind H

I started using natural deodorant after reading your original post and also posts over on Grace’s blog as well as my own research. I’m still detoxing and have tried a few– but I love the Kopari coconut oil deodorant. I live in Tampa and have had no problem with feeling like it’s not working!!! Love these posts where you write more and talk about your life.


Oat milk in coffee is soooo good. It makes coffee taste like a cookie! Love this kind of post 🙂


Try the band aid brand blister specific bandaids!! They heal your blisters and cushion them for when you wear shoes. I got mine at target or CVS!


Highly recommend Compeed bandages for blisters! I first heard about them on DesignLoveFest and then bought a pack at a European pharmacy when I got blisters abroad. They’re nothing like the bandaids we typically buy in America – they really stay put. A little pricey, but soooo worth it!

Jessica from What To Style

I just use Band Aids when I get blisters and when I know the shoe will hurt my feet I put some BandAids before the blisters appear.

Loving that outfit! ❤

Jessica | |
Instagram @ what_to_style


I was hoping this would include your experience with the eyelash serum! Can we still expect a post about that?


Love the “confessions” post! Obviously your fashion posts are amazing, but I also really enjoy the “Carly” posts! I definitely agree with some of the other people that commented saying the heat may be a contributing factor, so hopefully once the heat wave ends so will the blisters!


Drugstores sell a waterproof blister pad that you can leave on for multiple days in a row until it falls off. Helps on the balls of your feet and gives plenty of time to heal!


Literally read the title and started humming Usher. Thanks for the throwback and the “Confessions.”


Ugh! I am feeling you on the all natural deodorant. I actually decided to transition to all natural this week and ended up breaking out in a huge flaky rash! Add in a rash plus sweating constantly…. 🙁
Anyway – not giving up the fight yet – trying a new one this week! #wishmeluck

Jan G

To heal your blisters – My daughter was a gymnast for 15 years and always had blisters on her hands from bars even though they wore grips. They always used Preparation H every night on the blisters. And yes, it’s that Preparation H but works wonders. Blisters would heal quickly, no infection because the Preparation H dries the blister and no need to stop doing bars. Might be worth a try on your feet at least to heal them but won’t stop from getting them unfortunately.

Jess Zimlich

It’s so crazy you said that about the blisters because I wore a pair of block heels the other day that I’ve worn countless times over several seasons now and got the WORST blisters of my life from them. I know this might be a stretch, but I did notice my feet were really swollen from the heat and walking the other day after I took off a pair of flats and I thought back to my heels and wondered if that was the culprit? That they were almost too small because of the swelling. Might be a stretch, but it’s the only thing I could think of!


SO MUCH of what you’re saying here resonates with me. I’m happy to know I’m not the only one who a) feels guilty neglecting natural deodorant on hot days and b) is craving my homebody routine after a jam-packed summer. You’re not alone!!

Hannah @ AndThenWeTried

I too have bailed on my natural deodorant recently. It just isn’t keeping up with the humidity this summer! Back to chemicals for me for a while. As for your 10-year splurge, I vote you take a trip and some time off! Even if it’s just a few nights in a nice hotel nearby, you’ve earned some time off and pampering.


Idea for 10-year anniversary: Instead of buying something special, why not take a trip someone you’ve never been, but really want to explore? Or maybe throw a dart at a map, and see where it lands.


A cute idea for a gift for yourself could be a silver charm bracelet. Go to eBay, type in anything you might want to have on a charm and you won’t believe how many options there are. You could look through your last 10 years and find charms that are meaningful that remind you of your posts (Paris, Nantucket, Georgetown, your pups, a dress, New York, etc.). Just collect them all, find a great link bracelet and have a jeweler put them on for you. Lots of memories all in one place!


Love everything about this post! The name, the outfit, the written content. Thanks for keeping it real! Would love for you to do more of this style post from time to time! Also, for blisters did you try using moleskin? I use it when I’m training for half marathons and it really helps me!



I suggest a trip for your 10 year anniversary! I think for a blogger it would be an extra luxury to take a trip… and not document it for the blog! Splurge for upgraded seats if you travel by air, it’s worth it 🙂

Kristen from Pugs & Pearls

On the natural deodorant front- I was just about to break down and go buy a ‘real’ deodorant after sweating so much at an outdoor party this weekend. It’s going to be getting cooler semi soon, so I think I am just going to buy a regular one for times when I know for sure it’s going to be really hot. I dunno! I’m trying!


Alright, maybe this is a bit of a confession of my own, but I had an issue similar to your blister problem and found out after visiting a doctor that it was due to my feet sweating more than normal. Since it has been so crazy hot lately, maybe this is a possible cause? The solution that my doctor recommended, however, definitely doesn’t fit with your natural deodorant kick! He suggested I use spray antiperspirant on my feet before putting on my shoes. It was weird, but it worked! I only had to do this for a couple of weeks before my blisters healed, and it hasn’t been a problem since.


I was also thinking “trip” in regards to your 10 year anniversary gift to yourself, but then read about how you’re feeling run down and want to be home, so maybe not! What about a really timeless piece of furniture? I know that seems like such an old-lady present, but that’s definitely what I would buy myself! Or you could do a stay-cation. Stay in town for a week and do ALL the things you desperately want to do without documenting it for the blog.

Haverley Greene

Carly, I LOVED this type of blog post. It was almost like catching up with an old friend for a minute. Outfit posts are nice, but it’s always a treat to connect (on some weird meta level) with real thoughts from someone you feel as if you’ve known for a long time! Thank you for sharing!

Greta Haussmann

Carly, you need to try Trade Coffee! You take quiz on your coffee preferences and they pick small batch roasted coffee for you. I have loved every single bag that I have gotten! HIGHLY recommend!


I love the idea of a confessions post, keep them coming!

I definitely suffer from blisters too, even with well-worn shoes! Unfortunately I haven’t found anything that works for me in protecting my feet from blisters, bandaids don’t stick because I also get sweaty feet (nothing I can do about that, it’s genetic). So when it happens, I just try to wear socks, comfy shoes and give them time to heal.

As for a 10-year celebration gift idea, I’d normally suggest a fun international trip, but since you’re tired of traveling, maybe something that makes staying in more enjoyable.


I found your blog because of your fashion posts but the thing I like best about it are these kind of personal ones. Keep them coming! Can so relate to being an introvert / home body who loves to travel. I’m always happy to come home.


Your 10th anniversary that is such a big deal! You should go on another international trip (like when you went to Paris) and then buy yourself a little souvenir while you’re there.

Analisa Cantu

I use moleskine (with an adhesive back), I order from Amazon! It actually sticks and is amazing for breaking in new shoes and / or giving padding for shoes that need it.


This is going to sound kinda vague but I think you should reward yourself with a dream vacation or that one thing you always said you’d get when you made it! Congrats on 10 years lady 🎉🎈🍾🎁

Keri B

The traditional 10-year-anniversary metal is diamond, I believe. You should totally purchase a piece of Tiffany & Co. jewelry for yourself to celebrate!

A Girl, A Style

I love this post, Carly (and vote to make it a regular thing).

I totally hear you on the backup deodorant – I switched to natural deodorant this summer (took some trial and error to find the right one, which was Schmidt’s Rose and Vanilla btw) but definitely revert to my old hardcore deodorant for extra humid days or days when I know I’ll be running all over London for meetings and don’t want to risk it.

And ditto on the blisters; it’s definitely a heat thing. When it’s really hot and humid your feet will swell a little more making your shoes tighter, combined with the heat making you sweat a little more causing extra friction. A cooling foot lotion every morning definitely helps to reduce swelling and friction, as well as bare feet or open toed sandals wherever possible to let the rest of your foot rest.

Briony xx


Congratulations on what you’ve built in ten years of blogging! It’s definitely a milestone to be marked. Have you thought about commissioning a piece of art for it, like a sketch or painting of one of your favourite blog photos? Or what about sending some of your favourite blog photos from the last 10 years in to get a photobook made? May Designs used to do them and they were really great, but I’m not sure if they offer that service anymore.

I’m a big fan of doing something custom to mark a milestone, since I think it makes it just extra special, knowing the gift is one of a kind, just for the receiver.


I second the call for a piece of art! A lovely original from an artist you love or something commissioned would be a wonderful way to mark 10 years.


I love that song too…haha. Per the blisters, have you tried Compede?! It’s a French pharmacy staple, but they sell them on Amazon. They’re pretty expensive, but they are like a second skin for blisters. I always keep one in my purse just in case, but they make them for the heels, sides of the toes, and even for the pad of your foot. It should help significantly, and they’ll stay on for a few days.

Eva |


As someone who sweats a lot and prefers natural products when possible, I urge you to try the Exhale Spa deodorant. I pick it up at their NYC locations. My boyfriend and I both love it–not only is it effective and natural, but it smells great and is unisex.


Let us know what you decide to treat yourself with. I recently accomplished two mile stones- including passing part one of my medical boards so I will be treating myself to a Rolex.


A KitchenAid mixer if you don’t have one already, or another expensive household item you wouldn’t buy otherwise?


for your 10 year reward you should give yourself some time off from working! turn off all notifications- or better yet, go somewhere where you dont get service 😉 may i suggest the catskills?


Can you please share where your tennis bracelet is from?! I see it in a lot of your posts on Instagram and want something just like it! I love it!


Can’t echo bandaid blister stick enough. I was so skeptical when I heard of it but it reLly works somehow! I also heard chapstick before but I’ve never tried it.


Love this post! My recommendation for 10-year blog anniversary gift is to travel abroad, so that you can treat yourself to new experiences and become creatively inspired. I’m not sure if this is a little more expensive than what you were planning for, but if you have to opportunity to go to a new place, maybe this could be your justification for booking it! 🙂

Christa Sagmoe

I went the natural deodorant route earlier this year, but I definitely have a back up on hand. Summers here in the South are no joke. For blisters I definitely go the band-aid route when I know a shoe is going to rub.


I remember you mentioning that every year you try on a Burberry trench, but haven’t been able to pull the trigger, so that could be a great 10-year present!
