
Cute Workout Leggings

I honestly can’t believe how much I love working out now. It’s a huge motivator for me to know that I enjoy the classes. When I’m forcing myself to get out of the apartment and into the car, I may not be completely thrilled about going to work out, but I go. Because I know I’m going to feel great afterward.

I’ve also noticed a difference in my body. I’m not ready to sign up for a fitness competition or anything, but everything just seems a little more toned. And the weights that used to kill me are now pretty manageable.

This is something I try to remind myself while I’m sweating and shaking… what I do today is going to be easier to “tomorrow.” I put the quotation marks there because it may not be the next day exactly, but eventually when you put in the work there will be a change. (For everything in life!)

I’m here today to talk about workout leggings, but I thought I should start off with something that I wish I had read years ago. If I can find a class that I love and enjoy working out, anyone can. Seriously!

In addition to thinking that I might not be athletic enough to work out, I was also just generally anxious about going to classes. I never wanted to go to one alone; I’d overthink everything and worry about everything from “are these shoes okay to wear” to “where do I put my things in the locker room” to “where exactly in the gym do we meet?” I had a million questions. But I sucked it up for a few weeks while I got used to the gym. (And figured out that no one cared what shoes I was wearing, the lockers have instructions printed on the doors with how to set the combination lock, and the class meets down by the treadmills even though it says upstairs on the schedule.)

If you don’t think you can do it, I’m here to tell you that you absolutely can!

Even though I started to feel comfortable with my strength training class, I was a little nervous to do Barre. It’s been something I’ve wanted to do for a long time but never could get up the courage. It felt outside of my comfort zone, and I think I was mostly afraid of looking dumb for not knowing what to do. But my friends asked me to go and I LOVED it. Well, it was the hardest thing ever… my legs wouldn’t stop shaking, and at one point I actually couldn’t stop laughing because I felt so ridiculous for not being able to get my leg in the air. But I did it!!! And woke up the next morning with the most satisfying soreness. We promised each other we’d go back as often as possible together.

My preference of workout gear has changed a little bit since I don’t solely do yoga classes now. I’ve been really into long leggings/tights instead of the cropped version. Especially since it’s freezing outside right now, the long tights are perfect to go from the gym to brunch. I already have these J. Crew x New Balance pants and they are what made me fall in love with the long length.

Workout Leggings

Wunder Under Pant // Cinch Side Bow High Waisted Legging // Dipped Warmup Legging

Sports Tights // Dipped Warmup Legging // Wunder Under Pant

Sports Tights // Springs Legging // Blocked Frame Long Legging

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Thanks for the list Carly (I can’t wait to try some new clothes)! And you definitely are NOT alone in feeling that anxious feeling when going to a class…I recently started going to classes alone and I love it!

Also, I am so so glad you love barre! I’ve been going for a few years and it is the best!! So happy you have found some great classes!

xo Lauren

Emily savidge

Hi Carly!
I love what you say about finding a class you love to be your motivator. I hated working out for many of the anxieties you discuss. Once I found a workout I love I don’t dread the daily workout! For my schedule making the 5am class makes the most sense and because I have fun and know I’ll feel good about myself I don’t even dread the 4:30am wake up time. And really no one cares if you can’t do a move just laugh it off and move on 😊


Yay so glad you found your groove in the gym! I always tell myself, you NEVER regret a workout but you do regret if you don’t go. So true! Have you tried C9 by Target workout wear? It is extremely inexpensive but I have have found some great leggings that wash really well too. Knew you would love Barre!
xo elle //


I have been wanting to try a new class/type of workout for a while now and this may be my motivation. I recently got back into yoga and love it. I love pushing myself each time and knowing that I am slowly improving.
Thanks for the inspiration!

Taylor |


I’m a big fan of Lululemon pants for workouts and runs. I didn’t get the hype until I bought a pair last year from the sale section, and they were worth the money. I love their pace rival crop because there are 5 pockets and I wore them for a marathon and didn’t have to wear a belt or armband for all of my race nutrition. All of their clothing is so comfortable, the pants fit well and don’t fall down, and they hold up to workouts and washes if you take care of them. I also like Athleta for leggings but think they run a tiny bit big. I’ve never tried Outdoor Voices because they description always says they’re for “sort of sweaty” activities and I sweat a lot! haha. Glad you’ve found a way to work out that you love because it is so important to enjoy healthy habits. 🙂 It is also really fun to notice yourself getting stronger and more capable every day.


This post is dangerous – I have such an obsession with workout leggings and I’m constantly trying to build up my stash despite the fact that I already have enough to clothe an entire yoga studio worth of people. Lululemon Wunder Unders are by far my favorite workout leggings!

Taylor |

Rachel S

Hi Carly,
It would be great if you could review the fit of some of these leggings. When you’re performing lots of movement- running, jumping, squatting, bending, etc. how well something stays on your body is more important than if it has flowers on it. Love that fitness clothing is more than just basic black, but it still needs to do its job!

Krystal // The Krystal Diaries

I used to get so much anxiety over going to the gym. Then I joined with a friend, fell in love with spin classes and totally got over my anxiety. Now I don’t go to the gym anymore because I just don’t have the time. I work out at home and I credit going to the gym with helping me get into a routine.

Shelby Foster

I’ve really been wanting those Spring leggings from OV…but have you tried Tory Sport? Their leggings feel like BUTTER on your skin. SO nice.


I used to be really into Lululemon’s ‘Pace’ line of crops, because they’re great for running and hot yoga, but now that I’m hitting the mat at home and working weights in my basement, I prefer TNA’s Equator Leggings (Aritzia). They’re a simple cotton jersey, so they’re not crazy sweat wicking and they do tend to hold a smell if you sweat in them often/a lot (which can be solved with throwing a capful of vinegar into the wash in the ‘fabric softener’ portion of the machine, just fyi), but I love that I can wash them and wear them as leggings under dresses or long tops in place of tights when it gets cold… which is does… because I live on Hoth, apparently. =D


You MUST try Lululemon’s Align leggings. They are so absurdly soft and feel like second skin. Expensive but so worth it! Also, one thing I learned that eases my anxieties about trying a new type of class is searching YouTube for videos of that type of class. I did that before I went to a barre class for the first time and it was so helpful to be able to see what to expect ahead of time!
