
Diary No. 3

I feel like I have to start this post with an apology of sorts. (Which is a major pet peeve of mine when I read other blogs… so please bear with me!)

This year has been flying by and it’s been a little crazier than the usual first quarter. (Anyone else in disbelief that it’s almost APRIL???) Typically, it’s a slow period of time work-wise, but that hasn’t totally been the case for me this year. While this is good news overall, I was a little caught off guard.

In line with that, this is also the time of year when I’m more affected emotionally by the seasons. The first full year I lived in New York, specifically in March of 2013, I went to my doctor feeling like not myself. I thought I was depressed– sad and extremely lethargic– even though I didn’t think I was actually depressed. Turns out it was just my body at the tail end of a long winter. Whatever reserves I had in November, was gone and I was just running on fumes until it warmed up. I will say, I’m so glad I spoke to her that March because now I can just be extra aware of it every year. And literally every year, I feel the same way towards the end of March.

And as I’ve mentioned yesterday, there’s a lot good stuff going on behind the scenes. I can’t wait to share and hate that there’s so much that I can’t share right now. I went through all of my photos on my phone and I have barely anything on there! There was a day this week where I was so insanely distracted that even a hard 40-minute workout didn’t help. The only thing I could do was sit on the couch and mindlessly watch a TLC show. Not exactly how I wish to spend my days, but I couldn’t focus on anything else! Sheesh.

Anyway, I do have some things to share!

Cricut Wild Rose

Taylor, Maddie, and I went to a Cricut event a few weeks ago, and Taylor got her own Cricut!!! They were so nice and just gave it to her! Tay was super excited to get her machine up and running. We did a little craft day at my apartment so she could walk through all the steps. First project? That little elephant sticker and her name so she could customize her machine. I had a LOT of questions about where we got the Lilly vinyl. It’s actually just printed from the internet. I used printable vinyl and did a print & cut with the vinyl.

Melissa's Cupcakes

My mom sent Mike and me a little package of Melissa’s Cupcakes for St Patrick’s Day. The bite-sized cupcakes are so delicious and it’s almost too easy to just keep popping them into your mouth!

Lilly Ballgown Skirt

Taylor and I went the Lilly x Pottery Barn launch together. I wore this skirt (c/o) and we had a blast. Everything was fun and cute, but the kids and baby items were the showstoppers. The swaddle sets are especially cute and would be great shower gifts for Lilly lovers.

Madewell Pajamas

I had a sponsored post to shoot and needed a bright bathroom. My bathroom in Hoboken is 100% fully functional, but there’s no natural light. (Or space, the door can’t fully open, haha.) Anyway, there’s a studio space in NYC that I used for the day and it was so beautiful! I wanted to move right in. We shot this video there too! I had a ton of questions about the pajamas– unfortunately, they’re old from Madewell. Here’s a similar pair that’s available now as well as a similar sleep shirt.


NYC Kickball

This is actually a screenshot of a video. A bunch of us got together for a few games of kickball. Can’t beat that view, right? After playing, I can officially give up my dreams of playing kickball competitively though 😉. I was terrible!

Pure Pita

Maddie went out of the country for a wedding. We usually see each other every few days for one thing or another, but for some reason, this five day period felt like five months had passed! Who knew that much could happen in that short of time?? So much to catch up on. We popped into Pure Pita in Hoboken. It’s one of my favorite spots to grab a quick dinner.

The Far Field

I spent all day Thursday cooped up in my apartment working while it rained outside. By 5 pm, I was itching to get outside. I walked to a coffee shop for an almond croissant (I think these are my absolute weakness) and a cappuccino! I’m reading The Far Field and really like it so far.

Kate Spade Madison Flagship

I finished the week with an event at the Kate Spade flagship store. The Upper East Side is such a hike for me, but it’s worth it every time!! I do miss it quite a bit. The Kate Spade store is looking as great as ever.

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So so so excited to hear all about your exciting news!! And I love reading your diary posts. They’re lovely!

Brigid Devney-Rye

I am quite anxious to hear you news. I do like what you shared with us. The more I read about the Cricut the more I want one!


Love these diaries! Not everything is perfectly posed, but your smile is so natural, happy, and relaxed!

Ashley C

Love these diary posts! Random question, but now that Mike is “official” on the blog, is there any chance you’ll share you One Second Every Day video from last year?


Well the Kate Spade store is just darling. That is so cute your mom sent a St Paddy’s gift. You should try the mookies from Dana’s Bakery. They also make great seasonal gifts.


Re: feeling blah by the end of winter…I have been in Boston for 11 years (since I started college) and I totally feel you! I find taking Vitamin D supplements help me with Seasonal Affective Disorder symptoms, particularly that underlying feeling of being “off”. I recommend asking your doctor about it! I have also found time away somewhere warm is necessary to get through if I can swing it! I was just in Miami this weekend for a bachelorette and my husband and I have a trip to the Caribbean next month. Just thinking about those trips helps too!! Luckily you can pop down to FL to see your family 🙂
