
Drinking More Water

Confession time. I’m terrible about drinking water. I mean. REALLY terrible. Maybe I’ll have a glass of water if I go to a restaurant. And maybe I’ll get a Gatorade at night… or a sip here or there throughout the day. No really, it’s bad. 
I NEED (really need) to get this in order. Part of it is habit of just not having water nearby and part of it is not loving water.
With summer kicking up, I think it’s definitely the right time to get in the habit of drinking more water. I’m going to commit to making a bigger effort of drinking more water, but first I wanted to crowd-source your tips for getting more water into your daily routine!
Any apps that work well for tracking? Any tips for making drinking water simply more enjoyable? Something that works (or doesn’t work) for you and your water goals?
I will do my best to implement the ideas that come in and hopefully make the change once and for all. I know that it takes about 21 days to break a habit, so my goal (#fingerscrossed, #holdmeaccountable) is to be drinking water like a fish by July!

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The best tip I can give is to always have ice water in a tumbler or water bottle with you! If it's sitting on my desk I always just keep sipping. And every time it's empty, I know it's time to take a quick break. I always take a tumbler or bottle with me in the car too!

Good luck!

AJ | TheAJMinute


Plant nanny for iPhone. It gives you a goal and every time you drink a glass you record it in the app and it "waters" your plant. It's definitely motivated me.

oregon girl

always take a water bottle with you whenever you go out! and having it in a cute tumbler at your desk helps too 🙂 definitely have more than one bottle and/or tumbler, because it would be annoying to only have one bottle when you need to clean it.

3 Peanuts

All I drink is water. I drink it all day long. I always have my tear is tumbler with lots of ice water, lemon and mint leaves. You will feel SO much better Carly if you drink more water.


Get that cute Lilly tumbler! It was so hot outside today that I filled mine up with some water and ice, drank it all, and refilled it to drink it away again! A cute cup of ice water during a hot day should be the trick to a fresh habit 😉

Margot Maley

Having a tumbler with a straw has worked wonders. I have one of the Aladdin plastic mason jars from target that I believe holds 32 oz, so I know that if I drink at least a few of those I'll be good for the day! But the straw makes it a lot easier to drink out of and more fun!

Hayley Constantine

I have a big glass bottle on my desk at work, a small glass and I drink with a straw. It sounds a little fussy, but this works in getting me to drink lots of water! (Big bottle because I can't be bothered to go to the cooler, small glass because it doesn't seem like much, and I always drink faster with a straw!)

Hayley | Bonjour, Blogger!

Shihaam H

My friend uses this app to remind her to drink a glass of water every hour. The app is called "Water your Body" and she swears by it!

Hannah Krueger

I leave a (cute) bottle of water in the fridge at night & leave some limes & lemon slices in there and drink it in the morning! It's supposed to help keep you full throughout the day & cleanse you… or something like that. I just like having it prepped and ready for me int he morning and keeping it with me while I'm getting ready! It definitely takes time to get used to though. Good luck!


I think the most important thing is to just always have water nearby, so you'll just drink some whenever your bored. Another tip that that really helped me was that I make myself drink a certain amount of water before my next meal. Before I eat breakfast I have to drink 0.3l, before lunch 0.75l and before dinner another 0.75l. At night I usually have a cup or two of tea, so it all adds up to about 2l of water a day.
I hope this helped, Paula.

Caitlin Cheevers

I've got one and I live in Michigan, Karina! You can find them at most big-box grocery stores. I love mine! The only downside: no strap or handle and they're hard to fit into side-pockets of backpacks. Luckily it isn't that much of a deal since I graduated college. 🙂

Maria Pastorelli

If I'm working/studying at home, I fill up a 2L bottle with cold water (in the summer I put lots of ice too) and work on drinking that for the entire day. Leave it right next to your computer or whatever it is you're working on.

If I'm out at school or anywhere else, I take two 500ml bottles with cold water, one in the car and one in my purse (there are some smaller ones that are sometimes more convenient). It's harder to keep track, but make sure you fill up BOTH bottles at least twice a day (like, during lunch and dinner).

Hope you reach your goals!! Oh, and you'll go to the bathroom A LOT!

Amber Lee Rosenzweig

I recently authored a post on this: Keep Your Water With You ( Also, I've used the UP band and then retired it because it was making me a bit too neurotic. I've brought it back in an attempt to force myself to get more sleep, but it now has a water tracking feature too! Also a great tip is to make your water more interesting. Buying a few glass bottles that are really inexpensive and adding various fruit, veg, and herbs helps some people – more here ( I know that it sounds odd, but I recently had lunch somewhere where there was lemon, cucumber, and mint in the water and it was very good! Best of luck!


Hey girl! For my clients I always recommend they go find a water bottle they love (that Lilly one would be perfect 😉 ). Once they do that, commit to taking 5-8 swallows every time you look at it.I've been told over and over that it helps. Also try some flavor drops – try not to rely on them so much but if it helps you stay hydrated then hey that's what we want!

Good luck 🙂 once you get in the habit you'll feel lost without it.


I always have a slice of lemon in mine. Squeeze it a little first so the juices will release slowly over time. Lime works too, and lemon strawberry is one of my favorite combinations. Some people love mint and cucumber as well. Definitely has me drinking more.

Caitlin Cheevers

I use the app Lift; it's all about creating better habits / getting rid of bad habits, so it's not limited to water consumption! And you can post about your progress (or lack thereof) and the Lift community will interact and encourage you. 🙂

Gillian R.

I used to have the same problem! The nice thing about water is the more you drink, the more you crave it. So it's kind of hard to reverse! For me, I just always sit down with a big glass of water when I read or do homework. Since it's just sitting there, I'll usually end up drinking it. Plus, I've always got a water bottle next to me when I'm driving!

Kylie Mavrakis

I forced myself into this habit when I came to college, and now I don't even buy any other drinks in my apartment! (Other than coffee and tea of course.) Having a cute cup is pretty much essential, especially when you're on the go, because you'll want to be carrying it. You could also add some fresh fruit to your water to add a little bit of flavoring without adding a ton of sugar!

xo Kylie

Evelyn Wells

I love fruit infused water! I recently tried lemon and strawberry and it gave my glass of water a little color :), and flavor! I also try to drink (chug) a glass of water before bed.

Evelyn Wells

Also whenever I get bad headaches it is usually because I have not drank water recently. Drinking a glass of water and my headache goes away.

Cary P

It really helps to drink sparkling water or San Pellegrino instead of plain, flat water. Or, if you are drinking plain, flat water to maybe add lemon or lime juice or let the water sit with strawberries or raspberries or pineapple. The fruit adds a great, natural flavor!

Rachel A

I have four Water Bobbles (yes, that's a real thing) that I fill up at night before going to bed and stick in the fridge. They REALLY help filtering out any gross taste that my city water has. I find that keeping it accessible and COLD for me really helps. I keep 2 liter bottles, a 24 ounce bottle, and an 18 ounce bottle, so I end up getting over 3L per day. I take one of the big ones to work, and I keep the 18 ounce one beside me when I'm chilling out at the house, and the 24 ounce one is the first thing to go into my body when I wake up. The second liter one I use when I drink all of my 18 oz bottle. Make it convenient! It's like any other healthy habit. Practice, practice, practice.

Carly Totten

I'm really terrible at drinking water too. My solution is to not drink plain water. I opt for flavored water, like Propel, and I've also thought about making my own fruit infused water by placing a few pieces of fruit in my bottle for the day. I also fill up a water bottle that happens to be a bit larger. I tend to want to finish it by the end of the day as a goal, and in doing that I've finished a much larger bottle of bottle than I would have if I was just sipping on one that's a standard size. Good luck, C!


Fruit infused water makes it the easiest to drink lots of water throughout the day without feeling like you're just constantly chugging tasteless water.

I like using tumblers or bottles that I can see exactly how much one full container holds (love my camelback). It's easy to set goals when first starting out and see the progress throughout the day that way. I try to also get water when at restaurants as much as possible as well. The server will keep refilling so you always get more than just one glass in over the course of your meal.

Once you get used to drinking so much water (and going to the bathroom much more), it gets really easy and enjoyable. Good luck! This reminds me that I wanted to start upping my water intake again as well 🙂

xo Amanda

Katelyn Godfrey

I've found that if I keep a reuseable water bottle with me at all times I drink more water. My favorite brand is Contigo. It is leakproof and has a seal that keeps the water fresh!


I find that just keeping a bottle of water or a glass next to my computer helps me drink all day long. I just reach for the bottle automatically when I finish a task or sometimes even when I'm just thinking something through. I made a habit out of drinking 3 green tea a day, because I read that it is the perfect amount – so I try to get up from my desk routinely to get tea and bring back some water at the same time! That way, I constantly drink something.

Kristen W.

I found the most helpful thing for me has been to fill-up water bottles in the morning with my "goal amount" for the day. That way I can track my progress through the day like someone else might track their steps! It has made a huge difference and gives me a really visual idea of how much water I've had each day. The best part is it truly does become a habit!


I definitely understand the struggle. The only way I keep myself drinking water is by carrying a reusable bottle or tumbler with me! It makes drinking water much easier because you never realize you are drinking it and it kind of becomes habit to fill it up again!

Prep on a Budget

Rachel Pelletier

I use a monogrammed camelbak water bottle and it helps me to drink so much water! The monogram is glitter so it looks adorable, the bottle comes in lots of different colors, and the "straw" that you drink from makes it really fun. It is also better for you because it forces you to sip the water instead of gulping which helps keep you hydrated. Here's a picture of the ones we make at my store!


Like many people said- having a water bottle next to your desk or in your purse so you always have it available. I find it is easiest to drink anything through a straw. So the Lilly tumblers are perfect for drinking more water. And having a cute tumbler helps! I am victim to this as well- but I force myself to constantly drink water while I am sitting at my desk at work. It's so good for your body and your skin. It also keeps your fuller longer so you won't feel the need to snack. If you aren't a fan of water plain- try adding a slice of lemon or lime. Any fruit really. Or try an infused water bottle- where you can put the fruit in the infuser and it permeates the water without disintegrating into the water. It's refreshing! It's just something you have to force yourself to do. Good luck!


Forgot to mention- not only is carrying around a reusable water bottle a good way to start drinking more water, it's also good for the environment. Double win!

Sarah Reynolds

Hi Carly, I try to drink a gallon of water a day. It keeps me from snacking unnecessarilyand obviously keeps me very hydrated! I buy the gallon jugs of spring water from Publix and will refill it for a few days. A gallon is a lot, so to stay on track I use a permanent marker to mark hour increments on the gallon jug, kind of like this:

It's a challenge and not the easiest thing to carry around, but you will feel so much better!


I've tried just about every app for tracking water on my iPhone. I've settled with Waterlogged which even syncs with Fitbit (the only one I've found that syncs with a fitness tracker so far). It even calculates mini goals based on your daily goal that it will remind you if you've missed. For example, right now, my goal is to have 16 oz by 12:30. I'll get a reminder on my phone if I've missed it. There's also a nag mode which keeps reminding you until you're back on track. Now if only I could find a way to actually force me drink the water since I still forget most days.


I made a goal to do this last year – I would fill up two 32 oz Nalgenes every morning, and make sure to drink them throughout the day! It helped to have the set amount of water (instead of just using and refilling one bottle). Adding lemon to cold water is really refreshing! I'm also a big fan of sparkling water.

Francesca Gariano

Tumbler cups with straws definitely helps with drinking water, in my opinion. I'm less conscious of drinking it when it's through a straw as opposed to me chugging down a bottle. And if it's cute, you're (or at least I am, hahaha) most apt to bring it out with me in public and get the most use out of it.

Good luck with your goal! 🙂


I add lemon, cucumber, strawberry & fresh basil or any other combo to increase the amount I drink. I have found that mixing it up bit helps! Good luck!


I think having a tumblr or bottle of water near you at all times is the best way to start! I do this all the time, whether I am at home, at work, out and about, etc. because it reminds me to drink up even when I don't think I'm thirsty. Now it is just second nature! I like the taste of water by itself but a lot of my friends put cut up fruit (like watermelon and strawberries) and mint in their water- perfect for summer!
Also, I love the app "waterlogged". You enter a goal that you want to reach in a day and then just tap the screen each time you finish a bottle. It was hard to remember to update at first, but now I just do it throughout the day!
Hope this helps 🙂


Hey Carly! So I think someone might have already suggested it but keeping a Camelbak with you at all times (or at least as much as possible) is what really helped me. Even in my house I keep one filled and next to me, since they have the straws and you can just sip them it's so much easier to fly through water. You can also get the ones with the filter's if you are worried about taste. A clever trick I've learned for drinking even more water is taking a camelbak lid and putting it on a Nalgene bottle, it almost always fits and then I drink even more water since generally the Nalgene's are bigger. Hope you find something that works for you!


I drink a ton of water throughout the day and I have noticed an improvement in my skin. It helps that I like water, but I keep a glass of water near me at all times. When I'm out for the day I make sure I have bottles with me. You can try adding lemon or other fruit to your water. Good luck and stay hydrated!

Emily Harry

Start in the morning. Drink a glass of water, brush your teeth, eat breakfast. An hour after you eat breakfast, drink another glass. Also, ANYTIME you get a hunger pain, DRINK WATER. It will surpass the hunger pain for at least an hour. (:

Oh Buoy Boston

I have always been the same way! My solution was the Soda Stream. I love sparkling water, and find myself using it atleast twice daily (and drinking 2 liters or more!). I never add any of the flavor packets, so it is truly just sparkling water, but sometimes a squeeze of lemon or lime for a little flavor.
Oh Buoy Boston


I swear by the bkr! I have 3 of them (I can't resist the colorful silicone sleeves). The glass is perfect and water just tastes so much better in glass than in other materials, at least for me. I leave one on my desk, one in my work/tote bag, and one ready to go in the fridge at home. They're the best!


I use the Temple app to track water intake. You can also track exercise and eating. I also use 32oz. bottle and try to drink at least 1 a day (in undergrad I drank 2 a day, which was awesome but I can't seem to drink that much anymore). Get a water filter if your water doesn't taste great. I also love to flavor my water- lemons, limes, fresh mint. I also really like to pour some juice in mine (about 8oz) and then fill it up with water. It provides a lot of flavor without too much sugar.


I used to be HORRIBLE about drinking water. It had no appeal to me whatsoever. Then three years ago I went on a trip to Colorado and the amount of water we were required to drink every day the week before the trip was the amount that goes into the largest Starbucks tumbler. I literally would wait until the end of the day to even touch the tumbler and would end up basically chugging the thing of water before I went to bed. After that week of drinking water and a week in Colorado being handed water bottles every two hours (we were in the mountains), I went home and noticed I felt horrible when I didn't drink water. Here I am three years later and now I drink 3-5 water bottles every day!

Emily Kleine

Carrying around water with you all the time is a great way to remember to drink water. I love adding fruit to my water to give it more flavor. Even squirting a bit of lemon or lime juice works too. Personally, I drink more water if my cup or water bottle has a straw. Camelbak, Contigo and Nalgene all make good quality and durable water bottles.

My favorite app to monitor water intake is WaterIn. In the app you can set the amount of water you want to drink in a day. Each time you finish a glass of water you record it. It has three different glass sizes: one glass, one large glass and one bottle. The app even lets you change the amount of water in each glass size so you can personalize it to your cups. WaterIn also has options for notifications to remind you to drink water.

Jordan @ All The Small Things

I love water and generally don't have a hard time meeting the daily 64oz recommendation, but I have noticed a definite increase in the amount of water I drink when I infuse it with fruit. I actually have an infusion pitcher too, so i cut up lemons and strawberries and put them in with some mint leaves, and away I go. Yesterday, I emptied my 20oz water bottle twice because the water was so delicious and refreshing.
My main suggestion is to just keep water with you everywhere. If you know you have it available, you will start to pay more attention to when you're feeling thirsty, too. Good luck!


I love putting a pitcher of ice water with fruit and mint leaves in my fridge to drink throughout the day. Another good tip is to try using the individual Crystal Light packets. They tend to be low/no calories and are easy to throw into a purse or bag. Then if you are out and tempted to get a juice or sugary drink or snack instead of water, mixing one into your water bottle can make it feel like a mid-afternoon treat.

Jessica Randall

Like I'm sure lots of people have said, having a cute sturdy bottle helped me. I had this great, thick walled glass water bottle from Brooks and after it (inevitably) fell off a counter and broke I noticed I just wasn't drinking as much water as when I had that great cute bottle. Still on the hunt!


I use the same glass for water, and make sure it's a fun one. I keep it by me at all times and having that by me versus the cup of coffee I actually want helped me kick the habit and start a new one. Water, all day everyday. I now drink an obscene amount of water and it's fantastic!


Ive been using a 24 ounce contigo water bottle from target that i loveee and i have been cutting up lemons and limes to put in it. Its amazing and really helps me actually want to drink it.

Tracey O'Dowd

TUMBLERS. I have multiple, in case one or two are in the dishwasher. I always have it around the house, and always bring one with me when I leave the house. If I know I won't have a hand for a tumbler, then I grab a water bottle and throw it in my purse. Sometimes I put lemon in it, but I find that since I'm lazy and don't always do that, I should just get used to it without. I used to be bad about it too, but tumblers were my answers! Plus, you'll remember to bring it with you if you have a cute one, because it kind of becomes an accessory 🙂


the best way to keep me motivated it to SEE how much i've had- so i keep a strip of cute washi tape on the side of my bottle and make a check mark for every 8 oz i drink. i set a goal each day to drink 10 oz- and seeing how many or few checks i have keeps me going!

oh, andfor sure getting a glass with a straw (like the ones you have pictured) is key! i'll be absentmindedly sipping on water while I'm working at my desk—
i replaced the hard plastic straw with bendy/disposables ones because those hard ones are seriously difficult to get really clean, and get gross after a while!

Puddle Jumper

I use the mini Nalgene that is 14 oz. Its a great size to tote around (it even fits in a Kate Spade Scout) and isn't as weighty as the big Nalgenes when full. Mine also has cute stickers on it so I love leaving it out on my desk.
When I know I've been bad with drinking water, I draw a little water glass at the bottom of my daily to-do list and tick off every refill.
My boss likes leaving an open cup on her desk. With the threat of spilling, you are conscious that the water is sitting there. I am too clumsy for that though.
You will def feel better, my stress headaches are way more manageable with a better water intake.

Madeeha Syed

I was terrible about this too and remembering to eat. I've learned that keeping a few water bottles around my apt really helps. On my desk, side table, kitchen counter, etc. If I see it, I'll drink it. Also, to help get yourself use to drinking all the time, I would put a reminder in your phone (about hourly) it seems silly but it works!


You just reminded me to get up and refill my water bottle haha! I have a tervis and for some reason it keeps leaking all over me and it drives me nuts! So..I would definitely recommend purchasing a water bottle with a straw.

Good luck!

xo, jen


I flavor my water to make it more enjoyable and always fill my tumbler everytime it is empty! It's a nice little walk and computer break at work! My favorite is to have Tang in my water. Orange flavor and it's healthy for you!


My favorite trick is to add frozen fruit to my water bottle! Try frozen raspberries, mango, strawberries with a bit of mint OR try cucumber, lemon, orange slice. Great and (tasty) way to stay hydrated! 🙂 Also, try incorporating it into your daily routine. Eg. In the morning have a tall glass of water as soon as you wake up.

Brianna Kolota

I bought a 32-ounce Nalgene bottle that has the fluid ounces marked on the sides. I try to drink 3 bottles of water every day. If you're just starting out, try drinking "x" number of ounces per hour. This is SUPER easy to track on the Nalgene bottles. Plus, you can customize the bottle colors online at! 🙂


I'm not picky about most things, but I buy enough of the tall, skinny SmartWater (30oz) bottles to get me through the work week, and reuse them over the weekend. I know I need to fill them up twice to get my water quota for the day, and it's much easier to gauge it by something that I can see, versus endlessly filling up a tumbler.

Amber Hillis

Well, a cute lily cup definitely helps the water drinker. I struggled as well with water and what I find is if I can drink at least 4-5 cups of water I allow myself to have ice tea or lemonade. That helps me to drink more.

Ashley Stockwell

You should check out Hydracoach! It's a techy water bottle that measures how much water you drink and alerts you when you need to drink more. Not as cute as the Lilly tumblers but super functional!

Keyonna Baierwalter

I have a 40oz HydroFlask water bottle that I drink from. I fill it with ice and it will last me over 24 hours. I have finished 2 full bottles so far today and I will probably fill my bottle again and I may drink about 1/2 before going to bed. I always keep my bottle with me and when I travel to the other schools, I make sure that my bottle is in my bag to travel with me.

Dana Lange

I can't recommend the Vapur Anti-Bottle enough! It is made of flimsy plastic that collapses when empty and is easy to fold up and tuck in your bag. It stands upright when full. Easier to transport than a bulky hard bottle.

Caden S

Make alerts on your phone for every hour or two, and have them reminding you to drink water! Also, I have the Lilly Pulitzer tumbler in Booze Cruise, and I take it around with me all the time! Also, I use a camelbak, they are spill proof and hook onto lots of different bags!


I have a 24 oz water bottle that I keep with me pretty much at all times. I drink it through out the day because it has a handy straw, so I could be reading and sipping mindlessly! It's a great way to get water in. If you don't like water, try adding fruit or mint leaves to it. Even freeze fruit in ice cubes and add that! Try to drink 2/3 of your body weight in ounces every day, so if you weigh 120 pounds, drink at least 80 ounces of water. Hope this helps!


How To Stop A Divorce And Save Your Marriage?(Dr.Brave).

Hello to every one out here, am here to share the unexpected miracle that happened to me three days ago, My name is Jeffrey Dowling,i live in TEXAS,USA.and I`m happily married to a lovely and caring wife,with two kids A very big problem occurred in my family seven months ago,between me and my wife so terrible that she took the case to court for a divorce she said that she never wanted to stay with me again,and that she did not love me anymore So she packed out of my house and made me and my children passed through severe pain. I tried all my possible means to get her back,after much begging,but all to no avail and she confirmed it that she has made her decision,and she never wanted to see me again. So on one evening,as i was coming back from work,i met an old friend of mine who asked of my wife So i explained every thing to her,so she told me that the only way i can get my wife back,is to visit a spell caster,because it has really worked for her too So i never believed in spell,but i had no other choice,than to follow her advice. Then she gave me the email address of the spell caster whom she visited.([email protected]}, So the next morning,i sent a mail to the address she gave to me,and the spell caster assured me that i will get my wife back the next day what an amazing statement!! I never believed,so he spoke with me,and told me everything that i need to do. Then the next morning, So surprisingly, my wife who did not call me for the past seven {7}months,gave me a call to inform me that she was coming back So Amazing!! So that was how she came back that same day,with lots of love and joy,and she apologized for her mistake,and for the pain she caused me and my children. Then from that day,our relationship was now stronger than how it were before,by the help of a spell caster So, i will advice you out there to kindly visit the same website,i f you are in any condition like this,or you have any problem related to "bringing your ex back. So thanks to Dr Brave for bringing back my wife,and brought great joy to my family once again.{[email protected]} , Thanks..

Paula Cupcakes

Hi Carly!

I have that little "problem" too, specially because i really have to do it because of medical issues. My advice to you is to drink a glass of water every hour in the day. This way makes the thing much more easier, you don't get tired or bored. Hope you liked the advice ^^ (And sorry for my bad english, i'm spanish)


Hi Carly!

Rising third year med student here! To play devil's advocate a bit, don't drink water just because you feel like you're supposed to – drink when you are thirsty! A good measure of how well you're doing in terms of getting enough H2O (sorry for this TMI.. but it's science!) is the color of your pee. You should aim for relatively clear urine, as dark yellow/orange/brown is a sign of dehydration, but there's no medical need to force yourself to drink when you're feeling overhydrated. Personally, I like to carry a water bottle with me because I'm always on the go, but I don't set the standard and somewhat arbitrary goal of 64 oz because that's just too much for my body. That all being said… I like my Tervis tumblers for stuff I want to keep cold, but I also think lululemon has been carrying some cute bottles lately too!

blog coming soon at 🙂

Sarah Wilson

I really like to drink water, but after my freshmen year of college I realized that with the dining hall having the coke fountains all over the place I started to gravitate more towards Coke. I started having headaches and I was feeling groggy and I knew it was because I needed more water. Enter the Eddy CamelBak water bottle. Now I have lots of these water bottles, but I hadn't had one in a while, so I went to target and bought one. The bite valve makes drinking water kind of fun which is what I like about it. I have the .75 L size and I drink anywhere from 6 to 10 of them a day. I also live in south Georgia where the water is pretty gross tasting. There is just a lot of sulfur in it and it tastes very eggy. My trick is to squirt a view drops of lemon juice in it and that seems to do the trick. I just have lemon juice, not actual lemons to put in my drink because of the all the bacteria and stuff on the peel. Hope this helps!

Monica Alvarado

Water!! I drink it room temperature, because is easier to drink more amounts of water this way than drink in it cold, you should have a cooler right beside you wherever you are, if you don't see it you will not drink it, and if the cooler can hold more water better so you don't have to refill it so many times.


Elissa Verso

Try this: get a big reusable water bottle and draw x amount of lines on it. At each line, write a time (i.e. 10 a.m., noon, 2 p.m., etc.). By that time each day, you have to drink enough water to level the water with the line.


The only way I found that I could drink water was to infuse it with fruits! My favorite is just plain old lemon because it makes it not even taste like water but lemony goodness. Also, rasberries, and cucumbers are great additives too. Try different combinations and find what works best for you:)

A College Confession


I know I'm so late, BUT try infused water! I just started infusing my water with strawberries and lemons and it's DELICIOUS! I love it! I just bought an infuser water bottle on Amazon and I'm waiting for it to come in the mail (thank God for Prime!) But it's definitely helped me drink more water.

Tip: the longer you let the strawberries infuse in the water the sweeter it tastes. Or try shaking the water to get the flavor out faster if you don't want to wait. Hope it helps!


As my tip for drinking water, I just don't buy anymore "other" drinks. Haha! This leaves me with only drinking water because that's all I have in the house (No, I take it back; I have almond milk but too much makes me thirsty anyway).


Just saw this and thought if you are still looking for advice that I might be of use! I try to drink the bulk of my water in the morning because I always forget by the end of the day. When I get out of bed, I drink 32oz with some type of snack that makes me super thirsty so it's easier to get it all down. After that, I tell myself I have to drink x amount of water by lunch time and x amount in the afternoon. Good luck!
