
Everything Little Women

Oh my wordI went and saw Little Women last week and I am officially obsessed. My friend and I had planned to go right after Christmas but couldn’t find a time to go together until after the New Year. I patiently waited and even thought I would be okay if I waited until I could download it at home. NOPE. I’m so, so happy we saw it in theaters because it was amazing. So amazing in fact, that I went again by myself two days later and it was even better the second time. (And let me just say that I rarely enjoy seeing the same movie twice in theaters because I get bored. However, it went even faster the second time around and I can totally see myself watching it again.)

I never read Little Women as a kid and attempted to read it before seeing the movie, but couldn’t quite get into it. (I’ve picked it back up though since becoming obsessed with the movie!) And I loved the 1994 movie as a kid but haven’t seen it in over a decade. I was excited about this one because I thought the cast was great– I had no idea that I would become completely enthralled by the story, the costumes, the sets, everything.

Since watching it for the first time, I have gone on a deep dive on the movie. I know a bunch of you guys also fell in love with the movie, so I’m sharing these if you haven’t seen them yet plus I’m all ears if there’s something I’ve missed and need to see/read.

And if you haven’t gone to see it yet, GO. I pre-ordered the movie to own, but I don’t think anything will beat seeing it on the big screen. This has been the best movie I’ve seen in theaters in years– seriously, it’s that good.

Little Women

Little Women Costumes

I loved every costume, but Amy’s were definitely the most beautiful. THAT CAPE.

Little Women 2019

Dressing Little Women” // My favorite article!!! Jacqueline Durran, the costume designer, was interviewed by Vogue and I ate it up. The costumes were probably my favorite part of the whole movie so reading about the deliberate choices and styling made them only that much more magical. I read this after watching it for the first time and I had so many things to think about, look for, and analyze while watching it the second time. So many more details stood out!! Someone also sent me a link to an Etsy shop that sells Little Women inspired clothing…. how weird would it be if I exclusively started dressing like this 🤔

Breaking Down a Scene from Little Women// Saoirse Ronan, Timothée Chalamet, Laura Dern, and Greta Gerwig discuss different scenes from the film. I really enjoyed it. The thought that went into the directing and acting… like, wow.

Behind the Scenes with Little Women // I sent this to Maddie and she had the same reaction that I had. Not only did it paint the film in such a beautiful light, it also made both of us want to be IN THE CAST. It looks like they all had so much fun filming on location, even if it was freezing out.

Speaking of having FOMO. More fun things from Youtube & Instagram featuring the actors.

Emma Watson shared some lovely black and white photos from filming. And Timothée Chalamet shared some amazing behind the scenes photos of the cast while shooting… the juxtaposition between the costumes and modern items (like Wendy’s french fries!) was so good. And here are Saoirse, Florence, and Eliza quizzing each other with trivia about the book and movie.

And my very favorite? Some of the cast watching a Little Women-inspired Tiny Kitchen video. The commentary!!!


Who’s seen it? Who still needs to go? Are there any interviews, behind the scenes videos, or Instagrams I need to watch/see/read?!?!?!

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Katherine B

Good Wives, Little Men and Jo’s Boys are well worth reading if you want to know more about the characters.


I thought it was okay. I loved the 1994 movie and thought the chronology in the first half was distracting and made it hard for me to get really invested in the characters. I did not like Timothee Chalamet at all! Laurie is supposed to be a little bit older and sexy – I think he is 17 in the book when Jo and Meg are around 13/14 – but he looks prepubescent throughout the whole thing. He was not believable in the least at the end. Same with Emma Watson – I love her but felt she seemed younger than she should? And Beth was lacking the warmth and likeability that Claire Danes brought (although I think that’s more true to the book). The few direct to camera scenes were also a little odd. Overall I thought it was good – the second half was definitely stronger – and I enjoyed it, but I was hoping to have the same reaction you did and it just wasn’t there for me.


This was the first movie version of “Little Women” that I’ve seen, but I did read the book in middle school and again just before I saw the film, and Laurie is actually Jo’s age (15 at the start of the book, Meg is nearly 17). Thought the film was lovely personally, but I totally get what you were saying.


The dresses and apron on etsy is not to far off from what is being made today. I think you could totally pull off the dresses with some minor modifications to fit into todays fashion. Let’s talk about the aprons though. Pretty awesome with the addition of a pocket to two.


First of all the girls looks so cute. I am also waiting the Christmas because there is a get to gather party in my home. I request the all-girls should come to my party

Maddy Smith

Oh my gosh I’m so glad to know you love it as well! I’ve also seen it twice!! Thank you for writing about it!!

Becca Barnes

I had the same reaction as you did, I absolutely loved it! Going to see it was one of my Christmas presents I opened from my husband and I made us go see it the next day and we were BOTH obsessed!

I never read the book either and I went and read/watched everything I could afterwards, too! I LOVE how Greta Gerwig received help from Steven Spielberg and he recommended she make it with real film because of the time period.

Greta is only 36 and I think she came up with the idea to write the script (which made me feel better about being 31 LOL) when she re-read the book in her 30s! Love the female empowerment surrounding her and so glad to know a female directors name now.


I agree the film was incredible! The book is absolutely wonderful too. I enjoyed it even more reading it this year because I pictured this cast while I was reading. I’m so glad other people are as obsessed with this movie as I am!


Hang in there with the book. It definitely starts slow but then picks up after a bit.

Crystal Konz

So excited to see this movie! Speaking of the Etsy shop…I browsed and I feel like Julia does an AMAZING job creating clothes that are a very modern example of Little Women clothes in her Gal Meets Glam collection.

Kristen Woolsey

I’m currently reading (actually listening) to the book, and I’m trying to finish it before I see the movie! It looks so good, and I’ve heard nothing but rave reviews!


I had never read the book either! But I just started the Audible version read by Laura Dern and others – it’s really good!! Wanted to get through that before seeing the movie 🙂

Elizabeth Waynick

I LOVED IT. I was very nervous, because I love the book and loved the 1994 movie, but I was enthralled. I LOVED the juxtaposition of time – I thought it was such a cool way to revive a story that has been told so many times! Amy’s dress and apron and cape from the painting scene were TO DIE FOR. This rendition also made me enjoy Amy’s character more than ever before. I always thought she was just a brat (she definitely is), but I had a lot more understanding of her feelings in this film. All around – I just loved it. I will definitely see it in theaters again and buy it for home.


I’m a huge Little Women fan. For me, nothing tops the book, but I did really like this movie. If you ever have a chance to go to Concord, MA., you should definitely visit Orchard House which is where they lived. You can really learn a lot about Louisa May Alcott and her family. Also, they have an incredible gift shop!!


You might like Virginia Kantra’s new book, Meg and Jo! It is a sweet modern retelling of the original book. It’s definitely fun if you love the characters – Jo is reimagined as a food blogger living in NYC!


” The Big Picture” podcast episode “Why Little Women Matters” was awesome and half is an interview with Greta! I loved listening to it between seeing it the first and second time. I love seeing other people getting as obsessed as I have been since seeing it!

Angela J

I saw it the day after Christmas with my mother and sisters. Loved it so much. My mom and I thought it was the best movie we have seen all year. Little Women was one of my favorite books growing up. I think it was because I had only sisters. It was also my Mom’s favorite. In fact her grandchildren call her Marmie. Loved the costumes, set design, everything. I own the 1994 version and will likely get this version as well.

Lisa Mari

I‘m dying to see it! Here in Germany we still have to wait until January 30st…haven’t read the book yet but tried an audiobook on Spotify but I think I’d rather like it as an actual book. Seen so many sneak peeks on Instagram and this article just got me even more excited!


This post is AMAZING! I also LOVED the movie! After hearing your rave review I was even more excited and it did not disappoint! Not only was the cast just phenomenal, the story was enriched so much through the beautiful way it was filmed, the sets and the costumes (which were seriously STUNNING!). After hearing about the costumes from you, my mom and I made sure to pay extra attention to them when we saw it. I can’t wait to see it again and read the book!

Lauren G

Seeing it this evening!! I’m so excited. The 1994 version was one of my favorite movies growing up, though I actually just started reading the book for the first time over Christmas. My mom gifted me the greatest book that is all about the movie- filming it, the cast, designing and making the costumes, etc.!! I feel like you’d LOVE it.


Some of the movie was filmed in my hometown(Harvard)! They blocked off half the town so by the time I made it there to finally see the set it was being taken down and I got heckled by a set worker for taking a picture 😂! Can’t wait to have a solo movie date and see it in person 🙌🏼


Just loved this post and the readers comments! So many wonderful suggestions that I am highly considering seeing it again myself. Plus, somehow the big screen just makes it special. I thought that the movie did a nice job of blending the original story with “present” day…..ok to therefore not necessary to read book, but perhaps an inspiration to do so!


Thanks so much for this post! Seriously seriously amazing movie! The cutting back and forth in time really cast characters in a new light for me. Especially Amy who I never connected with in the book or 1994 film. Every single character was three dimensional and felt so real. It showed the passage of time from youth to adulthood wonderfully- it was sweet but didn’t shy away from the hard stuff e.g. Megs story.

Erika Marucci

I LOVED the movie! I basically had your same reaction! I haven’t enjoyed a movie this much in so long! I read the book when I was a kid and I’ve always loved it more than the movie version, but this one was so good! Amy has always been my favourite, although I think I see more of myself in Jo.
xo Erika

Sarah Zielinski

I am so happy you liked the film! I read the book for the first time this fall and loved it. I especially enjoyed the second half of the book (as many people do)!
