Friend Ski Trip

Three things I love: spending time with friends, skiing, and traveling. When all three are combined… even better
This was the second annual ski trip and I think we all were in agreement that we want to keep doing it every year. We have so much fun together. Garrett and I only knew two of the people on the trip last year (including G’s brother) in Okemo, so this year was an absolute blast reuniting with the whole group in Killington, VT.

It was also better this year since I knew what I was doing. Last year’s trip was only my second and third day of skiing ever so it was rough. My only goal for this year was to not hold anyone back and to do one blue square run. I kept up with the group well enough and went down a blue square without a problem. 
Typically I don’t like doing things that I’m not good at (not something I’m proud of) and it really seems like skiing is the exception. It’s so uncharacteristic for me in just about every way. I’m not athletic. I don’t like being cold. And I definitely am not a risk taker. But for some reason that I do not understand I love skiing. I don’t even care that I suck at it; it’s still fun!
G and I were both disappointed in the lack of snow this winter, but I think we still got some great skiing days in. (And we have a trip out to Utah with his family planned for March!)

It was kind of overcast on the first day and the views from the top of the mountain were unreal. Even when I’m feeling scared and intimidated by the height, it is so worth it to get to the top. 

I bought this coat this year and it is so warm.
I look forward to these waffles every trip. They’re really, really good and taste even better while exhausted from skiing.
On the second day, the group split in two. Two of the couples stayed on one side of the mountain for a half day and then we went to the other with Michelle and Karl, our friends from Connecticut. (We also carpooled together.) Michelle and I stuck together doing our favorite runs while the boys went off on their own doing the terrain parks and black diamonds. We found the best spots where no one else was skiing. It was gorgeous and a lot of fun.
On the drive home, the four of us stopped at The Vermont County store. If you’re ever remotely in the area, you have to go. They have everything!!!! Including delicious samples everywhere. We walked out of there with coffee, bottles of Moxie, jars of maple syrup, and maple candies. The store just goes on and on and on– it would be impossible to leave without a bag of goodies.
The gorgeous sunset.
I put together a video for the group and uploaded it to Youtube if you want to watch. The whole thing is from Garrett’s point of view since he was wearing the GoPro… but that also means he captured an epic tumble down a black diamond.

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Tracy Heather

My family had a house in Sugar Bush for close to 15 years. We grew up skiing and I wish it was somethig I stuck with. I am sure once back on skis I will know what I am doing.

Loved stopping at the Vermont Country store every time we left!!

Great video!

Nicole Lam

haha, oh my god, was G okay?! That crash went on and on…and on. I love how they dusted off the camera first thing. #priorities Looks like a lot of fun! Trips with good friends are food for the soul – love it. 🙂


He was 99% okay… just a little sore! And Karl picked up the camera… he literally skied down to Garrett talking to the camera as if he was a news reporter. It was hilarious!

Alexia G

Are you staying in PC while in Utah? If you need any locals recommendations let me know! The season starts to taper off in March but there's still lots to do:)

Meagan Roll

I recommend pizza at Maxwell's–it's delicious every time and has a cool atmosphere. I'm so excited you'll be over in my neck of the woods and would love to meet you if you have any time for a meet and greet! You'll love Utah, and Park City is completely charming! It really is as beautiful as everyone says. Glad you had fun on this friend ski trip. 🙂


Starting in First Grade, one day a week my school closed at noon so everyone could go skiing. That's Vermont for you! If you've never been, I highly recommend my hometown, Manchester, Vermont. Lots to do, including skiing, and you will go bananas for the Northshire Bookstore.
