
Gingham at the Beach

I think one of my favorite parts about going to the beach is being able to throw on cover ups and just bop outside. It’s so simple and takes no effort. (The worst part is the 40 minutes before walking out the door applying half a bottle of sunscreen.)
The beach was just down the road from the Gasparilla Inn cottage we were staying in. It’s an easy, enjoyable walk, but so much more fun to bike. 
I bought this tunic when it was still freezing outside and it’s genuinely a new favorite. It drapes perfectly and hits just at the right spot in the front and the back. On Saturday I wore it alone and on Sunday I paired it with denim shorts. I feel like there’s such a fine line between having a cover up that’s cool and lightweight while still not being completely sheer. This one is just right!
I didn’t check a bag flying down to Florida and my duffel bag ended up being a tight squeeze. Thankfully I chose this packable hat because I really did shove it into my carryon and it popped right back to shape when I unpacked.
And THIS BIKE!!!! Every time I visit my parents, I always want a bike. I regret giving away the one I had in college although I know there was no convenient way to get it back to Florida anyway.
I started looking for bikes and they were either super expensive and chic or super cheesy and affordable. Like dorky, cheesy beach cruisers. No, thank you. I stumbled on this Schwinn bike (under $200) and knew I had to have it. My dad and I installed the basket and, bam!, the cutest bike.
So I wore this bikini to the beach but pretty quickly popped on this rash guard. I have a love/hate relationship with the beach because of the sun. I just cannot spend a lot of time in the sun with my pale skin. Not only is it unhealthy and dangerous, it’s miserable to get burned. I do not tan. I fry. I’m so thankful that J. Crew started making cute rash guards and sun shirts
(all photos by my Stacy!)

Say Hello


Tori A.

You look so cute in all of that gingham, and that bike looks like a smooth ride!

Tori A. from Prep For A Day


I remember seeing your hat in your bag on Snapchat and I was thinking "oh no!" I'm heading to Miami at the end of the month and only plan to pack a carry on, so I'm hoping mine bounces back just the same 🙂 As for burning in the sun, I feel you! Just looking at me, one wouldn't think I burn so easily, but it's true. I'm a stickler for SPF and I'm always harping on everyone to keep applying when we spend a good amount of time in the sun.

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