Hamilton on Broadway

I’ve been dying to go to Hamiltonyou know, along with the rest of the world. I’ve been low-key searching for a good time to go, but couldn’t find a good night between the dogs, my schedule, planned trips, and Garrett’s work schedule. BUT, I was in the city this past weekend taking over The SmartFlyer’s Instagram story, and Gar had the night off, so I figured it was worth a shot since we had a hotel and everything!

Long story short, I ended up buying tickets for the wrong night because I’m an idiot who was multi-tasking and had way too many windows open on my browser. I also bought the right tickets once I realized my mistake and ended up selling the other tickets to a blog reader via Facebook. So all was right again.

Before I go into more detail, here’s the bottom line about the show: it’s better than the hype.

Hamilton the Musical on Broadway

I’ve seen a lot of Broadway shows over the years, and this one is unique. It’s in its own league really. Better than everything. (Including Rent, which is… really saying something for me!) The entire thing is just so different, right down to the audience’s reactions. It was the loudest, most enthusiastic audience ever. I’m pretty sure everyone would have sung along if they could or given a standing ovation for every single song. The applause was deafening, and there were a few whistles/screams at certain points. It was also a pain to get in… people were (rightfully) going CRAZY. This was the only point where I wished I hadn’t gone; I felt a panic attack coming on from the suffocating crowd, though I felt better by the time we got to our actual seats.

The one thing I wish I had done differently would be to listen to the entire soundtrack first. Well, I’m not sure about that actually. I wanted to see the show with a fresh perspective. On one hand, I found getting used to the rapped words for the first twenty minutes was a challenge, and I missed a lot of the story. I don’t know if it was this particular show or my hearing, but I thought the orchestra was overpowering the actual singers, so I had a hard time figuring out what they were saying. But I eventually adjusted. The soundtrack is amazing and a great way to learn the words. I want to re-watch the show now that I’ve gone through the soundtrack a solid 25 times since seeing it. I did enjoy watching the show unfold without knowing too much about it, but it would have been nice to understand the first few songs better!

Regardless of that, it was simply amazing and worth every pretty penny.

Going in, I was hoping it wasn’t just all hype. I ended up thinking that the hype doesn’t even do it justice. It’s that good. I cried multiple times. Laughed. And never got bored. I wish it had gone on all night.

It also was weird how much I remembered from history classes (the most random things, really) and how much I didn’t know or couldn’t remember. I picked up 1776 just to brush up on the events; I was very inspired walking out of the theater!

And if you can’t get tickets? The soundtrack is great and worth listening to and enjoying on its own. I’ve had it nearly on repeat since Saturday night! I can’t help it. I haven’t had time to go really deep into the Hamilton Youtube video black hole yet, but I’m just waiting for a quiet night to go crazy!

Are you obsessed?! Have you seen it yet?!

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Hamilton is everything! I was lucky enough to see it with the full original cast – don’t ask me how but I managed on a complete fluke to get affordable orchestra seats, truly a miracle. I have been listening to the soundtrack on repeat for close to a year now and it never gets old. It really is bigger than the hype which seems impossible with the insane amount of hype but it really is one of a kind.
I am curious with all the recent cast changes and swings that are in every night who was in the show when you saw it? Were you lucky to see Andrew Chappelle as Lafayette/Jefferson? His snapchats SLAY me everyday!

Pat Montano

I had seen “In the Heights” 8 times and was blown away by Lin Manuels brilliance at that time. When Hamilton was off Broadway, I waited patiently for the move to Broadway and those tickets to go on sale. I was on line waiting for the website to open and was lucky enough to get 3 rear Orchestra seats for $150 each!! We saw it 1 week after it opened on Broadway. We saw with the original cast.
It B.L.E.W my mind!!!
Such originality
Such passion
I laughed I cried I laughed I cried
I love the beautiful colors of the cast

I love that we are alive to be able to be part of Lin Manuels world
He is pure genius

If you can can swing the price of tickets (thankful for the price we paid) ….
You won’t be disappointed!


SO OBSESSED WITH HAMILTON!!! Lin-Manuel Miranda is a gift to this world, truly. (And so was A. Ham I guess but I mean LMM!!!) We almost bought tickets to his last show but just could not stomach paying so much per person to see Hamilton – it would’ve cost the same to fly to Europe and back, stay in a nice hotel, and buy lots of treats!

I can’t wait to see it soon, though. My next trip to the city, I’m likely going to break my Hamilton piggy bank and treat myself because I’ve only heard that the show is better than the hype and I don’t think I’ve encountered anything that measures up to the hype, let alone exceeds it!

Glad you had so much fun and can’t wait to see you and Gar and the pups do the soundtrack ;P


I am obsessed and wish I could see it! I’ve also been listening to the soundtrack obsessively. If you’re looking for some related reading, I also recommend Ron Chernow’s biography of Alexander Hamilton! I just started it!

Kellie (The Yuppie Files

I was originally a music major (voice) who has ended up a US history teacher. So…. dying to see this. We’re all a little obsessed here, since it’s so rare to have a historical figure like Hamilton be “cool”!

I would suggest listening to the soundtrack before going. I never think knowing the music ruins the experience & often smaller things get missed when hearing a musical live.

Rachel | Love This Life

I am so jealy you went!!! I have obviously been aware of all the hype (how can you not be) and my mom is borderline psychotic obsessed with Hamilton after listening to the soundtrack and now reading the Hamilton book. I haven’t been, but I spent a car ride listening and having my mom explain things to me that I completely forgot from history class, and it was SO helpful to have at least a little background knowledge. One day I’ll get it see it!


Obsessed doesn’t begin to describe it! I saw your extra tickets on sale on FB and was asking every person I knew to go with me. I was happy to see they went to another reader! The soundtrack is amazing, and honestly it’s been my favorite thing to run to. It must be the raps mixed with passion that make workouts fly by, but I get a kick out of the fact that it’s a musical. I also suggest picking up the biography by Ron Chernow that inspired Lin to write the musical. I’m about halfway through it (it’s a long one), but it’s one of the only historical books I’ve ever enjoyed. It’s also been fun to see some of Lin’s ideas played out in the biography. Glad you loved it!


If you really want to get even more obsessed (and have some spare time) then you NEED to look up the annotated lyrics! It explains each and every lyric (yeah), the historical references, the hip-hop references, and it adds SO MUCH to the story. I read one song a day and it was worth the time!


Loved Hamilton! My husband surprised me with tickets in July and I was so happy to see the original cast right before they left. You’re right about the energy in the theatre – so different from every other show I’ve been to. Plus Bill and Hillary Clinton were sitting a few feet from us so the whole theatre was abuzz. I’ll definitely try to see it again with this new cast when it comes to Boston.


I can’t wait for Hamilton to make it over to the west coast! I’ve heard so many good things. Thanks for the soundtrack idea, maybe I should get going on the listening to prep for the show 🙂


My sisters and I got into Hamilton about six months ago (and have since assigned ourselves to various Schuyler sisters — since I was the last on board with Hamilton, I’m Peggy). While I probably won’t be able to see the show for several years, especially because I can’t stomach paying anything more than half-price student tickets, I did find a bootleg (which is totally against my standard good-girl genes, but it was worth it). Love the sound track to death!

When you do get to youtube, I would definitely recommend watching Ham-4-Ham and Leslie Odom Jr.’s “Aaron Burr Sir” vlogs. 🙂


You are so cool Carly!!! How neat that you got to see Hamilton!!! I’ll be seeing it in Chicago, and I can’t wait! For future reference though, it is technically called a Cast Recording… More than one theatre enthusiast has corrected me when I have called it a “soundtrack.”
