
Ho Hum

This weekend was really the perfect getaway. The city is insane, and sometimes it blows my mind how it’s only a quick train ride out of the craziness. Lucky for Garrett and I, we have amazing friends who let us come out to their house for Memorial Day weekend. We love Howie, Jana, and (of course) Lilly. The nicest of people! (Honestly, it takes a lot of self-control to not smuggle Lilly back to the city with us!)
Some photos from our weekend:
Their house is actually the most beautiful thing in the world. 
Howie and Lilly! How cute is she?! Quite the little personality she has.
We ate at The North Fork Table & Inn’s Lunch Truck. Picnics, lemonade, good friends, and the best grilled cheeses ever!
(Lilly just turned three and we got her this dress… So much fun picking it out!)
We attended a neighbor’s backyard dinner– it was great to meet everyone and enjoy time outside! (Wearing my favorite maxi dress!)
I seriously want to move out there! The cutest town ever.
We spent actual Memorial Day out at the beach. It was a little chilly, but being by the water and under the sun was just the best!
I mean… he’s pretty darn cute. He’s wearing a Huxter shirt (#twins) and Harding Lane hat.
We caught an early train back to the city and immediately missed our friends and the beach! … back to reality today!
How was your Memorial Day weekend?

Say Hello


Laura Garrett

You two are the cutest people ever!

I think I would want to move to a town like that too if the ice cream shop looked like that!!


I have to agree that Bellport is the cutest! All my aunts, uncles, and cousins live there and we live in SC. I used to spend every summer up there at my aunt's which is right in Bellport city limits! Talk about a great place to spend the summer!


you and garrett really do seem like a cute and well matched couple, not only in your interests but you dress very similarly and really do like a couple, in the true sense of the word,a matching pair, two items which belong together are similar in appearance and of the same set.


I love it! Looks like so much fun. Wish that cute little town wasn't so far away or else I would plan a day trip there.


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