
Hunter “Tour” Packable Boots

So I’m back in the city and I can’t wait to share everything from the trip. I think it’s going to take me a while to go through all the photos and my notes and get everything ready for blog posts. So. Much. To. Share. Scotland was beyond amazing and I had the best time visiting the Barbour factory in Newcastle. Everyone was super nice and I learned more about the brand than I thought was possible… and loved every minute of the entire trip. My gratefulness for the opportunity is immeasurable!
I promise I’m going to be posting about the actual trip soon… but I just wanted to pop in and share how perfect my new Hunter boots ended up being for traveling. I have a pair of the original Hunter boots and they’ve been great for rainy and snowy days over the years. But they’re bulky and can end up feeling super heavy after lots of walking. (And sometimes they rub the back of my calf in a weird way if I walk too far or don’t wear high enough socks.)
Based on a couple of online reviews, I decided to splurge and pick up a new pair for my trip (i.e. order online and pray they arrive in time!). Honestly, the best decision I could have made.

I got the Hunter “Tour” Packable boots and they are the best. Compared to the originals, they’re absolutely noticeably lighter. And the flexibility of the material is great for packing and great for comfort, which was an unexpected, but wonderful, surprise.
To save room in my small suitcase, I wore them on the six plus hour plane ride. Major risk, considering it could have made a long flight feel even longer… but they were super comfortable. I pretty much did not take them off throughout the entire trip. (I even climbed up this tall hill called Arthur’s Seat in Edinburgh in them.)

Bottom line: I recommend these 100%. I always worry about what to pack and wear on trips, especially this one. I knew it would be rainy and that there would be lots of walking involved. When touring new cities, I think it’s so important to be comfortable so you can enjoy your time and not have to stop to rest or be in pain the whole time. The simplest thing (like having happy feet) can make your trip so much better.
Say Hello



I love those red ones! I got the packable ones too because I wanted yellow but they only had them in the tour. I'm so glad I got them too! They are so much more comfortable than my stiff Ralph Lauren rain-boots. If I get another pair of Hunters, they will definitely be the packable ones 🙂 Glad you had fun on your trip!

Ashley B

I LOVE my Hunter Tour boots! I have been traveling with them for the past two years and they are perfect, lightweight and comfortable enough to walk a city in. While the original glossy are beautiful, I find the Tours way more practical! Can't wait to see all of your Scotland pics!

Ashley | History in High Heels

Marta O.

I love the hunter tour boots, but I end up buying a pair of the originals because I handed them on the mint color 😉 Glad you have fun on Scotland


Kyla Currier

I love my original Hunters but these definitely make more sense if you're doing a lot of traveling!


I hope you have enjoyed the great view on top of King Arthur's Seat 😉 When I was there last year it was just incredible. Edinburgh is one of the most beautiful cities in Europe imo!


Good to know! We're looking at visiting Europe this year and I was dreading packing my normal hunters in my suitcase (and they'd be unbearable to wear on the plane).


I've been researching Hunter boots (I can't decide between the Original and Tour boots) so I am so glad that you wrote this post! Thanks for the insight – it'll make my decision that much easier!


Ashley @ Coffee & Macarons

If you hiked up Arthur's Seat in those boots, then they must be a dream come true. Husband and I hiked that this summer and it was a tough one. So happy you had a great time in Scotland, it is my most favorite European country.



So glad I saw your post before I went for the original Hunter boots! I've been thinking about them for a while, but the last thing I wanted to do was buy boots I dreaded wearing because of the weight! These are the perfect solution!


Can't wait to hear about the trip!!!! I love Scotland 🙂
And kudos for climbing Arthur's Seat in Hunters!! My friend climbed in wellies and was slipping all the way up!

Regina Heit

These are really interesting! I have the original teal ones and they're so heavy they're almost hard to wear sometimes. Next time I'll definitely look into the packable ones!


Jocelyn Bueno

Hi I have a question about this style of hunter boots. I recently bought a pair from someone and I’m kind of scared they might be knock off but it’s really hard to tell. Do you know if all of these boots have the Hunter emblem printed on the inside of them? And do they come with a little duffle bag to store them in?

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