life is just a chair of bowlies

I used to start every single morning by peeling off another sheet on my Mary Engelbreit calendar.
I loved the characters, the sayings, the colors, the happiness!  Each Christmas, my stocking would have a calendar, ready to go for the new year.  Years and years of these calendars have left me with stacks and stacks of the daily sheets.  (I could never ever throw them away!!!  #hoarders)
Additionally, I read her magazine religiously.  Multiple times.  One of the features was showing off the studios of popular artists.  I was always inspired by these studios.  Some were neat as a pin.  Some were minimal and clean and white.  Others were strewn with nicknacks and dried paint.
Here’s Mary in her own studio:
Are you lusting over the hundreds of pens, pencils, and markers like I am???

Somewhere buried in a storage bin are hundreds of these paper dolls!  Did anyone else collect Anne Estelle and her friends?

Oh that Mary had quite the sense of humor.
Please tell me that I was not the only one obsessed with Mary Engelbreit!!!

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Mary Engelbreit.. oh so 1999.

Yeah, I loved it too. I had a friend who decorated her room over the top Mary Engelbreit.


oh I loved Mary Engelbreit! I grew up in St. Louis and my childhood home was two blocks away from her studio at the time.


I haven't had her calendar for a couple of years (I've switched to Susan Branch for the home one), but I used to love my ME daily calendar & YES also had stacks of them in drawers at my parents house. A couple of years ago, I cleaned them out & sadly trashed them. But her stuff does make me smile!

Sundresses and Smiles

ah, i loved paper dolls!! every christmas my grandma would give me a new book of paper dolls (among my favorites is a princess diana set!). i still have most of them in the closet somewhere!


I LOVED THESE THINGS. my mom had tons of them and she would let m obsess over them


What wonderful memories! My daughter is about your age (college soph) and I framed 12 of ME's Anne Estelle paper dolls and decorated her very pink and girly bedroom back in the day…
