
Looks for Less: Preppy Accessories

Accessories can make or break an outfit. Jewelry and other types of accessories can also make an old outfit look new again. You can dress up a casual outfit with the perfect necklace, or bring out a particular color of a bold print.
The problem is that building your accessories collection can be costly. While I do like to splurge on a fun bangle now and then, you don’t need to spend a lot of money to get the look you want.
I went through and pulled some of my favorite branded accessories… and look-alikes for much less!!!

Do you save or splurge on accessories?



Generally save. If it is something trendy, then I buy it cheap. If its something I know I will wear for a long time, I am willing to spend a lot more on it.


I love this post, although now that I know that amazing Kate Spade watch exists, I might have to make it mine 🙂


For me, it really depends. If I find something that's kind of similar but not quite right to what I'm looking for, I've learned to pass and buy the exact style I have in mind. If I buy something that I don't love, it's wasted money because in the end I won't use it. I also scour eBay for vintage – I can generally find something authentic and less expensive that's unique. Take for example enamel bracelets. To find a good enamel bracelet that won't chip on you and will last, one can generally expect to pay a somewhat hefty price. I can find a vintage enamel bracelet usually for less on eBay. I find that one typically will need to be patient and spend time looking for the right item, buy the trending item (with its price tag), or buy a cheap imitation that might sort of work. But you never know, sometimes you get lucky!

Portuguese Prepster

great options! For trendy costume jewelry I try to find cheaper pieces however if I really like something I'll cave even if it's overpriced!


Such a cool post! I just did a similar post on my blog and people really liked it. I'm all for buying designer items, but sometimes it's cool to buy the knockoffs as well 🙂

Julia D.

If it will be a timeless piece that I can wear for a long time, I'll splurge on it because I want it to last. If it is just to spruce up an outfit or to bring trends into my fashion choices, I won't spend much money on it. Great choices!

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