
Motivational Playlist

I don’t really know why, but I’ve been kind of slumping into a self-doubt rut. One of the hardest parts of working for myself is that the highs are high and the lows are just lonely. It’s also kind of like college classes where you have weeks that are low-key and then a week jam packed with exams and papers followed by another slow week. During a lull week, I can get really down on myself… sometimes it’s hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I know things will kick up again, they always do, but it’s hard to remember that when I’m sifting through the boring everyday to-dos. And then when things really heat up? Sheesh, well I put so much pressure on myself for performance that I start to question everything that I’m doing. 
I try to keep this all in check, but I’m not immune to those self-doubting moments. I have a few songs that I love to play on repeat when I need a little boost of confidence or even just a little jolt of energy. Isn’t it amazing how the right song (even if it’s just that one line that speaks to you) can change your entire mindset? Powerful stuff there.
There are some songs I listen to for specific reasons, but I jumbled them all up into one playlist. A little bit of everything and I’m kind of obsessed. Pick a song to play on repeat or go through the entire playlist (1 hour, 15 minutes) for positive energy while cranking through something on your to-do list.

Do you have any motivational songs?!


PS “Girl On Fire” was honest to god a lifesaver of a song for me. When things were rough at my old job, I’d literally listen to it on repeat on my subway ride downtown and then blasting in my earbuds ALL day long. It’s kind of hard to listen to the song now because it brings back so many memories from that time, but it still moves me in a major way.

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Brooke Kruman

I'm on week 3 of grad school right now, SO feeling this right now. Thanks, Carly! My personal favorite is Taylor Swift, Out of the Woods!


These are some of my favorites, too! I've found some of my most motivational music on The Hunger Games soundtracks – Eyes Open, We Remain, and Yellow Flicker Beat, in particular. And try Can't Hold Us Down, Fighter, and Here to Stay (Christina throwbacks!) and Sara Bareilles' Chasing the Sun 🙂

Mallory B

Love this!! "She Moves In Her Own Way" by the Kooks is another great one. You rock, Carly!!

xoxo, Mal

Riley Russell

I love all these suggestions! I've been looking for songs to listen to at work that don't make me want to fall asleep. I will absolutely be plugging into these tomorrow at my desk! My favorite power anthem lately has been "Just Give Me A Reason" by Pink – I don't think I had listened to Pink since "Get Thid Party Started" in middle school but I love this latest song of hers!

– Riley


Love these songs especially "Fight Song." I could listen to it a million times!

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