
Must See Television Series on Netflix

After reading (and loving) this Sweet Lemon Magazine blog post, I knew that I had to share my favorite Netflix shows!
I didn’t have cable while at school and I’m not planning on signing up for cable in my new apartment. But I love Netflix. I have the Netflix app on my iPad and watch it while I’m getting ready in the morning and if I’m working on boring things at my desk.
Sometimes I watch movies, but I’m much more into the television series! Forty two minutes is just long enough where I can get through one episode in the morning. Between straightening my hair and getting dressed and putting on make up and what not, it’s a great distraction to make time go by a little quicker. Plus, I really dislike watching live television. I’d much rather skip the commercials. AND I love that I can watch as few or as many episodes as I wish, especially if an episode has a cliffhanger. Hello, I’m not patient enough to wait a whole week (or longer if it’s a season finale) for the next episode.
Here are my Netflix television series recommendations:
Friday Night Lights | Um…. this show is basically the best show ever. One of my high school coaches  would endlessly talk about how great it was. I finally broke down and watched the show and it truly is amazing. The first episode starts off slow. (I think I started to watch it four separate times.) But once you get through the first episode, you will be hooked!!! I’m still in love with Matt Saracen. Swoon.

Brothers & Sisters | This is a series I’m watching right now with my mom. We’re hooked!!! We think it feels like a grownup version of The OC. Lots of drama.
One Tree Hill | I always heard friends talking about this show, but I never really even knew what it was about. It’s good… but then it gets crazy. Someone told me to stop watching once they graduate from high school. I wish I had listened to that, but if you’ve watched the show, you know it’s just too addicting. But it really does get crazy in the later seasons.
Mad Men | The first four seasons are on Netflix. Love love love. While the whole womanizing thing gets old, the clothes and drama is swoon worthy. It’s a slower show and a lot of the beauty in it happens visually and in the little character quirks. Meaning, it’s hard to multitask while you watch since you really do have to watch the show.
Felicity | This is great for anyone planning on attending college, currently in college, or went to college at some point. It’s a sweet little show and makes college life so much fun. I watched it during my last semester at college and the freshman and sophomore years in particular brought back so many memories. Also, it’s fun to watch how much has changed since 1998 and how much has stayed the same. Felicity calls her mom on a NYC pay phone, but the issues Felicity faces are still relevant today.
What’s your favorite television series? Do you watch TV or movies on Netflix?

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Puttin' On The GRITS

I don't regularly watch TV so I actually don't even have cable but I have a Roku box that allows me to stream Netflix, Amazon Instant, and Hulu Plus on my TV. When I get started watching a series, I want to watch every episode as fast as possible because I have zero patience. I don't know how people wait a week to another episode.

I watched Friday Night Lights and absolutely loved it. I wasn't ready for it to end. I recently really got into White Collar with Matt Bomer (yum!).


Dawson's Creek! All the seasons are on streaming now and let me tell you– the show is ADDICTING. Very similar vibe to Felicity (they were made at the same time, after all) but very much worth watching!


OH Friday Night Lights! My friend got me hooked and I watched way to much of it in such a short period of time! It's seriously the best!!

WV Fashionologist

Brothers & Sisters is a great show! My sorority sisters and I got hooked on it and would have watching parties. You might watch Revenge, it's really good too, and I think it's in the free section of Hulu. I like watching a lot of old shows from when I was in high school, Dawson's Creek, Roswell (on Hulu Plus), and once Gilmore Girls starts streaming, my producitivty is doomed.


I forced myself to cancel my Netflix account because I just wanted to watch TV and movies instead of studying. Oops! Anyways, my favorite shows on Netflix are Army Wives and Say Yes to the Dress.



Love this post! I'm addicted to shows on Netflix. I was totally an extra in Season 5 Episode 3 of FNL 😉 So much fun! All of the actors are such great people.


I am addicted to netflix but the Canadian one leaves much to be desired. We don't get half of those tv shows. Pretty sure we only get Mad Men out of the ones you listed. I am super jealous that you get OTH I am dying to finish watching it and only got up to the 5th season. I use it a lot more for movies since we get so few tv shows. I have been watching Life Unexpected lately tho. Its not bad but its no OTH.


I am so in love with Netflix!! I put it on while I get ready too:) I watched the whole series of Pretty Little Liars (it's classic ABC Family and SO addictive) this summer and I have been looking for a new series to start before I go back to work (I'm a teacher). Thanks for the recommendations!

Julia D.

Gilmore Girls, West Wing, Arrested Development, Criminal Minds, The Newsroom…I'm probably forgetting a BUNCH. I really want to try out Friday Night Lights and Felicity!


Oh my, I loved watching Felicity! I watched the whole series in 1.5 months. I definitely agree about watching it before, during, or after college! It brought so many memories and it's so interesting to see how college-life worked back then (i.e. adding/dropping classes, actually using books as sources instead of websites when writing term papers, dorm life, and use of land-line and cell phones). Plus, Felicity's crazy roommate, Megan is hilarious! But I really enjoyed the last season (aka, her senior year) because I will be starting my senior year of undergrad this fall!

I am currently watching Ugly Betty and Breaking Bad.
Once season three of Glee is up, I'll be watching that!

I can't wait to get into and/or catch up with: Gilmore Girls, Mad Men, Brothers and Sisters, Dexter, Arrested Development, Revenge, Once Upon a Time, Switched at Birth.


I'll have to watch Felicity! My favorite shows are Parks and Recreation, 30 Rock, and How I Met Your Mother!


you must try Dance Academy….Aussie teen series about a ballet academy…like center stage. Its so good. The first two seasons are on netflix and they are filming the third right now! its highly addictive!


SLiDE is a really good show
Sons of anarchy, Being Human (UK & US), Lost Girl, Lip Service, The Secret Circle, The Vampire Diaries, Nine Lives of Chloe King, American Horror Storry, Pretty Little Liars, ALL ARE MY FAVORITES ON NETFLIX! really good shows
