
On My Radar

I actually can’t believe it’s Friday. I have totally lost all sense of time. I keep forgetting that my birthday is tomorrow and that we have a long weekend. So basically every time I re-remember it’s a nice little surprise.

On Monday night, I ventured over to Brooklyn for dinner with Meghan on her rooftop. It has amazing views of Manhattan and, even though it was boiling out, it was still so nice to be outside and enjoying a summer night. I have to say that I feel like everyone needs a friend like Meghan. We both share one particular pet peeve… which is when people say “oh let’s get together,” but they never really mean it, they’re just saying it to, well, say it. Meghan and I are the opposite of that. We like to make a plan, send a calendar event, and commit. I don’t know if it’s an NYC area thing or just a massive problem from cell phones making it convenient to flake, but it’s annoying nonetheless. Meghan and I made the plan for the dinner weeks ago and it was so fun seeing her apartment– I’ll have to share a link when she does a full apartment tour on her blog!

Brooklyn View of NYC

Here’s what was on my radar this week:

ONE // $50 “Silk” Scarf

I have one of these scarves from spring and you would NOT believe how gorgeous it is for only $50. It’s super oversized (here’s how I wore it once on the blog) and while it’s not actually silk, it looks like a $500 designer scarf. They just released three new styles and, I’m not going to lie, I ordered all three. I can’t wait to wear them throughout fall and into winter!

TWO // New Version of “Requiem” from Dear Evan Hanson

Dear Evan Hanson‘s new Zoe is flipping amazing. I always feel a little bit sad when a member of an original cast moves on. They often leave BIG shoes to fill. Well, Mallory Bechtel has the voice of an angel. My sister is trying to figure out a time to come up here so we can go see DEH again and to see Mallory perform. The craziest part? Mallory literally graduated high school three months ago. #talent

THREE // Watch Hill Travel Guide

My friend Abby frequently is in Watch Hill, RI and she put together an amazing travel guide for the area. The Ocean House is one of my favorite hotels in the world and I truly count the days until I get to go back. I know when I do visit, I will be putting Abby’s guide to good use!

FOUR // Plush Vest

One of my favorite fall staples is available again! I bought mine a couple of years ago and when I wore it last year, I had to link to similar options. I get SO many questions about it; I’m happy to report that they brought it back this year!!! It adds a super soft and cozy touch to all of your fall outfits.

FIVE // “In the Age of Fear”

My friend Kelly published a really well-written response to an essay she had read about what parenting is like “in the age of fear.” If you have children or are planning to, it’s a real thought provoker.

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Jess Zimlich

I definitely think it’s an epidemic…the whole saying let’s get together thing and then never making it happen. I’m guilty of it too! I’ve been trying really hard to be realistic this summer and be honest up front by letting friends know when I can *actually* get together (even if that means it’s in three weeks). Happy early birthday and have a great long weekend!

Audrey | Brunch at Audrey's

Happy early birthday! It was mine yesterday ^-^ I was in NYC this past week and omg it was so hot. I really cannoooot wait for autumn. Also that rooftop view is beautiful. I always extra appreciate friends who I can make concrete plans with :’) And then there are other people I know who just say things to say things, but I’m not really bothered by it anymore because I don’t count on it 😛 Anywho, wow Mallory Bechtel is so gifted! I watched DEH this past summer because my friend had an extra ticket and I felt so blesseddd. I didn’t think I’d ever get the chance to watch! -Audrey | Brunch at Audrey’s


I’ve loved Mallory for years!! She is my age, but I want to be her when I grow up. She’s so awesome. Have you heard Laura Dreyfuss’ new song??


I love those scarves! I am always looking for a bigger silk scarf but they are often just enough to tie once around your neck. Love that there are so many options!

