
On My Radar

This has been such a fun, relaxing week here on Nantucket. I always look forward to this week and this one has been no exception. (I’m also coming back for a week at the end of August with my parents and sister!) It was definitely the warmest I have ever been here so it’s called for plenty of trips to the beach and watermelon.

Teddy and Ham

I have to admit, I haven’t spent more than a couple of hours on my laptop every night/morning, and I didn’t do too much besides answering emails and keeping up with work. But… Here’s what has been on my radar:

ONE // Fohr Card Testimonials

Fohr Card is a really great way for bloggers and influencers (sorry, for lack of a better word!) to keep an up to date media kit. I used to have to spend quite a bit of time formatting and updating my media kit, and then Fohr Card came around a few years ago. It has everything about my brand and business, from my follower count, readership on my blog, and engagement on my posts. They just released a new version and I spent a bit of time getting everything up to date. I like that they’re moving away from specific numbers and trying to get to the core of who someone is as a person and a brand. One way they’re doing that is by collecting testimonials from readers about why you follow a particular person. If you would like to take the time to fill it out, I would really appreciate it! Merci!

TWO // Nordstrom Anniversary Sale

If you’re a card member at Nordstrom, you can now access the anniversary sale. This is my favorite time of year to stock up on favorite brands and basics (like my go-to bras and undies). I got a few sneak peeks and while most of it is what you’d expect considering prior years, there are some new things that I’m particularly interested in… like Gal Meets Glam dress! Regular access kicks off July 19, which is when I’ll do my shopping since I don’t have a card 😉

THREE // What Would the Father of the Bride Wedding Look Like Now?

Can you believe that I only just watched Father of the Bride for the first time last fall? And Meghan and I watched the second one this week! It is such a great film– I love anything Nancy Meyers does!! I loved reading this modern take on what Annie would wear if the movie had been filmed today.

FOUR // My Boyfriend Cheated On Me

Unfortunately, I believe many of you can relate to this very raw and vulnerable video Monica Church just released. It’s a horrible feeling. While I could never have been as articulate as Monica, I think she really captured the raw emotions involved with finding something like this out and there’s no doubt in my mind that it will help someone else out.

FIVE // Coffee Scrub

I tried this body scrub for the first time this week– in an outdoor shower no less!– and it’s maybe one of my favorite beauty products now!!! It’s a full body coffee grounds scrub that literally leaves your skin so insanely soft. I didn’t realize how intense it would look (it looks like the grounds left behind in the filter of a percolator)… but it rinses off like a dream and feels even dreamier when it’s all said and done.

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Ugh Monica’s vid hit me in the feels! It’s never happened to me but I felt bad for her. I actually ran into her and Shelby when I went to Miami a couple of months ago it was crazy! So weird meeting someone in real life that you watch on YouTube haha.

Lauren Miller

Love these weekly roundups!
Also, it is so refreshing to not see a #NSale blog post and know that you don’t have the card. I am already over seeing all the content and appreciate the breath of fresh air you provide.


I left a Fohr testimonial – as one of those terrible lurkers who almost never comments, let me say that I find you to be an authentic voice and enjoy the content you provide. You strike a lovely balance between the aspirational life and “real” life; that is, things are pretty but also within reach. I applaud you for your honesty on difficult subjects and also respect that you draw some boundaries for your privacy. I wish you all the best with your endeavors.


I know you love Nantucket, but have you ever considered vacationing on Martha’s Vineyard sometime instead? I spent a week on Cape Cod in June and all the locals I met were obsessed with the Vineyard. They told me the beaches are amazing and the sunsets are not to be missed. Plus, the Kennedies, the Obamas, and Oprah are fans!
