
On My Radar

Right now I’m up in Stowe, VT with Mike and his family. Lots of skiing and game nights! It is kind of a funny time to be going on vacation having just had an extended break from work, haha. So I was in crunch mode this week getting everything prepped and ready!!

Mirror Selfie

Excuse the clutter & fingerprints on the mirror, but I finally got a proper mirror for outfit selfies! 

Here’s what was on my radar this week:

ONE // I Trained Like a Broadway Star for 6 Weeks

One of my childhood dreams was to be on Broadway (or a Rockette!) and so naturally, I LOVED this video from Michelle Khare. She does these crazy challenges on her Youtube channel, but this is probably the most impressive. She and her team and friends put on an 8-minute Broadway-inspired show. It’s amazing!!!

TWO // Leather Drawer Pulls

These are absolutely gorgeous drawer pulls. I can’t get over the leather detail. The light pink and navy are my favorites, though I don’t think you could go wrong with any of them. I’ve bookmarked this in case I find myself in need of drawer pulls down the line.


You know I love Casey Neistat. Well, this may just be the most inspiring video he’s done in a while. It’s about time and perspective. And the perfect thing to watch at the beginning of this new decade. I was loving it and then, man, the end really got me emotional!!

FOUR // The Best Afternoon Tea Rooms in NYC

Hoboken Girl just put together a list of the best tea rooms in NYC. When my sister and I were little, we went to Bermuda on a family vacation. We stayed at the Marriott (which since closed) and they had tea every afternoon at 4 pm. When we returned home, my mom would still let us do tea every day at 4 pm for “tea time.” (We were obsessed.) Ever since I’ve just loved sitting down for an afternoon tea. I’ve been to a few of these listed but definitely need to take a trip into the city for more!

FIVE // A Little Too Giving

This is a very poignant piece about giving the best that you can give to people in need. This is something that I try to keep in mind when giving myself. Particularly this Christmas when I sponsored a family… I really wanted to make sure I was giving quality things, not just crossing something off the list with a “good enough.” (And whenever there is a major crisis somewhere, there’s an additional issue of people giving their torn and worn clothing/toys as “donations.”) I thought this was such a great piece about compassion, empathy, and giving.


supal // @supaldesai_

Loved that last Medium article. I was sent it yesterday. There was a little quote that stuck with me about how if you give the very best then it shows the receiver that they’re worthy. So powerful. Thank you for sharing it with your readers!

chevrons & éclairs


I just read the article you mentioned in #5 and I think it is the most beautiful story that I’ve read in a long time. All parents should read that story to their children so everyone understands how to be generous “properly”. My daughter attends a Catholic high school and is required to perform so many service hours per year as a graduation requirement and we’re usually volunteering to “get the job done”. I think we need to change our attitude! 🙂 (I have been volunteering along side her and am guilty of that sentiment as well! I need to change my leadership style!) Thank you for pointing out that article. I always look forward to your posts each morning!


Thank you for sharing A Little Too Giving. It is heartbreaking to think of so many in need. Where I went to church they started a food pantry about 15 years. I was shocked when I heard that. I started donating laundry soap when I would see a good sale. The grocery store I went to was very willing to let me buy cases of soap. I had no idea that you could not buy it with food stamps.


“Time is not equal. The older you get, the faster it moves.” Casey’s bringing the truth! Thanks for sharing.

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