
ON MY RADAR 4.28.23

I had a glorious week of catching up on work. There’s this crazy phenomenon that happens all the time… there will be this “dead week” where no no work is coming in, so you kind of panic thinking, “okay it’s over,” and then boom everything comes all at once and everything is due all at once. This happens literally every month and it’s insanity. This was a week of everything being due all at once!

Here’s what was on my radar:

ONE // Reversible Bathing Suits

These reversible bathing suits were posted in a Facebook group I’m in and I had to place an order to try. For under $30 it felt worth the chance. I will keep you posted on fit and quality when it arrives! I love the blue and the green vibes so much.

TWO // “Happy Moody Home”

I always love a good house tour. Especially when you get a real peek into someone’s house. I am a sucker for the original details of this home– it is so charming because of it! And then the designer did a great job updating it and modernizing without losing its vintage vibe. I am obsessed, so much.

THREE // Sunscreen Testing

This TikTok account has been testing various sunscreens under UV lights to see how they do. It’s crazy to see how well (and not so well) popular sunscreens perform. I want one of these lamps at home so I can make sure I didn’t miss any spots. I’m addicted to watching these… can’t wait for more!

FOUR // Multi Strap Heeled Sandals

If you’re on the hunt for a beautiful block heeled sandal for summer, it might be worth trying these. I love the color and style so much. They look like they’d work with everything from casual jeans and sundresses. The white stitching also really elevates the whole shoe.

FIVE // Savory Pastry

Somehow I ended up on “savory pastry” TikTok and I have to say, I never want to leave. These are the most delicious looking pastries I’ve ever seen. Delicious and beautiful! I want to try. (Better yet, I want to send to Mike to see if he’ll make it for me, haha.)

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sara oc

I always love your on my radar posts!

However, I find it pretty disappointing that you shared those Amazon reversible suits. That’s a direct rip off of the brand Visual Mood, which you have actually shared in one of your product collages in the recent past. It’s so important to support small businesses and NOT support fast fashion/brands that just rip off the creativity and unique designs of others. Here are the original suits for reference:


Thank you so much for these! I love your thoughts and realize how much I miss reading my favorite blogs.


The reversible swimsuit is actually a knockoff from the beautiful Aussie brand, Visual Mood. This Amazon account (among others) stole the images from Visual Mood, sadly. I highly recommend the original suits as they are gorgeous and such high-quality.
