
One Year At Home

I can’t believe it’s already June 21st… today marks one whole year in our house. I feel like we’ve lived here forever though, in the best possible way. Mike and I are both so happy to be here. So much so that we’re both wishing we could live here forever. As excited as I was to move in, thinking we had found the perfect home, it has exceeded both of our expectations.

It’s not an exaggeration to say that every time I walk down the stairs in the morning, I am kind of in awe that we live here. And every afternoon when the golden hour floods our kitchen with gorgeous light, I feel it all over again.

I just reread the post about buying our home… that whole first half of 2019 was pretty dedicated to the hunt and then home buying process. It felt so overwhelming at the time, but I’d gladly do it twenty times over. It was so worth it and now it feels just like a tiny “blip” on the radar.

I did some decorating but put off some of the bigger things to do at the beginning of 2020… still hasn’t happened. There’s a lot to do still! Every time I check one thing off “the list,” I swear three more things get added on. Still need to finish up my office, completely do the guest room and guest bathroom, get window treatments made for the first floor.

That said, even without the decorating being done this house feels like home.

Some moments from the past year that I never want to forget:

– The morning after we moved in, Mike and I sat outside on the patio with coffee just taking it all in.

– Last summer, we slept in the guest bedroom because we didn’t have furniture for the master bedroom. We had put up temporary paper blinds and the room would be SO BRIGHT by 5am, so we got up every morning incredibly early.

– Our Christmas party! I was so nervous about having that many people over… I’m not a natural host, but it was a BLAST. Even the next morning, we had a couple of friends spend the night and the four of us had bagels and coffee while we cleaned the GIANT mess up… It was so fun.

– Countless game nights around the kitchen table with friends.

– The first “real” snow we had. Mike was working from home and we sat in the living room with the fire going and grilled cheeses and tomato soup. I loved how the house looked covered in snow with wreaths in every window.

– Getting our sod put in. I was embarrassingly PUMPED about the grass. (I’m pretty sure Mike’s parents will never let me live it down because I could not stop talking about how great it looked!!)

– Walking the dogs through the neighborhood through every season. The bright green of summer, rich reds of autumn, the cold white of winter, and then various pinks of spring.

– Weirdly, quarantining due to COVID. It was just Mike and me for months and we didn’t just survive but kind of thrived. We were so, so grateful for the house… and especially the backyard. Even that first month was still freezing out and we’d bundle up and sit outside just to sit outside.


Nora Specioso

I’m so happy and really it feels like yesterday you were talking about the home search and subsequent purchase plus decorating. You make my love of navy seem natural I can’t wait to have my own home to buy all the white and navy things for! I’m so happy for Mike and you and this wonderful home you’ve built for yourselves. 💙


You have such a beautiful home and I love your posts about it! It’s so aesthetically pleasing and… quaint. I live in an area with no seasons (close to where I think you said you are from) just hot and hotter and your writing makes me crave New England. I can feel it in my bones sometimes, that call home. Thank you and keep posting away! I just love your blog ❤️


The sod comment made me laugh – I cried when my husband hooked up our kitchen faucet. We had been living in our house for 6 months, renovating it, with no kitchen and boxes and tools everywhere. We are always working on it 9 years later but it was 2 years of constant work which we did mostly ourselves while working full time. Yes, we are crazy! Also, depending on what you want in window treatments, I’m sure you could handle making them – you are making dresses with zippers. My mother sewed & always said zippers were the worst.


Your home is beautiful in every way!
Would you mind sharing what refrigerator you have?


Happy house anniversary! Even though it’s virtual, your house gives off a cozy, chic vibe which is very warm and inviting! I still feel that way about my house of 20 yrs and when entertaining moving to a warmer clime it gives me pause. Enjoy!


I really love how much you savour the simple moments, that’s really refreshing amidst the usual glitz-and-glamour. Super happy that you’re even more in love with the home than when you bought it!! Also, I’ll never forget the house binder you put together, it’s something I adopted and it has been SO useful!


This post is so encouraging… we are in the process of building a home and it can be hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel due to the stress of it all! Thanks for sharing!


Happy One Year House Anniversary! What a special moment. I’ve loved watching every moment of your homeowner journey and adore your home and yard. Everything is so beautiful and cozy. Wishing you and Mike many more happy years in your gorgeous home!


This post makes me so happy, love the memories and all the simple moments. Cheers to many more years like that!


I moved into my dream home 4 years ago and am still working on my “to-do” list, haha. Decorating is decorating, but building a “home” takes great care and thought. I’m glad you’re taking your time and enjoying the process. Congrats on 1 happy year in your home and wishing you many more!


Carly, I am just so happy for you! I am smiling from ear to ear. You are such a thoughtful person and you deserve all of this happiness and more. Thank you for sharing the thoughtful and joyful pieces of your life with all of us.


Carly, can you please do a house tour? My husband and I are working on a fixer upper and I love your style! I’d love the inspiration!


I had found you on youtube, I was impressed with your videos. Now I’m addicted to reading your blog. Loads of love from India, Carly!

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