
Our New Puppy Hamilton

Big news around here! Garrett and I got a second puppy. We’re definitely still in an adjustment period over here so I don’t have too much to say other than “hi! we’re crazy and have two dogs now.”
We’ve been talking about a second dog for over a year now. Now that we’re sort of settled in Connecticut and Teddy is completely trained, we thought we’d start looking. Originally we planned to get a second toy poodle (like Teddy) and ended up finding a perfect maltipoo that we couldn’t stop thinking about.
I love having dogs. Never thought I’d ever be a dog person, but I am a full-fledged convert now. That said, I’m not totally in love with training puppies. Thank goodness they’re cute because sheesh they can be exhausting and frustrating.
Even though I’ve already gone through the puppy stage with Teddy, it still feels just as hard this time around. I feel like I don’t have enough hands– or rolls of paper towels. 
The crazy part is how fast you can fall in love with a little guy. Even after cleaning up puppy throw up and sprinting outside over and over again for potty training, I get a little glimpse of the fluffball and just melt.
Teddy is… cautious around Hamilton. I think he isn’t sure if this is for real or not. He’s been understandably needy (extra snuggles and holding for him!) but they also have started playing together. I actually thought I was going to lose my mind yesterday as they chased each other all over the apartment. (But also, I loved it.) I’m excited to see the friendship form.

Any two pup tips out there? All ears over here!

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Karen D

Oh my goodness!! I'm in love! Hamilton is gorgeous! Girl I feel ya on the two pup deal! It only gets better from here! No love compares to the love of a dog! Good luck in puppy training! I can't wait to watch him grow! 🙂
You have a new follower! Best of luck!! Karen


I have two dogs! They are polar opposites. One is extremely hyper and has tons of energy and the other is really lazy and just sleeps all day. The lazy one can sometimes get annoyed with her sister so I take the hyper one in runs with me to help with her energy and then my other dog and I get alone time a few times a week where we go on walks and car rides with just the two of us. This way each dog gets one on one time with me and I can manage the energy levels of my over active dog too.

MacKenzie Haley

So so precious!! I've been looking a maltipoo – would you mind sharing what breed you used? We live in the Boston area and have been dying for a puppy!

Sarah Gouin

Congratulations!! Hamilton looks very cute. Give Teddy a little time and Hamilton time to mature and I'll bet they will be best friends. We have three dogs, the eldest does her own thing, but the younger two are always together, it just took a few months. I am very happy for you!!

Everygoodthingblog by Melissa

Hamilton is THE cutest little guy ever! I just want to squeeze him!! We recently got a puppy too, so I can totally relate to all the paper towels and the endless inside/outside potty trips. I heard potty training is easier when you have another dog, so hopefully Hamilton will learn quickly from his older brother! It's exhausting but their little faces and personalities make it worth it and remember it only gets easier! Congrats to you and Garrett!!

Allie G

Congrats! We have two pups, both the same age. We got one when she was a puppy and the other we adopted a few months ago. Once Hamilton is trained, you will be so so happy that they have each other to tire each other out! And Teddy will get over it in time. When we brought our puppy home we had an old grump and he eventually warmed up to her and they began to snuggle. But with two young dogs, it is a total different story. I would say my biggest tip would be to keep strict with Teddy, even if you feel bad that Hamilton is getting extra attention. For example, don't let Teddy get away with small things that you typically don't allow, like jumping up on your legs to greet you (he is small so this probably isn't a big deal… we have a Goldendoodle, so it can be an issue when we have guests over even though we love her hugs!). We were babying our doodle and then all the sudden our new pup we adopted started copying her and jumping up when we came home. They definitely learn from their siblings. All in all, I cannot think of a happier event than adding new pups to the family! I am sure babies will be more exciting… but in the mid-20s, this is the happiest I can imagine haha.

Carly Martin

It's good that Teddy is under 3 years old, it's always easier for young dogs to bond with a new puppy when they're closer in age. Teddy might seem on edge for a bit but you might be surprised how quickly he'll become protective of Hamilton around other dogs. When we introduced a new family puppy to my old family dog we thought he was so irritated with her until one day he ran over to protect her against another dog. Just give it time! And enjoy the puppy breath while it lasts 🙂

codie rastoka

I have two pugs that I adopted together, so I didn't have them in their puppy phase (though it would have been adorable, I am sure). But they are about a year apart and are completely bonded to one another. I also have two cats and I have gotten all of my animals separately (apart from the dogs that came together). Everyone had a bit of an adjustment period, but eventually they learn that everyone is here to stay and they start to become more comfortable with one another. I haven't raised a puppy, but I know it can be challenging. My dogs are crate trained and it is a real blessing as someone who has to be in the office 8 hours a day. They do great with it! Eventually they learn the words like "bedtime" which means to go into the crate or that the word "outside" means it is time to go to the bathroom. I wish you the best of luck with the new puppy! They are both adorable!


He is so cute!!! Teddy will be your biggest help in training the little guy! My pup was obsessed with my older family dog and watched him and learned from him! It was such a big help having a trained dog around whom he idolized!


Katie Stanley

How sweet!! Y'all are brave for taking the plunge and getting a second little one! My fiance and I have been thinking about getting a second dog for a while now, but are still very much on the fence about it. I had two dogs growing up, so I love the thought of them having one another when we're not home, but having to puppy train all over again is a scary thought! I'm so glad they're already playing and starting to get along!! Enjoy the great puppy phase, I can't wait to hear how things go!

Elizabeth Zimmerman

I have two dachshunds that are sisters from the same litter. Two dogs is not really harder than having one, in my opinion. In fact, it's better because you have the same amount of responsibility (when they're both trained, that is) but twice the love and laughter. Congratulations to you and Garrett for "kid" #2! 😉

Rowan Morrissy

My boyfriend and I are getting ready to get our first dog! I am so excited but a little nervous. Any tips on puppy training?

xo, Rowan

Callie leigh

Oh my gosh. Hamilton is SO adorable! I have a mini cock-a-poo, and she is my life. The puppy stage is so fun, but yes, when the dog is potty trained it's even more fun! 🙂

Katelyn Chef

So cute Carly, I can 100% relate to being a first time 'dog mom' of two–it's a handful most of the time, but as you probably already figured out–also 100% worth it. =) Good Luck
& congrats to Teddy on being a big brother!


Oh my gosh, my heart just melted! He is SO sweet, and you make the cutest little family of four. I am so desperate for a fluffy little teddy toy poodle or a daschund, but my crazy hours and tiny apartment prohibit owning anything more demanding than my cat, so I'll just live vicariously through your @theodoreandhamilton feed for now!

P.S. Hope you had a better week! Sending love from Cambridge

Briony xx

Witty Ange

Girl I can relate! We went from 1 dog for almost 6 years (a tiny Pomeranian) and added two Dachshund puppies! We didn't mean to end up with two…but after fostering them together…I couldn't imagine both of them not being a part of our family. We've been a family of 3 dogs for almost 6 months and still adjusting. 🙂 But we love them. Good luck with the new puppy!

Sabra Gilbert

Hamilton and Teddy are adorable! My husband and I recently brought home a puppy and I would love to read a post about how you are able to work at home with a dog! I just graduated a few months ago and work from home and it has been sooo distracting since we brought our little Fox home!
