Search Results for: maxie


4 Boundaries You May Not Know You Need

I’m late to queue up Maxie’s post for today for the best possible reason. I hardly touched my laptop or phone this past weekend. I went out of town and, to disconnect, I left my phone upstairs for most of the trip. Max and I have been doing our own mini experiments to start creating some…


6 Ways to Untether from Devices

Ugh! This is at the very top of my mind lately. Having a smartphone can be a blessing and a curse. I recently went through an iPhone-related-crisis right around the same time that Maxie was too. We both were talking to each other about it and trying to find a good solution. Her tips today are…


How to Handle Things Being Really, Really Good

Have you ever gotten a sore throat and then promised yourself that you would never take swallowing for granted ever again? But a week after the illness passes, you go right back to forgetting? It’s really easy to note when things in life aren’t going as swimmingly as we’d like and usually it requires some…


Throwing My Phone in the Ocean

I have a confession right now: I’m so sick of my phone. And the really sad part about this? I have a number of friends who feel the same way. I recently talked Maxie off of the ledge as she was tempted to trade her iPhone in for a flip phone. I 100% understood where…


Why Mistakes Can Be Total Magic

Maxie texted me the other week about a “mistake” she had made. (I use the word lightly because I don’t even consider it a mistake so much as a learning lesson!) She was sort of beating herself up over it and totally didn’t have to. Was it an ideal situation? Nope! But she made the…


3 Ways to Reroute if You’re Feeling Off Course

Just over a month ago, I was having this tiny life crisis. I couldn’t tell which direction I was going, where I should be going, and I wasn’t even sure where I wanted to go. As a girl who (really) likes having a plan, this feeling hard to figure out. I talked to a few close friends and ultimately…