
Parents in Town!

I’ve been dying to get my parents up here to visit. With my mom’s cake pop business and my dad’s schedule and then my own schedule, we had to really coordinate to make it work. We locked in a few days in the calendar and I immediately started counting down the days. I was really excited to show them the new apartment and mostly to show them some of my favorite places. As a family, we made a lot of trips to New York City so those trips were always pretty standard, nothing too new to see. But this time was the complete opposite. 
It was a bit more relaxed than a our old city visits. Those always felt hectic, no matter what we did. However, I think it’s having cars that made everything go at a calmer pace. They stayed close by in a hotel and we’d meet up every morning and just go about our day.
Not only did we have a great time, we lucked out with the weather. Not sure why but it always seems like my mom brings bad weather with her when she travels, thankful that was not the case this time around!
We went to the dog park a handful of times, relaxed in our apartment, explored some new areas, tried so many new restaurants, went pumpkin and apple picking (more photos from that to come!), did a little shopping, and drove around to leaf peep. Can’t believe how much we fit into a few short days, and can’t believe how fast it went. 
The four of us just had the best time all around.
Wearing: Fisherman Sweater (c/o) // Plaid Shirt // Jeans (c/o) // Boots (c/o)
It’s really been years since I lived at home. I’ve said countless goodbyes (“see you laters”) but they never get easier. I think know I have some lingering issues from that first major goodbye when they left Georgetown my freshman year. (I’m 26 and have a pretty great life right now and I feel like I’ll never get over that six months of my life… it was so not good.)

If it wasn’t for technology, I would absolutely not live this far away. While it isn’t the same as seeing each other in person, it does make it easier to stay in touch. I put my mom on speakerphone while I drive. My sister and I are always snapping and texting. My dad and I have a funny little text message thread going– trying to get him to get an iPhone so we can group iMessage, ha. I don’t like to go more than three or four months without seeing them in person though and I get to see them three months in a row now with this trip, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. Am I counting down the days until then? You bet.

Hope everyone is having a great weekend!

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Kelly Crusenberry

I totally understand. My parents don't live more than 100 miles away but during those first dark days of graduate school life was hard. I'm thankful I see them frequently and they always get to visit me. And even though they live 100 miles away, I still cry when they leave and count down the days till I see them again. Nothing beats family.

Scheutang Clan

I find that it is harder saying goodbye when you're the one that is being "left". Not that leaving is necessarily easier, but I find that when I have travel to focus on, a drive or plane to catch, it takes my mind off of the departure from my parents/loved ones for a little bit. However, my sister finds it to be the opposite, go figure. I'm glad you had a wonderful weekend with your parents!


Carly, I can relate so much to everything you said in this post. I am originally from Rhode Island, but go to school in DC and am now studying abroad in London. I never saw myself going to school so far from home and have questioned it a couple of times while being down there. However, I realized the friends that I have made and the path I am paving for myself make it worth it. And of course, the role that technology plays is absolutely essential for someone who is close to their family, yet living so far away. I don't know what I would have done without it so far. But, it's important to remember that family is forever, and who knows where you'll end up living a couple years, or even a couple months from now. We should just be thankful that we have such AMAZING familes. xx


Josie Sittig

Can you do a blog post about how to pair sweaters with button-downs together? I want to wear the look, but I have no idea where to start. Such cute photos. I love fall!
