
Playlist Hint…

Yesterday I Instagrammed a picture of my desk… because I legitimately had not turned my computer on since December 19th. December. 19th. It’s not that I stopped working altogether, I was in Florida for the holidays and using my laptop+couch+coffee table as an office here in NYC. Because it’s been cold and I’ve been LAZY. It was really nice while it was going on, but let’s just say… yesterday morning I was craving to be at my desk again. I do work a lot better sitting in a real chair 😉
(Totally a side note here, but my desk is in this random nook in my bedroom. I think the space was originally meant for some kind of wardrobe or shelving unit. However, West Elm’s Parson desk fits like a glove in the space; it’s on sale now and I couldn’t recommend it highly enough. The only downside, which is also a plus– at least in the summer, is that it’s right by the window… in the winter, it is freezing. I bought a space heater a while back during a sale on Gilt and it changed the game for me.)
In the caption on Instagram, I mentioned that I had a great playlist to listen to. So I wanted to share what my new favorite thing in the entire world is: Spotify Mood Playlists. Whoever came up with this idea is my new hero. It’s genius. To be honest, I don’t know how long it’s been actually available, but I’ve been using it for about a month or so.
This is something that put Spotify above Pandora in my book. I’ve been using Pandora since college and even upgrade to a Pandora One subscription every year so I don’t have to listen to ads. I typically use Spotify when I know the songs I want to listen to; it’s how I share my playlists for the blog. Pandora was my go-to for random songs… and now it’s Spotify.
Click on the “Genres and Moods” tab and you’ll be taken to all these icons. You choose the one you’re into and then you’re given even more options. So let’s say you’re studying…. choose “focus.” Within “focus” there are 36 different playlists to choose from based on the type of studying and your own preferences. It even shows how many followers each playlist has so you can tell how popular they are.
I’m obsessed. Sometimes the playlist makes me feel like someone is orchestrating the soundtrack for my life, like I’m in a movie or something. Ha! In case you’re wondering, my favorite right now is “Calm Before the Storm” in the “Focus” page.
Have you tried this before in Spotify? Play around with it and let me know what playlist is your favorite for working out, studying, relaxing, etc!

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Wow! What a great idea. I think it is time for me to check out the playlist since I need to get some serious work done this morning. Thanks!

Christina Quinn

If you like '90s throwbacks or the sorts of songs that you can't help but sing along to, Spotify's "Guilty Pleasures" playlist is gold. (If you search for that title, the playlist should come up as an option.) I used to listen to it all the time when I was training for a half marathon this summer/fall!

Ivonne M

I love Spotify as well! It truly has it all. If you're a student you can get Spotify Premium for $5 instead of paying the full $10. Hope someone finds this useful 🙂 I love your desk Carly!

Brooke Kruman

I swear every post you make just solidify a the fact that you're my twin! We even have the same birthday! We love the afternoon acoustic playlist as well as the classical music playlists.


This was just the boost I needed! I love the Spotify playlists and just turned on "Calm Before the Storm"– thanks for the morning positivity!


I love the moods tool! Another app – I think Songza? – also does this, with some more specific moods and times, but I do love that with Spotify, you can do this and manage the rest of your music!

Ashley Blum

Hi Carly! I love the "Mood Booster" playlist. Whenever the weather gets me down or I get stuck in a stressful rut at work. I put it on and force myself to bounce in my seat to the tunes 🙂 They constantly change it up to incorporate new songs!

Emily Bonk

I love spotify. I finally decided to switch to premium, and it was the best decision. I love listening to it on my phone now!

Paige Jett

I absolutely love your desk set up! Everything is so clean and organized. Where did you get those "Duh" sticky notes? I am obsessed!


So happy I read this! I've been listening and exploring all the play lists for the past few days. It's awesome–thank you so much for sharing.

Lotti Osborne

I wish I had the willpower to keep my desk that neat! Oh, and Spotify has been my favorite music service for a while now; I like making my own playlists but there is a Pre-Game playlist I use for working out, as well as a custom playlist that Spotify made for me based on my 2014 music! It's called play it forward and I've found so many great songs! Also, the discover section is pretty great!


Haintso Rakouth

Spotify is incredible especially that browse section. I use the bra section daily in the morning I wake up till it's time to unwind. I've discovered so many new artist I've never heard before as well I found that I can learn a new language. I find it beneficial to get the Spotify premium since I can switch playlist to listen off-line when I'm at work


Hmmm… I have to say, this is seriously making me consider switching to Spotify. I use Pandora One because I'm more of a "mood" music person, instead of "specific songs" person, but occasionally I do wish there was a song I could hear on demand, which is something Pandora can't do for me.

Knowing Spotify now gives you both… I might have to make the switch.

Eryn Ivey

Yes!! I have been using these for months now. I want whosever job it is to create these playlists. Then again, I dont know that much music and I like to think I am quite the fan.

Randy Waltz

Wondering what chair you use with your parsons desk? I have one too, but with an yucky black office chair….so doesn't match the style i am looking for


This is amazing! I love Spotify but I didn't know about this feature!! I am going to use this ALL the time at work and for studying. Thank you for sharing!!!!

VaNessa Thompson

I absolutely love Spotify. I have a paid student account that's 4.99 a month. It is pretty fantastic. I am just getting into Spotify Mood Playlist and they are pretty great. I like to listen to instrumental music while I am working on projects or in my office!
