
Random Things I’m Into Right Now

… and my striped shirt, again.

By now you know my love for this striped shirt runs deep. I think it’s the ~perfect~ shirt and I wear it at least once a week. If I’m not actually traveling in it, it’s in my suitcase. It is a staple in my closet and I don’t see that changing any time soon. I wore it on Nantucket for a trip to Cru (best lobster roll ever) and a sail around the Harbor.

Anyway, since you know how much I love the shirt, I thought I’d share these photos and also some super random things I’ve been into lately (at the end of the post!).

Cru Lobster Roll

Striped Shirt // Similar Sweater // Shorts // Monogrammed Jacks // Cuff // Similar Bracelet // Similar Necklace // Hat

Tuckernuck Packable Straw Hat Preppy Sailing Nantucket Sailboat  Nantucket Endeavor Nantucket Sailing

Striped Shirt // Similar Sweater // Shorts // Monogrammed Jacks // Cuff // Similar Bracelet // Similar Necklace // Hat

Here are some random things I’ve been into lately:

Solitaire // This is such a grandma thing, but I downloaded solitaire on my phone and I’ve been playing it a lot. I’m not even a “phone game” kind of girl and somehow I’m sucked into this. Because the games are fast, I can just pick it up when I have a few minutes of downtime and walk away when I need to snap back into action. It’s been a relaxing way to keep the brain sharp while still “disconnecting” for a few moments. I used to play solitaire all the time on our family PC… it brings back some fun memories weirdly too.

The Handmaid’s Tale // Wow, wow this show. I know I’m super late to the game, but wow. I have tried watching this THREE times and literally could not get through the first episode. It made me sick to my stomach every time I tried. My boyfriend’s sisters and mom all convinced me to give it another shot and I sat down and forced myself to finish the first episode… and then I was hooked. Who else is watching?! I’m almost done with the first season. It’s going to take me a while to get caught up though because I can only watch in spurts. It’s so heavy and depressing (but good!!! so well done) that I have to switch it over to something light and easy after.

Catan // Again, we’re late to the party on this. It’s such a fun game though. Catan seems super, super complicated. I mean, opening up a fifteen-page instruction manual (errr, book) is a little intimidating. I learned how to play by just playing with friends who already knew it. At first it was frustrating, but twenty minutes in and I was HOOKED. Highly recommend getting into it if you’re not already. (PS You can order custom Catan games on Etsy and they’re beautiful… we ordered this for a wedding gift and it’s gorgeous.)

Lululemon // I used to buy super cheap workout gear. Partly because I just did yoga and didn’t want to invest in basically a “second” wardrobe. But let me tell you, I’m officially converted for Lulu. It’s worth the money and once you know your favorite styles and sizes, shopping is crazy easy. I pop into the store and head straight to the sale rack to see if my favorite top is available. I wear these shorts and love their sports bras.

My Subaru // Almost all of my summer travel has been by car. So many miles and hours of driving. It’s been great though. Even with traffic, I love driving in my car to get somewhere because a) I can pack everything I need without worrying about specific bags/sizes and b) I like being in control of when we go/leave. I have a Forester and literally couldn’t recommend Subaru enough. They just came out with a three-row SUV called the Ascent and I kind of love it. I don’t have a need for a third row… and my parking spot is just barely big enough for my Forester so I’ve been trying to get all my friends and family to convert and get one!

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Alyssa J Freitas

I just finished reading The Handmaid’s Tale and want to start watching the show! Have you considered reading it? The novel is frustrating in the beginning because you’re not given much information, but when the breakthrough comes it’s very good!

An Historian

I’ve been a Lulu fan since 2005, but in the last 4-5 years the quality has really declined. I am disappointed that I have to check every pair of leggings to make sure they are see-through- I stick to my speed shorts and vinyasa scarves!

Grace Cochran

Hi Carly, Can you write something about job hunting out of state or relocation for a job? Or better yet, finding a job first in a new place or just moving there and then finding a job.


I don’t really have a lot of experience in that, so I’m not the best person to write about it!


I love Solitaire too. We used to play with (with cards!) at our lake house with my grandma and it always reminds me of her 🙂


I LOVE Catan too! I spent the first 30 minutes thinking “huh?” but then once I got into it I didn’t want the game to end. Can’t wait to play it again and hopefully buy it!

I really enjoyed this post, by the way. I enjoy reading posts about the random things people are into. Hope you continue to do more posts like this in the future!



I’m so hooked on Lululemon as well. Even though it’s pricey, I’ve been wearing their pants and shorts for years. My first pair of speed shorts have lasted at least seven years, totally worth it to me!


Wait until you get to season 2 of handmaids tale. If it took you a couple tries to watch the first episode this one might be a little instense. But it’s so good.


I LOVE Handmaids Tale! It’s such a haunting and beautifully made show. I hope you stick with it! The seasons keep getting crazier. Funny you bring up Lululemon – I’m in the market for new workout clothes and was wondering if it was worth it. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

Jessica from What To Style

Loving how you style this striped shirt! It’s so good to see influencers wearing the same piece again, and not only for the pictures and then throwing away! Beautiful shirt! ❤

Jessica | |
Instagram @ what_to_style


Vincent and I just finished season 1 of THT and OMG ! Just like you, we watched the 1st episode (like 6 months ago) but weren’t hooked right away. All my friends insisted we should keep watching and OMG were they right ! It’s one of the best thing I’ve ever seen. So tough but so so good. It’s such a powerful show and there is such an important message behind it. Everybody should watch it !

Southern & Style

I’ve been watching the Handmaid’s Tale since the beginning (if you haven’t read the book, you totally need to!) You’re right, it’s really heavy and scary-but I also think it’s very important! It’s made me so much more socially aware!

xoxo, SS

Southern and Style
