Search Results for: label/baking


Lean Into Social Distancing

I am not a scientist or doctor who specializes in infectious diseases. But I am an extreme introvert with not-so-minor social anxieties and friends who live in different states. I can speak towards social distancing like an expert because it’s kind of my life. I’m not making light of this at all, by the way,…



This post is sponsored by National Pork Board! Now that we have a baby, Mike and I have been trying to be way more intentional about our nights at home. We love going out, but there’s just a lot more coordination involved. We also both grew to appreciate how nice it was to enjoy our…



The other weekend, Mike had taken Jack down the shore. I had reorganized the pantry, washed and folded five loads of laundry, made up all the beds, and was caught up on work. I had two giant containers of blueberries sitting in the refrigerator and was inspired to bake. To me this is the ultimate form…

Daily Outfits


As work starts to die down, life has been kicking up! So many fun “magical mom” moments. It’s been so rewarding– it’s my favorite thing! LAST WEEK’S WIN: Honestly quite a few highlights! I loved volunteering at Jack’s preschool. I got to take beautiful maternity portraits. We celebrated Hanukkah with some friends on Friday night….



Splurge vs. Save: 10 Must Have Kitchen Tools

I’m actually in the process of stocking my entire kitchen. All I had in my NYC kitchen was a coffee maker, a waffle iron, one pan, one pot, and a spatula. I obviously got a lot of cooking done… Moving into an apartment with a real kitchen was thrilling! But we couldn’t do much without…


What to Cook When You’re Feeling Homesick

I did not cook at all during college (or frankly the first couple of years post-grad). My housemate Victoria would cook for us about once a week and my task was to wash the lettuce in the spinner. That’s about all I could manage back then, or at least all that I trusted myself to do….


A Summer Look

I’m excited to partner with thredUP on this post today. After advice for starting a blog, my next most asked question is how to build a wardrobe on a budget, without sacrificing style or quality. I have been using thredUP for a couple of years actually. It’s one of the websites I always go to when I’m looking for a particular item of clothing from a past season.


Organize, please… Spring Cleaning Check List

Now that it’s technically spring, I’ve been working on my spring cleaning list. Honestly, it’s pretty boring. I clean my apartment thoroughly every weekend and do tidying up every night… but I’m doing a deep dive cleaning spree. Floors, walls, every nook & cranny. No stone left unturned. Besides the obvious “cleaning” that should be…


Back to School- Elementary

Since summer must come to an end eventually, I thought I should do a “Back to School Special” on my blog. I’m going to do an elementary school, middle/high school, and college edition. Today is all about the youngsters! Hand sanitizer is an absolute MUST, especially with Swine Flu. Remind your child to wash hands…