Search Results for: label/novels


Bermuda Shopping

It’s been years (over 20!) since I had visited Bermuda last. I remember pretty random things since I was so young, but one thing that I absolutely couldn’t forget was the colorful buildings. I think I assumed that I had imagined the sorbet colored buildings as extra charming and was surprised at how accurate my memory was. It’s not that some buildings are cute and colorful– they are all cute and colorful with pops of white here and there.


I’ve been tagged! :)

SEVEN THINGS YOU DON’T KNOW ABOUT ME: 1.  I don’t sleep with a pillow.  I haven’t since I was little.  All my friends thought I was crazy when I would have sleepovers.  It’s also a little disappointing because my pillows in my dorm are so cute (pink and monogrammed, of course)!   2.  I’m a…


Neely by VNB Evie Bag Giveaway

Neely by VNB is a relatively new concept to bring in person shopping experiences to college campuses where the shopping is lacking! Having gone to a college where the shopping was (too) amazing and just down the street, I can understand the excitement of getting to do the real shopping experience. I think I would…


1/2 Year Recap

I can’t believe that we’re officially in the second half of the year. When I think back to where I was on January 1… it wasn’t pretty. Carter came to my parents’ house to shoot some stock photos for my blog, and the minute I got into her car, I broke down in tears. I was crying…


Better With Age

I’m not a birthday person, but I do love getting older. I think it’s awesome when someone declares an entire month their birthday month and really makes sure that everyone is held to that standard (no but really, I think it’s so fun when people get into birthdays!)… it’s just not me. I like to acknowledge…


Giveaway :: Pea Pod Paper and Gifts

Get ready for the holidays in style! Pea Pod Paper and Gifts has the most adorable personalized gifts for everyone on your list… but don’t forget to treat yourself too! This is a great giveaway to get geared up for the holidays. Notebook // Perfect for making your lists and checking them twice. Travel Mug…


How to Manage Your Email Inbox

Emails are one of those things that are bitter sweet. On one hand, email has seriously improved our ability to communicate. It’s awesome! But then on the other hand you’re always “available” to a certain degree. And everyone is using email. Besides the fact that it means you can reach anyone, it means it can get…


Dressing for Your Body Type

One thing that I’ve really learned over the years is the importance of dressing for your body type. For years, I struggled with finding clothes that fit properly. And by years… I mean essentially my whole life. Seriously, since birth… I giant when I was born so I’m sure that I wasn’t fitting into any newborn…


ELLE | Horoscopes

I’m not really sure how I feel about horoscopes, but I read them. All the time. If I come across a link online, I click on it. If I’m reading a magazine, I read it. I search for consistencies with my life, but almost always fail to see any real connection to my reality. Except…