Search Results for: label/recipes


7 Recipes to Make for the Fourth of July

I’m at the beach with my friends for the Fourth, and we’re planning on doing a little cooking at the house we’re renting. I think I may need to run to the grocery store again to pick up a few items to make these recipes Louisa sent over– especially the s’mores Rice Krispy treats. 7 Recipes…


Smoothie Recipes

Yes, it’s getting colder. Yes, I’ve been drinking hot coffee (and hot coffee drinks) like it’s my job. Yes, I’m dreaming of warm sweaters and cozy boots. But I’m totally having a smoothie moment right now. Not exactly the best thing while it’s cooling off outside, but it’s still delicious. And I’ve been craving all kinds…


RECIPE: Shrimp Scampi

Louisa from Living Lou is here with an amazing recipe. My mouth was watering when she sent over the draft and I absolutely can’t wait to try it out myself. I am really making the commitment to cook more in the kitchen, but I’m not the best chef out there. When in doubt, call in…


Basic Balsamic Vinaigrette

Louisa from Living Lou is back with her incredible recipes! I know how to make a very limited number of things in the kitchen, and I’m missing a lot of the basics in my repertoire! I love that, while these recipes are “basic,” they still teach great kitchen lessons (great for practicing!) and can be used with…


Slow Cooker Recipes

Okay, full confession here: I am obsessed with the crock pot. We never had one growing up and I never really understood the appeal of cooking food all day on the counter top. Until, well, I tried it. Garrett has one and we’ve been having fun experimenting with various recipes. Pinterest has a million recipes,…


Double Chocolate Pecan Pie Bars

There’s something about November and December that makes my sweet tooth ache for chocolatey things. I’ve personally been baking brownies and cookies like it’s my job over here…. my mouth legitimately started drooling when Louisa from Living Lou sent me the recipe for these Chocolate Pecan Pie Bars. Yum, yum, yum. Guest recipe by Louisa…


Packing Tips

Oh! I can hardly contain my excitement over this move. I swear I keep repeating “I live here!!!!” over and over and over again in my head. But seriously, it feels like a dream. I’ve really wanted to live in NYC for a while now, but it’s insane that it’s actually happening. The actual move was…