Search Results for: label/swimming


College Prepster Book Club

The Geeks Shall Inherit the Earth by Alexandra Robbins (Robbins is also the author of The Overachievers.) This book really spoke to me.  Not a day goes by where I think to myself, “I’m really weird.”  Like, I know that I am very very very strange.  I don’t think like a lot of people, I…



I love surrounding myself with inspiration: Beautiful quotations. Paintings that evoke emotion. Snippets printed from an email. A tiny picture of something I love. Generally, this consists of a post-it note I tuck in my pocket so I find it every so often.  (I don’t think I’ve ever mentioned that before on the internet…. so…


Things I’ve Learned About Myself

I’ve mentioned on here before that I’ve been working to rewrite the stories I have written about myself in my head. I’m a firm believer that (generally speaking) what you think/believe becomes your reality. Obviously, there are exceptions to that, but if you think you’re going to have a bad day, it’s going to be a…


Packing Tips

Oh! I can hardly contain my excitement over this move. I swear I keep repeating “I live here!!!!” over and over and over again in my head. But seriously, it feels like a dream. I’ve really wanted to live in NYC for a while now, but it’s insane that it’s actually happening. The actual move was…


The Best Menstrual Cup: My DivaCup Review

I’m writing this as a public service announcement for all women who have a period… my life will never be the same, haha, and I just had to share the best menstrual cup and my DivaCup review because I wish I had tried it sooner. But first some backstory. I was a very late bloomer. I…


Giveaway Deadline is TONIGHT!

I am so excited to announce the giveaway winner tomorrow!   I have had just one of those weekends where everything goes really well!  It was a perfect summer weekend 🙂 On Friday night, I had my girlfriends over for a fire pit.  We never made it outside though because we were too busy talking…


I workout.

… but actually I don’t. At all. I know, I know. The irony is that I was technically a D1 athlete. Truthfully, sports in general have just never been my thing. I’ve done almost every sport at some point in my life, but never stuck with anything. (Until rowing, of course.) Soccer, gymnastics, ice skating,…


Just Keep Swimming

So while I’m over here in NYC working away, my family is going to Mexico during my sister’s spring break. Oh, no… absolutely no bitterness. At all. But let’s say that I was going. You better believe that I’d be living in this bathing suit. Ruffled Top + Bow Bikini And then I’d definitely be…


Peace, Love, Rowing

If you asked my dad 5 years ago which of his two daughters would he think would be participating in a sport on the collegiate level, he would have HANDS DOWN said my sister. I have played nearly EVERY sport ever invented for at least one practice: Gymnastics, dance, horseback riding, synchronized swimming, swimming, soccer,…