
Security Blankets

This post is basically a giant love letter to quilts, which are the ultimate security blanket. My mom used to make quilts and my sister and I had a small collection of special ones she had made. And there were quilts and blankets in I’m pretty sure every single room. I always had a couple in my apartments, but now that we’re in a house, I’ve apparently stepped into my mom’s shoes. I realized that I’ve been slowly adding blankets, but particularly quilts, to every room. I noticed it really during this whole quarantine thing as I’ve been walking into my office, grabbing a quilt to wrap myself in while working…. or laying down in the guest room and pulling a quilt up to close my eyes for twenty minutes… or layering one on top of the duvet in our master bedroom while I needlepoint on weekend mornings.

So. Cozy.

I think I’ve subconsciously been reaching for them throughout the day to feel safer. (Which very much sounds lame when I type it out, but seriously, what is it about quilts?!) One weekend I was feeling a little out of sorts and brought two quilts down to the couch and just made a little cot of sorts. I’ll bring one out to the front porch to sit outside and read on chilly days.

My favorite quilt that I have is one I bought years ago (maybe 2013?) from Rue La La, seen above. It’s more of a summer weight one, super fluffy and not as “heavy.” It’s unbranded and just has a tag that says “handmade” on it– I’ve been trying to find it for so long online but have yet to figure out the mystery brand. The closest replica that I have found are the quilts from Roller Rabbit. And I LOVE the quilt I have from Serena and Lily (everything is 20% off right now). It’s thin but heavy. I like to fold mine up longways four times to make it extra heavy and lay it on top of me when I’m in bed. I guess it’s kind of like a weighted blanket. The only problem is that the dogs also love it, so I usually end up with the quilt and two dogs on top of me too, hehe.

Also, I’ve been watching quilting videos on Youtube, too, to see if it’s a project I can do at home. Though, I kind of want to wait until I’m able to take an in person class for beginners. We’ll see. Or maybe I’ll ask Meesh to fire up her machine to make one, ha!!

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I relate to this on so many levels! I have a twin sized duvet I received for Christmas a very long time ago that I still use as a blanket because it’s lightweight, not too big and so cozy on cold Maine mornings. My mom is also a quilter (everyone in our extended family has at least two!) and I have her quilts tucked in each room! I’ve been known to wrap them around me like a shower towel or over my shoulders all bunched up so I can use my arms. I just love a good blanket and agree now is the perfect time to wrap yourself up in one!!


QUILTS are the BEST. Both of my grandmothers collected quilts. They both died within 4 years of each other, so we inherited a literal armoire full of quilts — truly a goldmine. I have pilfered several to keep at my own home now, and they are precious! We also had a very special quilt that my siblings and I used throughout childhood that we lovingly called “Ole Blue” – it had to be retired several years ago because it was literally falling apart. We’re saving it so that I can use part of it in my wedding dress as my something blue one day. Quilts are so different from blankets, and I agree with you – they make me feel safe. I am CURRENTLY wrapped up in one at my desk!


The selection of quilts you’ve added to this post is great! I love those blue and white prints. I only have fluffy blankets at home, but they feel the same way for me as quilts do for you – a safe and cosy space to bring around you wherever you are in the house! I can totally relate haha 🙂
Take care!

Julia x
Last Post: How To Improve Your Self-Care Habits + Free Resources To Help You! | https://juliaspeaksbeauty.blogspot.com/2020/04/heres-how-you-can-improve-your-self.html


My grandma made quilts for all of my cousins and I when we were babies and that’s the only quilt I have, sadly. But when she died she left some quilting materials behind and I used one of her quilt liners as a blanket for about three years until it literally fell apart. It seems lame to use a quilt liner as a blanket, but a) I was a kid so it was allowed and b) I grew up in the desert so it was the perfect lightweight blanket for most of the year.

Lisa Mari

My grandma has made all her grandkids quilts and we’ve always called them our magic blankets! I can totally relate that you gravitate towards them for some comfort!


I’m in my 30s and have been quilting for about 6 years. All my friends tease me for being an old lady but I think they all just secretly want a quilt.
I encourage you to wait to take a class; I certainly could’ve learned all the steps via YouTube (and turn to those videos often for tips and reminders) but the teachers I had early on offered the overarching narrative which, for quilting, is important I think.
There’s no hobby quite like it – it’s such a journey! You start consumed by designing the quilt and selecting fabrics, then you move on to cutting and piecing, and then you construct the quilt top and feel like a champion! But you’re not even halfway there, because basting, then quilting, then binding remain. It’s taught me a lot about patience and overcoming perfectionism. Enjoy 🙂


THANK YOU FOR THIS POST! I have been in search of a new quilt for ages. I love blues, grays, and greens – but hadn’t found one that I quite liked enough to purchase. The LL Bean one seems like a perfect pick!


Yes to quilts and cozy blankets! I don’t have a quilter in my family but I have a crochet-er and have the same feeling about curling up with one of my moms crocheted afghans. I have one I keep on my bed all winter (and apparently into May this year). I also have a quilt I use all summer that has been in my family for as long as I can remember.

Lorraine Barnes

You should showcase some of the quilts made by your Mom! I would love to see them.


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