
Shhh… Best kept secret!

Well, it’s no secret that I’m a book worm.  As I’ve mentioned before, I got a library card at the beginning of the summer.  It’s saved me a HUGE sum of money as I’ve been checking out books instead of buying (aka downloading) them.
My next door neighbor has a nook as well and we were sharing tips and secrets about getting ebooks for better prices.  She mentioned that the library lets you download ebooks if you get on a waiting list.  This is really good news people.
What’s even better though???
I was researching how to go about this and I came across the COOLEST thing.  My public library (and I think other libraries do this as well) has a contract with Freegal Music.  Each week you can download three FREE songs… to KEEP.  Forever.  Seriously.
It’s definitely something to look into to see if your library has the same service.
Here’s what you do:
Pull up the library website in your browser.  Here’s the one for the Hillsborough County Public Library.
Click on Books, Movies, & Music.
Choose music.
Log into Freegal with your library card number.
You can drag and drop the song files into iTunes and download to your iPod!
All sorts of songs are included… every genre imaginable.
Here’s my most recent downloads:
Happy downloading!!!



Cool! I still haven't made the switch over to ebooks though, I just love seeing my collection of books grow, I don't think I could ever give that up 😛


Oh wow!! I just checked my local library's website and they have ebooks! YAY!! I didn't see anything about music but I will keep an eye on it. Thanks for the heads up!!


I live in Cincinnati and my library does this too, have been downloading songs each week for a few weeks now. So great!


i just got a nook (love it!) and i'm trying not spend all my money on books. thanks for the tips!


Hi Prepster!

I just wanted to say that I love your blog — been following you for about six months now — and as a PhD Library and Information Sciences student, I LOVE that you are always promoting the library! It is really a great way to save money, and to go green by using shared resources. Thanks for being an advocate!

Your friend in Arizona


I'm on my local library board and not only can we freegal but you can also possibly download books for free with Overdrive if you're lucky as we are – cheers!

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