
Some Wednesday Thoughts

Fro Yo

A random collection of thoughts today:

ONE. I have no concept of time this week. All week I’ve thought that it’s a different day than it is. Without Google Calendar alerts, I would have been in trouble! (I keep having to remind myself, “It’s Wednesday, it’s Wednesday” because it feels like Thursday.

TWO. Last night I had fro-yo for the first time in a long time. I used to go all the time in NYC because there were like six within a five-block radius of my apartment. My friend texted me after work saying she was having a bad day and I was having an “off” day as well, so fro-yo date night it was! I forgot how much I love it. The only problem is now I know how close it is to my apartment now.

THREE. So many people have since reached out to me after I posted about buying a second home first. It makes me even more excited about the idea because everyone has had positive stories to share. And readers have been recommending some of their favorite towns! If nothing else, it makes me excited for my next trip up to Vermont. I haven’t been since last fall.

FOUR. My workouts have been going so, so well lately. They had been going great all year, but after I came back from my two-week Nantucket adventure, I made a pact with myself to really step it up at the gym. If I’m going to show up for an hour-long workout, I want to show up completely! It’s not the best use of my time to show up and not completely commit. My trainer did body analysis things on us a month ago, and I was blown away by how much my body has changed without losing weight. I have less fat and more muscle and weigh the same as I did when I started! And it’s crazy to see how my shape has changed too. For the first time, I think ever, my legs are super toned, and I even have a bit more of a butt now (🙌🏻), thank you lunges.

FIVE. I have been seriously disconnecting on the weekends, and it’s AMAZING! I’ve been doing about four hours (max) of work, which is way down from what typically happens. But beyond just closing my laptop and saying no to work, I have been spending so much less time on my phone. I can’t even begin to tell you the difference in my overall mood. Less phone time is GOOD FOR THE SOUL. I may miss some Insta stories, and I may not get to my text messages, but omg it feels so good to ditch the phone for a while. I (obviously) can’t do it every day, but the weekends are a perfect digital time out.

SIX. Has anyone else downloaded iOS 11? I love it! It always feels like I have a new phone with a new operating system. (Although, I still definitely want the iPhone X.) The “Do Not Disturb” mode while driving is brilliant. I don’t touch my phone when I’m behind the wheel so I didn’t think it’d be that necessary for me. However, when you have it enabled, it automatically sends a message to someone trying to reach you saying that you’re driving and will contact when you’re at your destination. I love that! Makes it well worth it.

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Love this little midweek post. I have also been super off in days this week. I am anxious for the weekend so I can recharge and unwind. Your thoughts on really commiting to the gym is so encouraging. I need to look at my works out that way as well!

Taylor |


Love posts like this! 🙂 I am in the process of downloading IOS 11 now… thanks for the info! Also, that fro yo looks delish. I hope the rest of your week is looking up!



Disconnecting is so important on the weekend! Enjoy it to its full potential! This allows for a huge debriefing of your mind to get ready for work and tackle Monday like a champ.

Marina |


I have so many weeks when I can’t remember what day it is for the life of me! And ugh, frozen yogurt is my absolute favorite…definitely dangerous that you’re so close! I’m always reluctant to update my phone for some reason, but IOS 11 sounds totally worth it!


It has totally been an off week! Glad to hear that I’m not the only one feeling it! I’m downloading the new iOS11 now thanks to you!
I’m relatively new to the blog and I LOVE it! Look forward to your posts each day!


I really enjoy random thoughts posts like this. Please do more! Would also love to see more double post days.

Nicole @ Laughing My Abs Off

Love this post! You just inspired me to update my phone, and I also definitely want to implement that no phone rule on weekends. It’s incredible how good it feels when you don’t touch your phone for a whole day.

Anne Fitzpatrick

Hi Carly-
This may seem like a personal question, but would you mind posting your stats? Height, weight, body fat, etc.
You’ve said you’re a size 0 and I have a similar build to yours sometimes I don’t know if things will look the same on me as they do on you. Thanks!
