
Summer Reading

Need some recommendations for summer reading? I’ve been getting back in the habit of reading and loving it. I finished Wild and definitely recommend it and worked my way through two more books. Both. Amazing. The reads couldn’t be more different, but they should both make your summer reading list!
I was really hesitant to read Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? because it’s normally not my kind of book. I’ve only seen a handful of episodes of The Office and hadn’t watched Mindy’s show. But I have to say, I may just be Mindy Kaling’s biggest fan now. Seriously. She’s my spirit animal for sure. This book is so funny. I had, literally, laugh out moments while reading. (Which is very awkward when you’re sitting in restaurants, on the subway, or in a Starbucks.)
If you have the time, you can get through this in one sitting.
The Opposite of Loneliness is a really beautiful read. Different than what you’d expect though. It’s a compilation of short stories and essays written by Marina Keegan. Marina was killed in a car accident just days after graduating from Yale. Let me just say, I was crying reading the preface by her professor and mentor. Marina is definitely a talented writer, but in a relatable way. She was only 22 when she died and her writing captures the angst, the hopes, the fears most of our generation is facing. There are essays that make you feel like you’ve been friends with Marina since childhood and there are essays that eerily foreshadow leaving a legacy. I love that the book isn’t stuffy, it’s not trying too hard… it’s simply lovely.
What books are topping your summer reading list? Have you read either of these two?

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Makeshift Munch

i've gotten back into reading lately and it reminded me how much I love it! thanks for the suggestions, these look amazing!

Rachel @

Dani Fairbairn

The Opposite of Loneliness has been on my reading list for a while now, I just haven't been able to to get to it yet. I especially want to read it more than ever now that I am 22 which is the same age she was. Glad to know that it was enjoyable and that i'm not going to be disappointed.

The Postcard Journals


I'm actually reading Mindy's book right now! I really want to read 'The Opposite of Loneliness' so that'll be next (but I'm actually not allowing myself to buy any more books until I take care of the ones I've already bought: Thrive & I Am Malala).

Happy Reading!!


haley hoewt

2 of my favorites from this summer:
-Gone with the Wind (a cliche-read, but beautiful)
-Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World that Can't Stop Talking
(The latter was an incredible take on how introverts can pursue the perceived-oxymoron of "quiet leadership"– from the perspective of a Harvard Law graduate using real-world anecdotes and well-researched facts/snippets.)

Jane Reggievia

Wow, the second book definitely on my list. I finished Safe Haven last month (and its really a beautifulll story!), and I am reading "Eleanor & Park" right now. Thank you very much for your recommendation (:



Thanks for sharing this. The book by Marina Keegan has been on my to-read-list for a while already, I have read such great reviews about it before. After reading Sloane Crosleys books I figured that Mindy Kaling will also be worth reading, as you now confirmed in this post haha!


Summer reading is the best! I love finding a spot in the sun or in the shade and something cool to drink and getting a few pages or chapters in!

The Opposite of Loneliness sounds really interesting! Was it published after Marina passed away or was she in on getting it published?

I'm reading Jackie Robinson's autobiography "I Never Had It Made" and a YA book called "Summer of the Gypsy Moths" by Sara Pennypacker (it's set on Cape Cod so that's what caught my eye).

Tory Banknell

I finished Mindy's book on the heels of Tina Fey's Bossypants and felt that it fell a little short to Tina's comedic genius. If you enjoyed Mindy's book, you'll love Tina's! I was doubled over in laughter.

After seeing your Instagram I googled Marina's book, I remembered reading her essay last year and was instantly sold on her anthology. That final essay was so amazing and poignant that it will definitely stay with me.

Chloe Logan

I literally just started Wild today, it's really good so far! I'm trying to get more into classics (one of my 101 in 1001s is to read 10 "classic" books), so this summer I've already read Jane Eyre and The Picture of Dorian Gray. Up next is The Osama Bin Laden Files…you could say that I have an eclectic taste in literature! 🙂

Chloe | Wanderlust in the Midwest


i absolutely loved mindy kaling's book! and the opposite of loneliness is going on my to-read list right now. it sounds amazing, i'm gonna see if i can get a copy today!
xo, cheyenne

Katherine Carroll

I read Keegan's book this past spring and absolutely loved her memoir pieces because they were so relatable. I remember reading her first piece in the book, The Opposite of Loniless, and I just fell instantly in love. Definately a must read!


I loved Mindy's book! I've just finished reading Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn. I really enjoyed it, but the ending did not sit well with me at all!


I enjoyed both of these as well! If you haven't read Sloane Crosley's two essay collections (I Was Told There'd Be Cake and How Did You Get This Number?), I would highly recommend. Lots of funny stories about being a twenty something in NYC.
