
Everybody Rise

Last month, I had the privilege to meet the author of Everybody Rise. A group of us were invited to a fun afternoon of DryBar followed by tea at the Plaza where we had the opportunity to ask questions and learn a bit more about the book! I’ve met a few authors in the past…


Three Book Suggestions

I blew threw three books last week– special thanks to long commutes and a vacation for that! In college I used to read at least a book a week and I miss that steady pace. I miss meeting new characters every week and being able to transport myself somewhere new. It was nice to have…


Oh goodness gracious.

I have a slight obsession with grammar and have been known to send textbooks letters explaining what they said or did was wrong.  Oddly, I’m not really that great about my own grammar and I NEVER re-read my own posts because most of the time I’m in a time crunch.  There have been incidents, however,…