Thank You Cards

While the holiday season isn’t about gifts and presents, making your appreciation known definitely is. Thank you notes for gifts should be sent promptly!!!
With the year winding down, this is also a good idea to send notes to people who have positively impacted your year! Professors and teachers, family friends, coworkers, best friends…. maybe even a “stranger” or two (like the waiter at your favorite café who always upgrades your drink order).
Handwritten notes are obviously the best choice. I like to take photos of addresses on shipping boxes with my iPhone and that way I always have them with me. (I’m so not the kind of person to remember to update actual address books!) Nowadays finding addresses is pretty simple. And if you really can’t hunt it down, sending a note to their place of work will do.
PS Check out this Office Hours with Jorie Schlonik on holiday cards, thank you notes, and other followup tips.

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Paige Ladisic

I need to stock up on thank you cards! When it comes to stationary, I've found that Barnes and Noble has some of the cutest options when you need a quick fix — and they're bargains, too!
