
The Lost Art of Letters

I have a box of letters that I keep under my desk. Some of my favorite notes are from Maxie! She’s always the sweetest and so thoughtful and genuine in her notes. And while I love stationery, I should be way better about actually taking the time to write and send notes! (There’s only so much Snapchats and Gchats can do!) Maxie’s tips are really great and I’m taking note (hehe, pun intended).
I’m currently staring at about 17 tabs on my browser. I’m gchatting galpals from three different email accounts… And don’t even get me started on how many emails are in my inbox. But just past the bright light of my laptop screen sits three boxes of greeting cards, my wax and monogram seal, and my old fashioned fountain pen given to me by my father.
I’m in a love affair with a lost art. One that I hope together we can bring back.
Growing up, my mother would sit me down at the coffee table, not allowing me to get up until every one of my thank you cards was written, addressed, and sent to everyone who gave me a birthday gift. My respect for the handwritten note started early, but it morphed into a love for communicating via snail mail.
I want you to think about the last time you ripped open a bright envelope to find an unexpected note from someone you love inside. Whether it was a family member, a friend or a lover, that joy of having their handwriting right there in your hands is irreplaceable. Something about that note, that card, that letter, communicated love and care simply in its presence. Note how you felt… Wouldn’t it be amazing to help others feel the same?
Getting into the joy of letter writing isn’t as old fashioned or difficult as you may think. With a few of my favorite tricks, you’ll be bringing back this beautiful art without much effort at all:
Every woman should have…
A box of really beautiful thank you’s on your desk. With a note ready to be written, you don’t have to make an extra trip before you can write your best friends to thank them for an amazing girls night. Or wait more than a few days to thank your neighbor for lending you an extra hand. The cards are right there in your face reminding you to write and send that note.
Walk into a card store as often as you do a Starbucks…
Card shops are hands down the best hidden gems of any city. And you should go into them even if you don’t need anything. Browse the funny, the beautiful, the comedic notes and buy one that makes you think of someone. Having cards that you adore and seem like the perfect fit for that special someone will prompt you to actually write and send it. Trust me.
Keep stamps on hand
How many of you write cards and then never send them? I know I know. I’ve done that before too but more often than not it’s because you don’t have a stamp. And who wants to go to the post office? Here’s a little secret from a stamp-a-holic (I once got teary eyed when all the post office had was pine cone stamps for my sparkly valentine cards)…Your local supermarket or ATM also carry stamps. Buy a $10 packet and keep it in your wallet. That way when you find the perfect letter or postcard, you can write send and deliver without having to wait. Do it in the moment and you’ll actually get that letter out the door.
Minimize your barrier to access and actually have people’s addresses. Or at least the addy’s of your favorite people. (Check out my letter writing faves, which includes an address gatherer). When you get their addresses put it into their contact on your phone just like you would their cell. Having their mailing address on hand is going to make you entire letter writing process less cumbersome.
Pick up your pen and write a letter to someone won’t you? Maybe it’s the love letter you meant to send. Maybe it’s the thank you that friend really needs to hear. Maybe it’s a goofy note that will bring a smile to his face. This is an art, a language, a gift of love that you can rediscover, and with it you’re sure to find a joy of your own.

Say Hello

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I love this! I'm still writing to a pen pal that I met almost 6 years ago! We haven't seen each other since but we're still sending snail mail and keeping each other updated on our lives!


Love this! I got a gorgeous set of monogrammed stationary for my birthday and it will definitely come in handy when job hunting and sending out graduation thank you notes. 🙂


I agree! I want to be the type of person who sends notes and cards. It is becoming such a lost art. Emails don't take any preparation and we write them almost without thought and it shows.


I LOVE handwritten notes/letters and am still a huge proponent of snail mail. What's better than receiving a letter? An email certainly doesn't compare… Do you have any recommendations for card stores (preferably in the UES)?



Great post! I love a good old-fashioned hand written note, too. I am just as delighted to send one as I am to receive one 🙂


Lauren Rose

Writing letters is still something I love to do. Thank you for posting this – I think some people forget how much something handwritten means!

Shelby Foster

Another great Maxie Monday! I make sure to always send thank-you notes, and I tryy to get birthday cards out too. It's such an easy way to make someone's day.

Emily Rizer

I love writing letters. I'm in a long distance relationship and we send letters about twice a week.They have so much more heart than a text message and even a phone call. There really is nothing better than snail mail and a great collection of stationary!

– Emily

Dana Kay

I absolutely adore this post. One of my New Years resolutions is to write more letters to friends and family, and I haven't been doing so well. This post has motivated me, thanks so much for sharing!
Dana Kay


I've been reading about Katharine Graham's life recently, and it's crazy how much of her story has been pieced together by letters she wrote and received. Such a lost art that's definitely worth bringing back!


I am also a HUGE fan of postcards. Every time I go somewhere, I get a postcard and send it to a close friend or sorority sister or family member. And if someone I love is away, I send them a silly one of my campus or my city. It's a small (and price efficient way) to say "I'm thinking of you."
