I thought that this would be a fun little post. Sometimes the greatest things in life are the little, random things. If you want… please do share your own little fun facts in a comment– I’d love to get to know a bit more about you too!
ONE // I can’t fall asleep if my closet doors are open.
TWO // No one can make a better grilled cheese sandwich than I.
THREE // If I could, I would take a three-hour nap every single afternoon.
FOUR // I obsess over things and once I have a vision or a mission… I can’t stop until it’s done!
FIVE // When I walk in the city, I avoid having to ever stop so I avoid turn to avoid the “red hand” signals!
SIX // The first thing I do when I get up is make my bed.
SEVEN // I used to need complete silence to work and now I always need music in the background.
EIGHT // You’ll never find me without Bandaids, a book, chapstick, and postage stamps.
NINE // I was eighteen when I had my first kiss. #latebloomer
TEN // Favorite thing about my body: Eye color. Least favorite thing: My fiveforehead.
ELEVEN // I need my nails painted at all times (chip-free), but I’m not a fan of nail art.
TWELVE // My poor mother… I was over ten pounds when I was born!
THIRTEEN // I’ve never broken a bone!
FOURTEEN // I have a pair of “mom jeans” and I wear them all the time when I work from home!
FIFTEEN // The only two concerts I’ve ever gone to: Back Street Boys and High School Musical. (ha)
SIXTEEN // I lost my math league team first place at a tournament when I misread a question during the “speed” round. (I thought that the exclamation point at the end of the problem was punctuation, not a factorial symbol. To this day, I have a recurring nightmare about that.)
SEVENTEEN // At one point, I had four front teeth because my adult ones grew in before the baby ones fell out.
EIGHTEEN // On that note, I’m terrified of the dentist. Absolutely terrified.
NINETEEN // I love love notes. Short, long, cute, funny, sweet, sad, romantic…
TWENTY // Every year growing up, I would try to change my handwriting to make it better… Still hate it!
i always love post like these! very interesting to learn more about a blogger 🙂
I hate red lights in the city too! I thought I was a big baby at 8 pounds LOL. Also I have a fivehead too! Haha. Also I hate the dentist so much whenever I go to a new dentist they just know I hate them with my facial expression. Once even said you look upset..
so many similarities!!
I am the same way as you with my handwriting! One day, it will get better…
I love posts like these! always great to get to know people better!
My little fact: I know American sign language!
Thanks for sharing,
Amy | http://xchampagnepearls.blogspot.com/
I love your handwriting, Carly! But I am the same way with my handwriting. I practically change it day to day… my teachers must hate me! 🙂
What a cute post – I love getting to know my favourite bloggers and readers. Here's a little about me:
Oh! I LOVE Friday Night Lights too!!
Number 4 & 19 are so me!
Number 20 in fact as well, I'm like 20years old & still don't have a signature , I just write my name haha ! xo Lyn
I must ask why band-aids? Do you need them often?
I tend to wear shoes that gives me blisters… and I'm always with friends who wear equally painful shoes. I'm like the mom of the group 😉
This is so cute, I've never broken a bone either!!
I completely agree with you on 11! I hate hate hate chipped/naked nails!
What fun facts! I haven't broken a bone either, and I also have a strong resentment towards the dentist. This was really fun to read! Thanks for posting it!
Constance || Prep Northwest
Thanks for this post…. I love to read funfacts about other people and I also can't sleep when my closet doors are open ;o)
want the recipe of cheese grilled sandwich plz ☺
It's really just bread + cheese + butter… but it's all about the heat and letting the bread and cheese take its time to toast and melt!
i totally related to the first dot point hahah
I always have to close the door of my closet, I do fall asleep after lunch way too often, obsess with making sure my goal are successful (like moving to America, dreaming of it since I was 10 and I will get there no matter how long it takes) I never had cash on me I always use my card which is very annoying when I am in NYC on holiday lol
Extra little things about me over here : http://sylviadennis.blogspot.co.uk/p/about_7.html
Xo Sylvia
(I buy too many sweaters too!!)
I have such a big pile and the worst is that some of them look so alike 😉
I have lived in 3 different continents and regularly confuse American and English spelling.
I was the opposite of you for point 10, I was born 6 weeks early and only weighed 3 pounds!
So jealous that you have lived on three continents– that's so cool!
Omg! Tiny baby!!
I love this, think it's such a nice idea. What a good way of letting your followers know a little bit more about you. I have lots of these in common with you, never broken a bone either, it's my worst nightmare xx
cute post! I cannot fall asleep with my closet doors open either! I thought I was the only one! haha
I love posts like these! It's so great to get to know people on a more personable level even if it's just through reading their blog
Here a few facts about me:
I have to have complete silence to get any work done..that means nobody talking to me & no music what so ever! I have never figured out how people can have background noise..I guess it's just a pet peeve of mine 😉
I feel naked without a watch on
I am most productive early in the morning (between 6am & 10am)
Oh! I'm most productive in the morning too!
My nails always have to be painted too! I can't stand them when they're chipped.
oh my gosh I thought I was the only one who felt that way about closets! Hahaha all my sorority sisters used to laugh at me 🙂
I can attest to this one:
FOUR // I obsess over things and once I have a vision or a mission… I can't stop until it's done!
I love posts like this! A couple little facts about me are 1) I can't sleep without a sleep mask 2) I wash my feet every night before I go to bed or I wear socks 3) I check my email incandescently!
Prep on a Budget
Oh, you and Kenz would get along swimmingly… she wears fask masks to sleep too!
Have you had any success with improving your handwriting? Mine is terrible and I am always looking to improve it. Thanks!
Sadly, no. I don't write nearly as much as I did in school (everything's on my phone or computer now!) so I swear it's gotten worse! rawr!
Such a great post! One of my little weird habits is that I always step out of the shower with my right foot first. Please do more posts like this one!
xo, Kira
ha! too funny!
You should make a post about how to make the best grilled cheese!
I'm the same way with my hand writing! I think that handwritten things can be absolutely beautiful, but mine always turns out embarrassing.
I'm the same way when I get an idea (#4), especially if it's about something that I need to get or go do! It'll keep me up at night until it gets done.
Getting to know the person behind the blog is always nice, thanks for doing a post like this! 🙂
The Polished Hippie
I share number one with you. Open closest during the day are annoying, but not an obstacle, but at night, I have to have them shut. I even get out of my nice warm bed if I look over and see it slightly ajar…
An East Coast Classic
Love this! Just out of curiosity – what makes your grilled cheese sandwiches so good? 😉
gotta love BSB and HSM in concert — totally seen both and not guilty about it:)
I need music to work too and same with the closet! This post was so quirky and adorable!!:)
Kat l Ivy & Cedar
Love these fun little facts Carly! Now I am craving a grilled cheese sandwich on challah bread!
My brother had the same 4 front teeth situation except his adult teeth grew in when he was 2 years old…eek!
Omg, I'm glad to see someone else is terrified of the dentist too! I had to go last week and I'm still getting made fun of for being a baby… to quote one of my friends "aren't you supposed to get over being scared of the dentist when you're five?" …um no.
Also I have a thing about the volume, I have to have the volume on the TV and radio an even number or an increment of five (4 and 14 don't count though because they're too close to 5 and 15…).
I entirely understand the needing your nails painted at all times! I'm the same way. Without polish my nails just feel naked
Reading these I was thinking to myself these could all be about me! Especially the fear of the dentist and the handwriting one! I change my handwriting constantly, even when I'm writing a paper it changes from the beginning to the end!
I always love when people post facts about themselves! The teeth thing must be common because almost 3/4 of my adult teeth grew in while I still had my baby ones and they weren't budging any time soon. My big teeth were so determined to grow in, they would push all the babies in weird directions causing them to fall out in tiny tiny pieces over a few weeks time. I do not miss that!
I love this tag! It's great learning more about you!
Awww this is such a fun post, now I want to do one! One fact about me is I HATE elevators. Even if I worked on the top floor of a building I would still take the stairs.
Love this! You inspired me to make my own list on my blog 🙂
1. I always have a medicine bag on me (has everything from bandaids, to Advil, gravel to purell, gas-x to cold and sinus medication) because you never know when you or a friend will feel sick.
2. I have to clean my teeth twice in a row before I go to bed.
3. I carry my wallet with me when I'm transferring trains so I know I won't be pick-pocketed (although logically it would be easier for someone to grab it from my hand and run than from my bag).
Love your post, and don't worry about being 18 before your first kiss. I'm 20 and still haven't kissed anyone (on that note, if you know any guys in Toronto, please send them my way 😉 ).
o i really love a good nap 🙂 xo jillian – cornflake dreams
Ahh! I loved all your little facts. The nail polish one was dead on about me. I think nail art is slightly tacky on me. 🙁
Some facts about me are:
1. I don't know how to ride a bike.
2. It has to be completely dark for me to get a good nights rest.
3. I dream about being a wife and mother on the daily. (This may sound slightly creepy.)
4. I want to love the entire world and have it love me back.
5. I have a bad habit of checking social media and emails before I get out of the bed.
I love learning more about my favorite bloggers and these are such fun facts! Now you make me want to write a post like this! I too cannot sleep if my closet door is open, I also have to sleep facing the door to my room… I don't know why! I also would love it if I had the time for a nap everyday! And not only do I hate dentists, but all doctors! My heart starts pounding and my blood pressure rises every time I step into a doctors office!
Ugh, I feel ya on the fivehead… If it's any consolation, I never would have pegged you as someone with a large forehead- at least you can wear your hair without bangs and still look pretty! I can't imagine not having bangs, ever, minus workouts, so I'm jealous!
Oh these are always fun! It's good to learn about little quirks that don't translate through blogging.
I was a late bloomer as well…got my first kiss my freshman year of college! I cannot sleep without at least 4 pillows arranged *just so*. I refuse to eat anything with a squishy texture (bananas, avocados, yogurt…).
Carly, just wondering what red nail polish you're wearing in the above picture? I love it! My guess is an Essie color. Thanks! -Jen Naus
Loved this post. Especially the teeth thing! Glad to know that I wasn't the only one with dental disasters. I had extra front teeth too…except mine were permanent! My family fondly called them my "vampire teeth." I only have 24 teeth now. My dentist had to pull a bunch of perfectly healthy ones so I wouldn't have a crowded, jacked up smile. 😀
I love learning random facts! I carry around Bandaids too…it never fails that someone will need one. Always the mom of the group:) My random fact…I am obsessed with iPhone cases. I can't stop buying them!
When I lived on the upper east side #5 was how I avoided lights!! I was born 7 days late and weighed in at 11lbs 4 oz.
Ooooh, so fun to read!
My boyfriend thinks I am nuts about not being able to sleep if the closet doors are open. Whatever, there are monsters in there.
That's too funny–I had my adult teeth grow in behind my two front abby teeth and everyone called me a shark because of it! Hahahaha
Why can't adults have scheduled nap times, too? I'm a pediatric occupational therapist and sometimes I go see the kiddos at their preschools. They always have nap times…and I always want to join them…it's just not fair! 🙂
I thought I was the only one who couldn't sleep if the closet door was open! My fivehead and I support you 😉
Love it! It's funny but my purse essentials are band-aids and pain reliever (migraines suck!), sewing kit and a mini-screw driver. They proved necessary when I had to fix a podium while sewing a button prior to a press conference.
This was fun to learn more about you! Lots of similarities…definitely love afternoon naps and I too cannot sleep with my closet doors open! The only thing that I think I differed on from you was that I have broken a bone, which totally sucked! If you want to learn more about me too, check out my 10 quick facts: http://www.misssophisticate.com/about-me
So fun!! You inspired me to do a 20 little things too!