VIDEO | I’m answering your questions!

So excited that I finally filmed another video. I actually filmed two recently, so there’s another one on its way soon. This is a great example of how to pitch yourself for something. I get emails frequently asking to intern for me or saying that they generically want to help somehow. The problem is that I don’t know how exactly we could work together in a mutually beneficial way! Jenny emailed me saying she was a student at Elon and living in NYC for the summer… and that she would love to help me film videos. It might have been a little bit of good timing, but a week before, I had decided to seriously commit to more video content.

We emailed a couple of times about timing and the types of video to film… and then we planned and scheduled and executed! Plus, it’s a lot of fun to work with someone when they’re passionate about it. The experience was awesome for me because Jenny was a pro with the camera, microphone, and lighting.

Anyway, I asked for a bunch of questions on social media and there were so many amazing ones that I couldn’t answer them all on film. (I do answer a few more below the video if you want to know more!) Thank you to everyone who asked something!

Video shot and edited by Jenny Sekulow 

I’m thinking that in the future, it might be best to just focus on one question and go a bit deeper… so if I hear that a lot of you want to know something specifically in detail, definitely ask! The more people that ask, the better the chances are that I’ll film my response (or write about it, you never know!).

How did you expand your blog from the beginning to now?

It was super slow and definitely didn’t happen overnight. I think a few factors came into play: I started blogging early in the game, I spent time connecting with readers and other bloggers thoughtfully, and I wrote consistently/frequently.

If you could live anywhere else in the world for a year, where would it be?

Paris! Have I ever actually been there? Nope… but I still think it would be amazing.

Do you ever see yourself doing anything besides what you’re doing now?

Kind of a tricky question… In a way, absolutely. In another way, definitely no. I think if I look at the specific things that I do on a daily basis, I would say no. But if you look at what I’m doing, then yes. That is, I think I’ll always be writing, helping girls, somehow involved with fashion/style. There’s this thing called myopia in the business world where companies get wrapped up in the wrong thing (examples: trains sell transportation; Kodak wasn’t selling film, they were selling memories; hammers are for making holes not for hammering). I don’t think “blogging” is long-term… but the things I’m doing, yes! There’s longevity, it’s just a matter of adapting with the times!

What do you miss most about college?

I miss a few things, but I definitely miss being forced to learn things I might not necessarily be interested in. I try to make myself read different things so I don’t stop learning!

What type of camera do you use?

If I’m taking the photos, 99% of the time it’s with my iPhone. The other 1% is with a Nikon D40 (a camera I’ve had since high school!).

How do you stay motivated?

PRIORITIZATION. If you prioritize correctly, you’ll always be motivated. I also love what I do and it’s so much easier to want to do something when you love it. Are there parts of my life that I don’t enjoy? Absolutely. But I focus on why they’re important in reaching a specific goal instead of why I hate what I have to do.

What music do you like to listen to?

I almost always have Pandora or Spotify on. Stations I like: Vampire Weekend, Adele, Jai Ho radio.

What is your favorite season and why?

A year ago and anytime before that I would have said fall hands down. After that last winter, however, I’m all about the endless summer. Fall in my mind now means winter is coming… no thank you!

Advice for people who want to live in a big city far away from home!

Do it. It’s all about that leap of faith. There’s nothing scarier than moving away from your family, but in my case, I personally think it made me grow so much. It was terribly hard at the beginning and I definitely still miss them… but I’m figuring out who I am in such a major way on my own.

How do you make money from blogging?

Sponsored content, affiliate links, ads based on pageviews, hosting events, consulting, brand collaborations, speaking engagements… I think that’s it!

How tall are you?

Taller than 5’5″, not quite 5’6″. (I also have terrible posture… so I appear shorter than I actually am whoops.)

How do you feel when others tell you they look up to you or you have inspired them?

This is such a good question. It’s actually something I kind of struggle with. On one hand, I find it extremely flattering. There are women in my life that I look up to greatly. So in that regard, it’s nice to know that people think of me in the same light. (I basically turn into a walking heart eye emoji when I’m with my role models and the women who inspire me!) On the other hand, I sometimes feel a lot of pressure from it. At the end of the day, I’m always myself through and through, but what I publish online is pretty edited. I share a lot, but it’s all from a certain perspective. Do I do normal things that girls in their mid-twenties do? Yes, I just don’t share those elements online. With such a young audience, I feel really responsible for the types of messages I send out. (For example… alcohol. I really don’t drink a lot. Maybe once a month, I’ll have a glass of champagne at an event or a margarita at dinner, but I don’t want to promote a lifestyle that’s alcohol-based when most– about 70%– of my audience is under 21.) In a way, it’s a good thing because I take care and caution about how I represent myself online, but there is a pressure of always wanting to be a good role model.

What are some staple pieces in your wardrobe that you have splurged on and haven’t regretted? And any that you have regretted?

Hands down, the best thing I own (which, in full disclosure was a birthday present when I was in college) are my Tory Burch riding boots. I’ve had them for almost five years and I can’t even imagine how many times they’ve been worn over the years. I imagine the cost/use is in the pennies. Absolutely worth the splurge and I swear they’ve gotten better over the years. As for what I regret, it’s not necessarily one thing, but more so when I buy something, like a dress, for one specific event. I rarely can find a place to wear it again. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve been better about buying clothes that I love that can turn into go-to outfits… instead of buying an outfit with an event in mind. I have some shoes that only go with one random dress or a pair of pants that only look great with the one sweater I bought at the same time. No bueno.

How much stuff is too much monogrammed stuff?

The limit does not exist. (Although, I do think some things should be left without a monogram and I do think there’s a such thing as a monogram that’s too big.)

What would you say to your teenage self?

Actually do the reading assignments, pay more attention in AP Chemistry, don’t stress out about college, moisturize every morning/night, do not think/worry about high school boys at all ever, don’t go to prom if you don’t want to go, appreciate home more!

Phew! Covered a lot there I think!

It’s hard to answer some of these without going into depth… So let me know if you want to know something else or more of something I said.

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Love this! A major throwback to when you used to make some videos! I definitely miss those and you should do some more. Maybe another apartment tour after all your new renovations?

Annie Belle


Hi Carly! I absolutely LOVED this post! It felt like we were really getting to know a bit more about you and they were all such good questions! I actually tabbed this post for future reference and to go back to when I need a bit of inspiration! Your part about the walking heart eye emoji was so spot on because I am the exact same way! I definitely got that way when I got to meet you! Anyways, thanks for such a great post and for always being authentic and true to yourself because it reminds me that it's ok to stand out from the crowd!


Makeshift Munch

I love hearing you answer questions, honestly because I'm a teeny bit nosy! It's great to see someone like yourself that's accomplished so much be so down to earth and willing to answer tons of questions from readers! Wishing you the best Carly xx

Makeshift Munch

Jena Ernsting

Thank you so much for sharing your answers. I recently started a blog, after being inspired by yours. It is nice to know how you are yourself, but you still edit, as to not put too much of yourself online. Knowing a fan base is not established overnight is also reassuring.

Jena Ernsting

Alexandra Aimee

How fun! I read your blog all the time and this is the first time I've ever heard your voice! Crazy!! Even more crazy, it sounds exactly like I thought it would… And I love this feature. Great questions!

— Alex at Cashmere Kangaroo

Gigi @ Dolce and Gabriella

I love that you collaborated with a reader for the video–it's great that you're interacting with your audience and blogging community to make even better content! Your answers were really sweet and informative, too. I just did a post that was a "get to know me" type thing, and someone commented that they love reading posts like that because it reminds them what blogging is all about–connecting with an individual instead of getting information from a big, anonymous machine. Keep sharing that awesome personal voice–your readers love it!

Love, Gigi
Dolce and Gabriella

Sara Chuirazzi

Thanks for this, Carly! You consistently inspire me with your grace and humility in dealing with tough topics and maintaining such a positive public image. One fun little question, how did you meet Mackenzie?!

Ashley Napier

Thanks for doing this Carly! So fun to see you answer all of these questions (and to see Teddy, of course).

I would love it if you could do a post or video more in depth about the challenges and opportunities of moving to a brand new city after graduating from college. I know that's a big stress for lots of people! I graduated in May and ended up staying to work full-time at my college, but I imagine that within two years I'll be somewhere completely new. It's definitely nerve-wracking!



loved this post and getting to know a little bit more about you! I also agree with Gigi that its so cool that you collaborated with a reader to film this. I will definitely be watching your next video!

Kylie Mavrakis

First of all, you're adorable and I'm now obsessed with chambray with bright pink. Second, I think what you said about authenticity is totally true. Things in the blog world can get really unauthentic and you can't make friendships based on that!

Cant wait to watch your next video!

Taylor Hoffman

Aww I loved this!! It is so exciting to hear about my favorite bloggers life…is that weird? When I first started blogging I found a handful of blogs (which has now become a very large reading list) that I would read everyday, it's almost as if you are a blogging celebrity, so I get really excited when you share a little more about your life! So fun and interesting! Thanks for sharing and answering our questions!

xo, Taylor

P.S Teddy is absolutely adorable!!!

Caitlin Cooper

I love your videos like these! It's kind of neat to hear your voice vs. your "blogging" voice, too. Definitely do more in the future if you can! (I'm excited to see the 2nd one you filmed!)

Jenn Cramer

You covered so many question in such a short post! I can't believe that your favorite Disney movie is Zenon Girl of the 21st Century! I remember staying up late at my cousins house to watch the new Zenon Z3 when I was younger! Why can't they show those movies more again!

Mana Smith

Omg I remember Zenon, it was my absolute favorite movie when it came out, but my favorite one now is the one with the girls that looked liked twins but one was normal and one was famous. And Teddy is absolutely adorable!
Fashion and Happy Things

Stephanie Bartolome

Love that you made a video! Your answer on motivation is on point. I remember one of your posts a few years ago where you said it's not about motivation (in the sense of feeling the moment), it's about getting things done. And when you find something to love about it, it's so much easier. That idea has really stuck with me since then, so thank you!

Stephanie Bartolomé
Anchored State

Leda Olia

The video turned out so great! Not that your selfie-cam vlogs weren't fabulous. It's always a plus to meet people who have useful skills! Also, watching your videos and hearing you speak reminds us all that you're a real person, with real feelings, and a real personality. Sometimes we get caught up in the "image" of someone and forget that they're just like us! Thanks so much for doing this 🙂

alaina shea

Love the questions – it was great to get to know you more!
I would love to know where your favorite vacation was, how you drink your coffee, and a favorite quote. 🙂

Zoe Diaz-McLeese

I love my iPhone, but I feel like my pictures are always grainy! I really hope that TCP stays for a while, it's definitely a blog that I follow religiously, and I love to see your success with it! Thanks for sharing a bit more about your life, and answering all of our questions.

La Vie en Zoe


Haha I totally laughed when I read "The limit does not exist"(about owning monogramed things). A line straight out of Mean Girls! 🙂

Jessica Dugan

Great post Carly! I loved hearing all your answers to the questions…it was just a great way to get to know you better! And the fact that you made a video is so cool! You should definitely make more…I know a lot of us readers would want to watch!

katie // a touch of teal

Great video! I just started a blog in the spring, and love hearing all your tips for bloggers. More so than the video though, I like how you pointed out in the blurb beforehand that you should always partner with people where the relationship is mutually beneficial. I think this is something a lot of people, especially people starting out, fail to remember. I'd even love to see a post about how you choose partnerships and your advice for bloggers around media kits and navigating collaborations.

xo, katie
