

2013 has been a little bit of a rough year. Nothing ridiculously terrible or life-changing… just off.  The superstitious side of me is convinced that this offness is because the number 13 is just terribly odd. (For the record, there is odd… and then there is terribly odd.)
I rang in the new year with optimism and excitement. My first full year in Manhattan! What potential it seemed it have. Maybe I was a little bit too starry-eyed and maybe I was a little bit too bubblied. Within 48 hours, I was swept up into what would soon be a dramatic something. (Why are these types of things so hard to define nowadays?) And while that was going on (and up and down and up and down again), everything else seemed to be unravelling quite a bit as well.
Then the waters were calm and even smooth for a bit.
And then another storm. Of course. I feel like I was pretty much expecting it given my track record for the year, which definitely exasperated the situation to begin with. Why did I do this to myself?
The truth is that every day, I’d rather just stay within the confines of safety. My comfort zone, admittedly, is not very large at all. I joke with the girls that I work with that I have to seriously pep-talk myself every morning just to leave my apartment.
A couple of weeks ago, someone emailed me a Ted Talk to watch. I starred it in my inbox and promised myself that I would watch it when I had time. Then, I saw on Post Secret the same Ted Talk. I was about to paint my nails, so I watched it while they dried.
I hardly believe in coincidences… I think this Ted Talk showed up on my radar right when I needed it the most. I think you should watch it too!!!
What are your favorite Ted talks?


PS Another this is another one of my favorite Ted talks. I can watch it for the rest of my life and still feel inspired.
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I just got laid off, two months after my best friend of six years literally dumped me. 2013 has been terrible.

lillies & lattes

after you posted about the book "the untethered soul" i went right to B&N to buy it myself… and Brene Brown's "Gifts of Imperfection" is also on my nightstand! I listened to her speak on the NPR podcast "On Being" and this phrase "your worth is not based on your productivity" stopped me in my tracks. Now, I just need to figure out who I am — thanks for sharing your journey because it has inspired me!


This year has definitely been a rough one. I feel like the hits just keep on coming! I can only hope that the second part of the year will perk up. Oh, I love so many TED Talks that I don't even know which one is my favorite. I love Salaman Kahn's talk and the one that Madison mentioned above!


That sounds so tough. But you're putting yourself out there which is amazing – and yes, vulnerability is a strength you must learn to cherish. And don't forget you have us! xxx


I first saw this TED talk at my school's campus leaders conference and was blown away as much then as I am after watching multiple times since. I think she has a gift for putting words to what so many people think but never say.

Daniela Ravenous

Sorry something went wrong with my previous comment. I said that it's a great video and that's exactly what I needed today, thank you for sharing.
