What a rollercoaster of a week!
LAST WEEK’S WIN: I got not really ahead of my work, but I got at least caught up! Of course by the end of the weekend, my inbox was overflowing again but it was good while it lasted. I haven’t been at a good place for a while and it made me feel like it’s possible to get back on track. I also felt like my body was healthy enough to get in solid workouts in and that was also huge.
THIS WEEK’S GOAL: Rory is turning one next month (!!) and I’m in the process of getting weaning lined up. For both boys I nursed on demand and then to wean most effectively I switched to more of a schedule so I can slowly reduce the number and length of feedings so we’re wrapped up around his first birthday. I am sort of emotional about it and also looking forward to it? Like everything, it’s bittersweet. I’m excited thinking about having my body be my own again and also I’m sad because this year has flown by!
Here’s what I wore last week:

A bonus workday for me
Sweater set (c/o)
I did a talk about social media at a local law firm
Dress (c/o)
Shoes (c/o)
Eyeglasses (c/o)
Coffee with a friend and then a work day
Sweater (c/o)
Shoes (c/o)
Love the dress you wore for your lecture!
Any chance you can speak to the sizing on the Alice Walk sweater jacket…how oversized are we talking?
I got my normal sweater size!